WSMS Bullying Prevention

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WSMS Bullying Prevention. September 2013. Remembering Back……. Three people involved: The Bully The Bystander The Target. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of WSMS Bullying Prevention

WSMS Bullying Prevention

September 2013

Remembering Back……

0Three people involved:0 The Bully0 The Bystander0 The Target

Definition of Bullying:

An imbalance of _ _ _ _ _: Kids who bully use their power—such as physical _______, access to embarrassing information, or _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _—to control or h _ _ _ others. Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations, even if they

involve the same people.

An imbalance of Power: Kids who bully use their power—such as

physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or

popularity—to control or hurt others. Power imbalances can

change over time and in different situations, even if they involve the

same people.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : Bullying behaviors happen more than once or have the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

to happen more than once.

Repetition: Bullying behaviors happen more than once or have the potential to

happen more than once.

Video 1

WSMS Example 1

Someone made a fake Twitter account about me and I had no idea. The person posted comments about other people at school like it was from me. These comments were mean and put other people down. I had no idea this was happening until a friend texted me and asked why I was being that way. The person who made the account made me look like I was a mean person. I was so embarrassed! Only 2 real friends believed I didn’t create the account. It took over a week to get it shut down.

Brainstorm the Bully

0What do we know about the bully?0Why do you think the bully is acting this way?0 If bullying occurs while you are at home, can you still

get in trouble at school?0What consequences are given if I am caught bullying?

WSMS Example 2I have witnessed my friends calling other people ______. They have even asked certain people not to sit with them at lunch. I don’t join when in with them because I know it isn’t right, but I don’t know what to do. So, I just stand there.

Brainstorm – The Bystander

0What can the bystander do in this situation?0What is the difference between a positive bystander

and a negative bystander?0Why would someone who is just watching someone

being teased considered a negative bystander?

Bystander – What do I do?

WSMS Example 3

I get made fun of a lot in athletics. I am __________ than other kids and get picked on by people that are not my friends. One person even said “you will never be good at ________.

Brainstorm – The Target

0Should I ignore it?0How can a target successfully stick up for themselves?0How do one-liners work? Do they really help?

Your very own One-Liners

0Awesome!0Thank-you0Thank you for sharing0Good one! 0WOW! 0Did you see the game last night?0 I know….0Cool0That was funny!

Targets – What can I do?




Develop Empathy

Bullying Prevention Slogan

0Don’t Hide! Stand by their side to show your Leopard Pride!

0SPRING into Actions & Stop Bullying0 It takes more than one spot to be a leopard!0Don’t Support It! Report It!0Distract, Defend, Report!

Please place your sticky note on the slogan you believe WSMs should have to promote encouraging bystanders