[Wroclaw #5] OWASP Projects: beyond Top 10

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Transcript of [Wroclaw #5] OWASP Projects: beyond Top 10

OWASP Projects: beyond Top 10

OWASP Poland

Wroclaw Meetup #5


About us

• Alexander Antukh

• OWASP Poland Board Member

• Head of Product Security at

• @c0rdis

About us

• Marek Puchalski

• OWASP Poland member

• Developer and Security Consultant at Capgemini

• https://marek.puchal.ski

About us

• Pawel Rzepa

• Security Engineer in Intive

• Contributor in OWASP MSTG (Mobile Security TestingGuide)

About us

• Andrii Sygida

• OWASP Poland almost member

• Application security specialist at

About us

• Daniel Ramirez

• OWASP Member

• Security Specialist in EY

• Hands-on VA experience in the different kinds of apps.

Thank you for the support!


• Top 10 is a de-facto standard in Webappsec world

• OWASP is mostly associated with it …

• but there are many more!

As of 2016, there are 133 different projects, which can help youwhether you are on attacker’s or defender’s parts of the barricades!

Program for today


Program for today

(M)ASVS CheatSheets Cornucopia

SKF Pipeline Testing Guides

Let the fun begin!


• Problem 1: efficient security training

• Solution: WebGoat

• Problem 2: efficient management of multiple penetration testing tasks

• Solution: Offensive Web Testing Framework

Problem of efficient security training

…and XSS allows you injecting such horrifying pop up windows!!!

Security awarenesstrainings fordevelopers are quitecommon, but realityshows they are stillineffective :(

Problem of efficient security training

What about…Finally a security

training which isn’t an online course to

fly through and forget!

Internal course that is free and

isn’t a corpo-bullshit?! Cannot

believe that…

…arranging internal hands-on labs for developers andtesters, where they candeeply understandvulnerabilities by finding andfixing them?

WebGoat: few words about

• A deliberately insecure Java-basedapplication, which allows you to test common vulnerabilities

• 50+ lessons

• After finding a vulnerability, learnto fix it!

• Easy manageable lessons via plugins

• You can create your own lessonsand easily customize a content and language

…or .Net-based:https://www.owasp.org/index.php/WebGoatFor.Net

WebGoat: few words about

• A deliberately insecure Java-based (or .Net based: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/WebGoatFor.Net) application, which allows you to test common vulnerabilities

• 50+ lessons • After finding a vulnerability, learn to fix it! • Easy manageable lessons via plugins • You can create your own lessons and easily customize a

content and language

Not only web apps…

• Ruby on Rails: OWASP Rails Goat Project


• Node.js: OWASP Node_js Goat Project

• Android: OWASP GoatDroid Project

• iOS: OWASP iGoat Project

WebGoat: how to run?

• Prerequisites: Java VM 1.8

• To start just follow these commands:

$> wgethttps://github.com/WebGoat/WebGoat/releases/download/7.0.1/webgoat-container-7.0.1-war-exec.jar

$> java -jar java -jar webgoat-container-7.0.1-war-exec.jar

• Open in you browser: http://localhost:8080/WebGoat/

• That’s all!

WebGoat: first view

WebGoat: lessons & labs

WebGoat: creating your own lesson

• Plugin = lesson

• Create NewLesson.java:


• Plugin is just a folder, whichfollows this format

WebGoat: useful links

• Project:


• Documentation:


Problem: how to efficiently manageoutputs from many different applications?

• Each pentester uses many different applications (vuln scanner, web crawler, SSL/TLS tests, session management tests)

• Running each of those tests consumes time, right?• It’s easy to automate those tasks, but analysing a consolidated

output is much more difficult :(• And finally you have to form a readable report from all those

tests…• …oooh… :(

Typical penetration testing process

<which generates lots of output>

<cpy/pst interesting parts>

…of course in notepad ;)

(…)<runs a lot of tests>

• A goal of OWTF is to use penetration testing time as efficient as possible. It’s done by:

• Running different tools (Nikto/Arachni/w3af/etc)

• Running direct tests (header searches/session tests/etc)

• Knowledge repository (OWASP mapping/resource links)

• Helping human analysis (flag severity/manage output)

• In other words OWTF provides optimal balance between automation and human analysis

OWTF: Idea of the project

• Want to quickly start? Follow this one-liner:

$> wget -N



bash bootstrap.sh

OWTF: Installation


OWTF: Set a target

sends normal traffic to target

active vulnerability probing

probing services (e.g. FTP/SMB )assist manual testing

searches on HTTP transactions test via 3rd parties (no traffic to target)

Testing web apps

Testing network services

OWTF: Choose plugins and run!

OWTF: Useful links

• Project:


• Documentation:


• Online passive scanner:


• Use OWASP WebGoat to provide efficient security trainings in your company.

• Use OWASP OWTF to automate your penetration testing tasks. It allows you for easy test’s output analyse and create reports in a fast way.


