Www.HebronChurchOfChrist.com. “But when the prohibited months [holy months] have expired, slay...

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Transcript of Www.HebronChurchOfChrist.com. “But when the prohibited months [holy months] have expired, slay...


“But when the prohibited months [holy months] have expired,slay such polytheists wherever you find themand capture them and besiege themand lie in wait for them in every placefrom which it is possible to perceive the enemyand watch their movements” (sura 9:5)

“I will not, most certainly suffer the deedof any doer (of good) from among you…to be lost…Hence those who have emigrated,and have been driven out of their homes,and have been persecuted in My cause,and who have fought and been killed,surely I will absolve them of their evils and will, of course,admit them into Gardens served with running streams,a reward from Allah” (sura 3:195)

Islam is a serious threat▪Will not focus on the political or physical▪Our perspective: Spiritual threat

›Will not destroy the kingdom, Mt. 16:18›Will destroy souls

Islam means submission NOT peace

Mohammad founded Islam in the early 600s▪Born in 570 AD in Mecca▪Tribe of pagans that kept a sacred stone▪Claimed visit from Gabriel in 610 AD▪Preached monotheism in Mecca – persecuted▪Began to win converts

Mohammad founded Islam in the early 600s▪Fled to Medina – home of Jewish community▪Exposed as false prophet & ignorant of OT▪Fought for control of Medina; slaughtered Jews▪Continued to spread Islam by the sword▪Died in 632 AD & followers continued conquest

Muslims view Christians as idolaters▪God the Father, 1 Cor. 8:6▪God the Son, Jn. 1:1▪God the Holy Spirit, Acts 5:3, 4

Mohammad was the last, great prophet▪Moses & Jesus taught Islam – msg corrupted▪“He has revealed to you gradually this perfect Book which meets all your requirements,fulfilling that which preceded itthe Torah and the Evangel” (sura 3:3)

Contradictions in the Qur’an…Allah who created the heavens and the earthIn six aeons… sura 10:3

VS.Who created the earth in two aeons…So He ordained them seven heavens in two aeons…sura 41:9, 12

Contradictions in the Qur’an…those who follow the Jewish faith, the Christians…Whosoever believes in Allah and the Last DayAnd acts righteously shall have their reward with their Lordsura 2:26

VS.Verily, those who disbelieve from among the peopleOf the Scripture and those who associate gods with GodShall be consigned to the Fire of Gehenna…It is they who are the worst of all creatures - sura 98:6

Contradictions in the Qur’an…those who follow the Jewish faith, the Christians…Whosoever believes in Allah and the Last DayAnd acts righteously shall have their reward with their Lordsura 2:26

VS.Verily, those who disbelieve from among the peopleOf the Scripture and those who associate gods with GodShall be consigned to the Fire of Gehenna…It is they who are the worst of all creatures - sura 98:6

Salvation is a matter of meritorious works▪“Surely, the good deeds wipe out the evil ones”sura 11:114

Salvation is a matter of meritorious works▪Five pillars of Islam

›Confessing faith in Islam – sura 2:112›Ritual prayer – sura 4:103›Almsgiving – sura 2:110›Fasting in Ramadan – sura 2:183›Pilgrimage to Mecca – sura 2:196

Salvation is a matter of meritorious works▪If good deeds outweigh bad ones – Paradise

›Who can record all of his or her deeds?›How much does each deed weigh?

Death in Jihad is the sure way to Paradise“I will not, most certainly suffer the deedof any doer (of good) from among you…to be lost…Hence those who have emigrated,and have been driven out of their homes,and have been persecuted in My cause,and who have fought and been killed,surely I will absolve them of their evils and will, of course,admit them into Gardens served with running streams,a reward from Allah” (sura 3:195)

Death in Jihad is the sure way to Paradise“As for those who guarded against evilthere awaits them a triumph, orchards and vineyards;and (blooming) young maidens suiting their age,and also matching in all other respects”(sura 78:31-33)

Death in Jihad is the sure way to Paradise“’Mohammed said:“The least reward for the people of paradiseis 80,000 servants and 72 wives”’(Tirmidhi 2687)” (Islam & Jihad, 29)

Mohammad is a false prophet & Qur’an error▪New revelation, Gal. 1:6-9▪Doctrine of demons, 1 Tim. 4:1-5

›Dietary laws›Denial of Christ, 1 Jn. 2:18, 22›Rejection of apostles, 1 Jn. 4:1, 6

Salvation is by the grace of God, Titus 3:4-7▪Example: Saul of Tarsus

›Persecuted Christians, Acts 9:1›Believed, confessed, repented, Acts 9:6, 9›Baptized, Acts 9:18; 22:16

Salvation is by the grace of God, Titus 3:4-7▪Example: Jews of Pentecost

›Killed Christ, Acts 2:22, 23›Believed, Acts 2:36, 37›Repented & baptized, Acts 2:38, 41

Heaven is spiritual, not physical▪No marriage, Lk. 20:34-36▪No classes/servants, Lk. 20:34-36▪Crown of righteousness, 2 Tim. 4:6-8

Some evangelical leaders seek to cooperate:Rick Warren“I am not interested in interfaith dialogue,I am interested in interfaith projects.”

Speech to Islamic Society of North America July 4, 2009

Some evangelical leaders seek to cooperate:Rick Warren“we have to do something,about modeling what it means to live in peace,to live in harmony.”

Speech to Islamic Society of North America July 4, 2009

Some evangelical leaders seek to cooperate:Rick Warren“you can walk hand in hand without seeing eye to eye.”

Speech to Islamic Society of North America July 4, 2009

Some evangelical leaders seek to cooperate:Rick Warren“I don’t know if you have discovered this,but God likes variety….He likes diversity.”

Speech to Islamic Society of North America July 4, 2009

Some evangelical leaders seek to cooperate:Rick Warren“Now to restore civility,it means that as we try to walk down this pathway together,in the middle, not on the extremes.You know what I discovered,if you walk down the middle of the road,you get hit coming and going.”

Speech to Islamic Society of North America July 4, 2009

How would Jesus & the apostles deal with it?▪John, 1 Jn. 2:22▪Paul, Phil. 3:1-3; Acts 13:8-11▪Jesus, Mt. 7:15-20; 23:15, 33

How should we deal with Muslims & Islam?▪Not with:

›Western culture›Patriotism to the USA›Materialism or money›Watered-down gospel

How should we deal with Muslims & Islam?▪Gospel truth, Rom. 1:16▪Speak truth in love, Eph. 4:15▪Expose error, Eph. 5:11; 2 Cor. 10:3-5

Satan will continue to advance it▪Liar, Jn. 8:44▪Devours souls, 1 Pt. 5:8

Islam will be uprooted, Mt. 15:7-14▪Day of Judgment▪All false religions uprooted


Many see the error & problems with Islam,But are blind to the error of denominationalism▪Men who fly planes into buildings are warped▪What about men that teach soul-damning error regarding Jesus Christ?▪Which is more dangerous?

Islam is a physical & spiritual threat▪It will not destroy the kingdom, Mt. 16:18▪It does destroy souls▪We need to combat it with truth