Wwi Powerpoint

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Transcript of Wwi Powerpoint

Why did the United States

enter WWI?CASE 1 CASE 2

CASE 1CASE 1Because the United States was under attack Because the United States was under attack

despite its neutralitydespite its neutralityINSTRUCTIONS:

1. Read the background information about Case 1 by clicking on CASE ARTICLE.

2. Consider the issues presented in the short reading.

3. Review each person's perspective on the issue presented in the article by clicking CHOOSE A PERSPECTIVE.

4. Draw a conclusion on the topics presented and explain your reasoning.


CASE 1 – Case ArticleCASE 1 – Case ArticleDuring the late 1800s and early 1900s, issues in Europe set the stage for war. As nations in Europe began to industrialize,

they looked overseas to establish colonies and build empires. Colonization led to opposition and rivalries among European nations. In addition, nationalism also increased rival tensions in European countries. Throughout Europe, there were many different nationality groups who wanted to form their own independent nations. In 1908, Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina, two Balkan territories. The nationalistic groups in these regions opposed the annexation and Austria-Hungarian rule. In June 1914, heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, visited Bosnia and was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, a Slavic nationalist. Shortly after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, Europe erupted into war. As the war progressed and European nations formed alliances, the United States vowed to stay out of the conflict. During Woodrow Wilson’s neutrality speech to Congress on August 14, 1914, he stated…

“The United States must be neutral in fact, as well as in name, during these days that are to try men’s souls. We must be impartial in thought, as well as action, must put a curb upon our sentiments, as well as upon every transaction that might be construed as a preference of one party to the struggle before another.” (Read Wilson’s neutrality speech)

Despite America’s neutrality, they were still affected by the war in Europe. Although many American immigrants supported Germany and the Central Powers, historic ties and current situations caused the United States to aid Britain. Due to a British blockade in the North Sea, trade between U.S. and Germany decreased and trade with Britain increased. In response to the British blockade, Germany used a new weapon, the submarine, to sink the Allies’ ships. As the war progressed, Germany became more and more determined to win. Their actions and motives at sea and on land, affected the neutrality of the United States.

In 1915, German U-Boats sank the British ship, Lusitania, and 1,200 passengers drowned. One hundred twenty-eight of these passengers were American. After this incident, some Americans wanted to go to war, but others believed that people were at their own risk when traveling on ships of warring nations. After the sinking of Lusitania, Wilson continued to maintain United States neutrality. Wilson refused to go to war against Germany, but sent messages to Germany insisting that the German government spare the lives of civilians in war zones. A year later, Germany sunk the French ship, Sussex, injuring several Americans. The President issued a final warning, and Germany and the United States eventually compromised on the Sussex Pledge. However, Germany violated the Sussex Pledge and continued submarine warfare at sea. The Untied States animosity toward Germany and the Central Powers grew as German warfare at sea increasingly affected the neutral United States.

Attacks at sea not only affected the United States. The United States was also affected by events at home. Germany was looking for allies, such as Mexico, to support them if the United States joined the war upon Germany’s resumed submarine warfare. In 1917, the German foreign minister, Arthur Zimmermann sent a telegram to the German ambassador in Mexico ordering that Mexico and Germany form an alliance if the United States goes to war. To ensure that Mexico would support the Central Powers, Germany promised that Mexico would regain Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico if Germany won the war. The British government intercepted this telegram and it was printed in American newspapers, outraging the American people. (Read Zimmerman Note)

Despite United States neutrality, the United States was influenced by the war in Europe. The United States was attacked by German submarines at sea and there were future plans for Germany to attack the United States to regain territory for Mexico. In April 1917, Congress declared war on Germany and entered WWI. How did American citizens feel about the attacks on the United States? Were German U-Boat attacks and the Zimmerman Note the greatest factors affecting the United States decision to enter WWI?

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CASE 1 - PerspectivesCASE 1 - PerspectivesINSTRUCTIONS:

1. Choose a perspective and read the background information.

2. When finished choose another perspective to evaluate.

President Woodrow Wilson

Family Member of Lusitania Victim

American Citizen Living in New Mexico


President Woodrow WilsonPresident Woodrow WilsonUpon my first term as U.S. President, I focused my efforts on

domestic affairs and hoped that I would not have to spend much time dealing with foreign issues. However, during my second term as president, my attention was shifted to foreign policies as Europe erupted into war in 1914. I strongly believed in neutrality and felt that the only role America should play in the conflict should be as a mediator. At first I thought that if the United States stayed out of the war they could act a as mediator, working to settle the conflicts between the nations at war and trying to achieve world peace. Despite numerous German u-boat attacks at sea, I tried to maintain United States neutrality as long as possible, for I never wanted to enter that treacherous and horrible war taking place over in Europe. However, with the Zimmermann note and continuous submarine warfare, Germany became a force that had to be stopped. As it was America’s job to promote peace and democracy, it was also their job to stop German war advancements that were hindering the possibility and hope for a better world.

Declaration of Neutrality

Zimmermann Telegram

Declaration of War with Germany


Family Member of Family Member of LusitaniaLusitania Victim VictimOn May 1, 1915, my sister Bertha departed from New York

City on the British ship, Lusitania – one of the fastest and most luxurious ships ever built. She was headed to Liverpool, England, where she was to visit with our grandparents and relatives. However, she never got there. I later found out that as the Lusitania was nearing Ireland on May 7, it was struck with a torpedo fired by a German u-boat. My sister and I had both known the risks of traveling on a British ship at a time of war, but the Lusitania was so grand that it seemed indestructible. I read in the newspaper that the ship was so badly hit that within eighteen minutes the ship had sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Most passengers never had a chance to rescue themselves.

