Www.cast.org DE | GA | IA | LA | ME | MA | MI | MN | MO | NY | PA | UT | VT | WI The 15-state...

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Transcript of Www.cast.org DE | GA | IA | LA | ME | MA | MI | MN | MO | NY | PA | UT | VT | WI The 15-state...


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The 15-state Accessible Instructional Materials (AIM) Consortium is working to improve academic outcomes for

approximately 1.3 million K-12 students with print disabilities within the member States through the timely acquisition and delivery of high-quality educational materials in accessible

formats (audio, Braille, eText, large print).

WYNN version 5.1Two versions available:

1. WYNN Reader – Contains reading supports (simultaneous highlighting of text as it is spoken), writing, studying and internet supports.(WYNN Reader is covered in this presentation)

2. WYNN Wizard – Contains all features in Reader version PLUS OCR and scanning.


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File formats supported by WYNN:.wyn - WYNN’s own exclusive file format

.doc - Microsoft documents

.txt and .rtf - generic text and rich text files

.html - web pages and web documents

.pdf - REQUIRES WYNN Wizard

.opf - DAISY and NIMAS files


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WYNN opens text-based NIMAS and DAISY files (e.g. Bookshare books). But will not open recorded audio DAISY books (e.g. RFB&D)

Program Startup & Sign-in

Signing in: retrieves your custom audio

and text settings


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New users, type in your name and click OK Returning users, find

your name in the drop-down menu. Click OK.

Rotating color-coded Tool Bars1. Blue Tool Bar – for file management (opens

files, opens web browser, saves, prints)

2. Green Tool Bar – changes how text looks and sounds

3. Pink Tool Bar – study tools (dictionary, highlighting, adding text or recorded notes)

4. Yellow Tool Bar – writing tools (word prediction, spell check, outlining)


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Next button cycles through the 4 toolbars.

“Common buttons”(found on left side of ALL Toolbars)


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Read and Pause the narration

File List displays all of your open files

Next button moves you to the next color toolbar

Toggles between Read Only mode and Write mode

Blue toolbar (File Management )


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Switch from blue to green toolbar

Open web browser

Read / pause book

Open / Close books

Open the list of current books/files

Green toolbar (Reading Styles)


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Line and word spacing

Move one segment at a time

Set color of Background

Rate of speech

Change Text size

Common tools found in all toolbars

Pink toolbar (Study Tools)


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Common tools found in all toolbars

Highlighter tool

Add text and recorded voice notes

Set Bookmarks


Spell out word

Yellow toolbar (Writing Tools)


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Common tools found in all toolbars

Spell check

Word prediction

Go To Page

Find word

Text Options

Open a DAISY book


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Click the OPEN tool

1. In the “Files of Type” box, choose “DAISY/NIMAS Files” (.opf)

2. Browse the “Look In” window to find the book

File List tool


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You may open more than 1 book at a time. Then use the File List tool button to see a list of all books you’ve opened.

All books you’ve opened are shown in the File List window.

Close File List window

Use the File List window to open or switch from one book to another.

3 ways to move around a book1. From the Yellow toolbar, choose GoTo

In the GoTo Page dialog box, type in the page number and click Go.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl-G


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2. Use the scroll bar to move, then click on the text to place your cursor in a sentence.

3. Page up, Page down keys, and keyboard arrow keys also work.

Read a book


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1. Click once in the text to put your cursor on a word or sentence, then..

2. From the Common set of tools (found on the left side of all color toolbars), click Read.

When reading, the same button changes to look like this. Click to Pause the reading.

Close a book

When finished using a book, click Close to remove it from WYNN. Once closed, the book will no longer appear in the File List window.


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Click the Close tool to close a book

Text Display tools (in the green toolbar)


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Make lines shorter or longer by using the Margins toggle

Size button toggles between different text sizes. Each click moves to a new setting.

Color button toggles to different text and background colors.

Line and word spacing toggles here


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Audio tools (in the green toolbar)

Rate button toggles for faster and slower speech

The user may choose to Self-Pace to have the reading pause at each line, sentence or paragraph. Click again to continue reading.

To Pause longer or shorter periods between sentences.

Speech Settings


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Click Speech Settings tab

Settings MenuChoose:Speech Settings

Change Voice

Change Volume

Change Rate

Bookmarks and Highlighting


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In the Pink toolbar, click the Bookmark tool, then..Choose a style/color of bookmark

Bookmarked text looks like thisClick the

Highlight tool, choose a color, then click and drag through text

Text notes and Voice notes


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To add a Text note:1.Click the Note tool2.Type your note3.Click OK

(Click Read to listen) To add a Voice Note:1.Click the Voice Note tool2.Record your note with a microphone.3.Click OK

Text and Voice Note tool buttons (Pink toolbar)

Finding “Mark-Ups”


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To find any Mark-Up, click Find in the Yellow toolbar, then choose Mark-Up

Bookmarks, Highlighting, Text Notes and Voice Notes are all called “Mark-Ups.”

Choose the type of Mark-Up to find, then click the Find Next button.

Read Only Mode, Write Mode, and Masking


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In the Green toolbar, use the Mask button to toggle between line, sentence, paragraph, and no masking.

In all toolbars, there is a button that toggles back and forth between Read Only and Write.

Screen shot of Sentence Masking

You MUST be in Read Only mode to use masking.

Masking uses shading to emphasize text area

Text to MP3 ConversionIt is possible to convert text from any document into an

MP3 or WAV file. This allows users to listen to a file later at their convenience using any MP3 compatible device, including portable devices like iPods™.


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To convert text to MP3:1.Open any document2.From File Menu, choose Save to Audio.3.Select a page range to convert.4.Click Save Page Range5.Name file and Save.

Hint: Choose only a few pages to convert to MP3 at any one time.

Freedom Scientific, Learning Systems Group offers Three Customized

Levels of Training

Training provides teaching strategies and tips for customizing WYNN:

• LSG has a new WYNN Training Module CD

• GoToMeeting allows us to conduct real-time online training of WYNN

• LSG offers instructor led training for WYNN and TestTalker on location at your school or organization


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The development of this project by the AIM Consortium at the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) and the Michigan Department of Education IDEA Mandated

Activities Project Michigan’s Integrated Technology Supports was funded by Grant # H327S070003 from the

U. S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. The contents of this project are not exhaustive and inclusion does not imply endorsement by

the U.S. Department of Education, the Michigan Department of Education, Michigan’s Integrated

Technology Supports, or the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST)