xOMNI MMS - concert.com.br _MMS_en.pdf · Belo Horizonte ‐ MG ‐ Brasil Phone: +55 31...

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Transcript of xOMNI MMS - concert.com.br _MMS_en.pdf · Belo Horizonte ‐ MG ‐ Brasil Phone: +55 31...


xOMNI MMSMeter Data Management (MDM) Solution

The xOMNI MMS ‐ Metering Management System was developed based on CONCERT's expertise in

supervision and control applications, and communications solutions, and on its knowledge of the electrical

segment and of automation and measurement application Control Centers in general. It is designed to meet all

the needs of the management of consumers of low, medium and high tension electrical energy. The xOMNI

MMS provides a range of tools which offer quality and efficiency in the processes of management of energy,

integrating clients and distributors.

Composed of modular and independent sub‐systems, it uses advanced technology for the acquisition of data

from different electrical energy distribution points and agents, achieving the complete centralization,

validation and analysis of the data, independently of the existing means of communication and measurement

sub‐systems. It allows for the integration of the Measurement, Operational and Planning departments with

the Corporate systems and the other systems belonging to the company.

From the functional poinAt of view, the architecture of the xOMNI MMS comprises the Measurement

Operation Centre, which acts in a wholly coordinated way with the Distribution Operation Centre and which is

integrated with the other corporate systems of the distributor.

The xOMNI MMS offers a range of functionalities capable of meeting all the needs of the Measurement

Operation Centre to facilitate the management of the measurement of consumers of electrical energy. It’s

composed of the following modules:

Central Subsystem: responsible for processing all the business rules of the system and the interface with the

end‐user. Composed of the application servers, the records and real time Data Bank Management System,

local operation stations (Desktop) and WEB stations located on the Intranet network of the concessionaire or

on the Internet.

Communications Sub‐system: responsible for communication with the

remote subsystem. It is composed of multi‐protocol servers, including the

ABNT protocols and the open DNP‐3, Modbus and IEC protocols

encapsulated in TCP/IP through four physical communication media: GSM

cellular and/or CDMA, ETHERNET, satellite and the public telephone

network. Any other protocol may be developed and easily integrated into

this sub‐system if required by the client.

SÃO PAULORua Haddock Lobo, 846 ‐ Cj. 205

Torre Alpha ‐ Jd. Paulista 01414‐000 ‐ São Paulo ‐ SPPhone: +55 11 3062‐8663

BELO HORIZONTERua Antônio de Albuquerque, 759

Funcionários ‐ 30112‐010Belo Horizonte ‐ MG ‐ BrasilPhone: +55 31 3194‐0700

Fax: +55 31 3194‐0740



Remote Sub‐system: responsible for the interface with the different energy measurers of the consumers and

the other elements of the distribution network.

The architecture of the xOMNI MMS is shown in the diagram below:

The Central Subsystem fulfills the following requirements:

Operates on a 24x7 basis.

Possesses “Hot Standby” architecture for the application servers, communications concentrator and

protocol servers

Provides WEB client and Desktop interface with users of system through Windows client stations with

Internet Explorer navigator.

Consistency of information in magnetic media using Oracle 9.1 or superior data bank.

Windows Server 2003 and/or Linux operational system.

Horizontal and vertical scalabilities

xOMNI MMS Applied to Income Recovery

The income recovery process should be addressed in a global manner involving a range of coordinated actions,

supported by working methods and automated systems which provide elements for analysis, decision‐making

and operation.

The Smart Grid concept, allied to this vision, offers new parameters for the income recovery process inasmuch

as it provides a high volume of real time data from the operation of the distribution network, as well as

mechanisms for processing this data and integrating it with corporate data.

This results in information and operational resources of the greatest relevance to the income recovery process.

The xOMNI MMS has made this vision and concept a reality and offers the following income recovery support


Telemeasurement of consumers

Energy audit

Study and monitoring of clients' consumption patterns

Possibility of remote “cutting off” and “restoration”.

These resources offer the following advantages to the income recovery


Reduction in measurement errors

Management of resources (meters, TCs and TPs)

Identification of losses through the zone feeder and transformer

Identification of possible cases of fraud on the part of the clients

Reduction of operational costs

Reactive energy charging

Approach Strategies

Within the macro income recovery process the contribution of the xOMNI

MMS may occur through specific and complementary approaches, with the

governing principle being the criterion of the increasing investment/income

recovery ratio.

Income Protection: this strategy derives from the principle that only 1 or 2%

of an energy distributor's clients are responsible for 40 to 50% of its total

income. As such, the objective is to guarantee the correct measurement and

billing of all the MT/AT clients and all the major BT clients, thus representing

the protection of 40 to 50% of the distributor's global receipts.

Energy audit: this strategy is based on the concept of real time monitoring

of the energy audit of the feeds. Through the collection of data from the

meters installed at the substation outlet, in each distribution transformer

and of the billing data of consumers provided by the Billing System, it is

possible to identify technical losses at the feeds and commercial losses in

each distribution transformer. This information is vital for the supervision

and planning of direct income recovery actions.

Telemeasurement Universalization: this approach applies to areas of high

commercial losses or where there is a policy of universalization of the

telemeasurement at the distribution point.