The sinking of the Lusitania enraged the public. I, myself was terribly upset. I was angry at the British for not taking more precautions to protect innocent passengers. At the beginning of the war in Europe, I supported U.S. neutrality, but after the sinking of the Lusitania, I hated the Germans for causing the death of my beloved sister and I wanted the United States to go to war to defeat the Germans and their allies.

Primary Source Document of the Lusitania SinkingThe Sinking of the LusitaniaLusitania Information


American Citizen Living in New MexicoAmerican Citizen Living in New MexicoMy name is James, and I am an American citizen living in

New Mexico. I live with my wife and four children. We make a living by farming and raising cattle. I recently heard about the Zimmermann telegram, which stated that Germany promised to regain Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico for Mexico if they joined the Central Powers. Upon hearing about this telegram, I was outraged. The Americans have fought long and hard to gain this territory and the Germans are not going to take it away from us. I do not know what I would do if my land was taken away and given to Mexico.

I already hate the Mexicans and the guerrillas led by Pancho Villa, who burned towns near where I live. Now I hate the Germans who think that they can just come and take my land away. I feel that the United States needs to do something to prevent Germany from taking our land. If the only means of preventing the loss of our land is to go to war, so be it. I will support the U.S. if they go to war with Germany.

The Zimmermann Telegram

Primary Source Document of Response to Telegram


CASE 2CASE 2Because of anti-German sentiment influenced by Because of anti-German sentiment influenced by

historic ties to England, German policies, and American historic ties to England, German policies, and American and British propagandaand British propaganda


1. Read the background information about Case 2 by clicking on


2. Consider the issues presented in the short reading.

3. Review each person's perspective on the issue presented in the

article by clicking CHOOSE A PERSPECTIVE.

4. Draw a conclusion on the topics presented and explain your reasoning.

HOMEClick on picture and scroll down

to read the description

CASE 2 – Case ArticleCASE 2 – Case ArticleWhat is propaganda? Propaganda is information put out by an organization or

government to promote a policy, idea, or cause. During World War I, propaganda was used to persuade people to either join the war or to stay neutral. It was also used to help raise money for the war in order to buy supplies and keep the country from going into debt after the war. There are many ways to use propaganda and it can affect anyone, including a child, a mother, and even a young soldier just joining the army.

There are many forms of propaganda in order to target specific people. Movie propaganda could encourage a child to buy something to help raise money for the war or tell their friends that war, depending on what they see, is either good or bad. If a picture is of a man being hung, then a child might interpret it as a bad thing, like if we go to war, then there will be people being hung. Another form of propaganda is literature. Many adults read books/magazine, so there might be a magazine article that talks about two warring nations and the bloody battle. If the United States joins the war, then there will be countless of people dying for a cause that has nothing to do with the Unites States. Lastly, there is poster propaganda. The poster propaganda may help ensure more spirit into a young soldier that has just entered war. To persuade the soldier, there might be a poster that has a picture or words that say that if one enters war, then there will be money for the individual. It may encourage that individual to earn money for a certain cause.

There are many forms of propaganda that may persuade someone to join a war or keep things neutral between the warring nations. These forms of propaganda may be negative towards something or make something more positive.

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CASE 2 - PerspectivesCASE 2 - Perspectives


1. Choose a perspective and read the background information.

2. When finished choose another perspective to evaluate.





ChildChildMy name is Emily. I just saw this movie

clip that was full of pictures. I saw some things that were really bad and disgusting. I don’t like this war thing. There was this one picture that was really disgusting. It had this hourglass time thing and two people were standing next to it watching lots of people bleeding to death. I was sad that they would just stare at the people and just stand there. They should be helping the people and take them to a hospital so that they can be saved. There should not be any killing, because my mom told me that if someone kills another person, then they are a bad person. I just pray that this war will end happily ever after, where everyone is happy and there is no more fighting.

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My name is Joe. I am a young soldier that has just joined the army. I am depressed because I do not want to sacrifice myself for a country that is fighting for their cause and has nothing to do with the United States. My poor mother is working a lot because my younger sister is ill. She needs her medicine and if she does not, then she will die. I entered the war because there was a poster that I saw that said that anyone that joins the army will be paid ten dollars. I knew that the fastest way to earn money for my sister’s medicine was to join the army. Joining the war was not a waste, for there will be enough medicine for my sister, so that my mom will not have to work so hard, while earning so little. Instead she can earn money for food and anything that they will need, while I am fighting to keep this country safe and peaceful.

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WomanWomanMy name is Mary. I am a married woman who

works does not work a lot, for my husband is the owner of an oil company somewhere in the south. I don’t really know. I read in a magazine, that my girlfriend gave me, that the United States should go to war. It said that if people entered war, then it will be beneficial for the country and for the people. I thought that it was a good idea for the people to join the war if it will be beneficial for the country and for the people. Having a country where one makes lots of money, then one can get anything they desire. I would love to have money to buy this pretty dress that my husband has not been able to get me. I could go buy it myself. I also like the idea that if it is beneficial to the country then there will be less people of a job and that they will stop begging me for money. I am sick of the beggars just sitting on the streets and doing nothing, maybe if people enter war, there will be less people in the streets. That is a good reason for the United States to enter war.

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