OWASP ASVS (Application Security Verification


SANS Institute, May 2015, State of Application Security: Closing the Gaphttps://www.sans.org/reading-room/whitepapers/analyst/2015-state-application-security-closing-gap-35942

Application Security Standards in use

OWASP Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS) is a list of application security requirements or tests that can be used by architects, developers, testers, security professionals, and even consumers to define what a secure application is.

In short

Example requirements

Example requirements

• Architecture and design

• Input handling

• Data protection

• Session management

• Error handling

• Business logic

• Configuration

• Web services

• 19 sections in total

• Every chapter hascontrol objective, reqsand references

First introduced: June 2008

ASVS v1.0: 2009

ASVS v2.0: 2014

ASVS v3.0: 2015

Current version: v3.0.1 (July 2016)


Idea behind

• Use as a metric - provide application developers and application owners with a yardstick with which to assess the degree of trust that can be placed in their Web applications

• Use as guidance - provide guidance to security control developers as to what to build into security controls in order to satisfy application security requirements

• Use during procurement - provide a basis for specifying application security verification requirements in contracts

Application Security Verification Levels

• ASVS Level 3 – for applications that „shoot missiles” ;)

• ASVS Level 2 – for applications that contain sensitive data

• ASVS Level 1 – for all software

Benefits for you

• Helps you to develop and maintain secure applications

• Contains clear and ready-to-use high level checklistsand use cases

• Allows you as well as security services, vendors, andconsumers to align requirements and offerings

More ideas

• Train your developers in AppSec• Take your standard software architecture and prepare

standard security solutions

Open Application Standard Platform (OASP)https://oasp.github.io/

Projects based on ASVS

• Secure Knowledge Framework - training developers in writing secure code and providing a knowledge base of secure design patterns

• Zed Attack Proxy - easy to use integrated penetration testing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications, both automatically and manually

• Cornucopia - mechanism in the form of a card game to assist software development teams identify security requirements in Agile, conventional and formal development processes. It is language, platform and technology agnostic.

Useful links

• Project:


• Excel checklist:


• OWASP ASVS mailing list


OWASP MASVS (Mobile Application Security Verification


Mobile web usage overtakes desktop for first timehttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2016/11/01/mobile-web-usage-overtakes-desktop-for-first-time/

Current state

In short

• There is a significant difference between security assurance of web and mobile applications

• MASVS is to mobiles, what ASVS is to web

• The project is work in progress (v0.9.2 is currently available)


Mobile Security Verification Levels

Following assurance levels are possible: L1, L1 + L2, but also L1 + R and L1 + L2 + R.


• Architecture, Design and Threat Modelling

• Data Storage and Privacy

• Cryptography

• Authentication and Session Management

• Network Communication

• Environmental Interaction

• Code Quality and Build Setting

• Resiliency Against Reverse Engineering

Useful links

• Homepage:


• Github:


OWASP Cornucopia

OWASP Cornucopia is a mechanism in the form of a card gameto assist software development teams identify securityrequirements in Agile, conventional and formal development processes. It is language, platform and technology agnostic. Cornucopia is based on the concepts and game ideas from Microsoft SDL EoP game and OWASP Secure Coding PracticesGuide.

OWASP Cornucopia Ecommerce Website Edition is in the current Payment Card Industry Security Standards Councilinformation supplement PCI DSS E-commerce Guidelines v2, January 2013

In short

Idea behind

• Help development teams to identify application security requirements and develop security-based user stories

• Aimed at first place at Agile-based methodologies

• Gamification approach to threat modeling




References:- Secure Coding Practices- ASVS- AppSensor project- Common Attack Pattern (CAPEC)- Software Assurance Forum for

Excellence in Code (SAFECode)

Cornucopia card

Cornucopia rules

• Prepare everything (deck, cards, data flow diagram, prizes…)

• Deal all the cards

• Play a round – every player has to utilize one card of the selected suit. Highest played card in the suit wins and starts next round until all cards are played

• Count points and define the winner

• Closure: review all threats and matching security requirements


Cornucopia rules

Playing a card:

• each player reads it out loud

• explains how the threat could apply (or not) to his application

• player gets a point for attacks that work, and the group thinks it is an actionable bug

At this point we don’t think of mitigations and don’t exclude a threat just because it is believed it is already mitigated – the card should be recorded on the score sheet anyway

Cornucopia rules

Cornucopia deck

• Clear who said what

• Exact descriptions ofthreats

• Actionable items

• Developers knowprecisely whatfunctionality is affected

Benefits for you

• Teaching developers on how to identify and assess vulnerabilities on every sprint

• Training sessions for developers

• Raising awareness in application security field in your organization

Useful links

• Project:https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Cornucopia

• Rules explained on Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5Y0akWj31k

• Presentation from OWASP EEE (Hungary):


OWASP SKF(Security Knowledge Framework)

OWASP SKF is a fully open-source Python-Flask expert system web-application that uses the OWASP Application Security Verification Standard and code examples and can be used to support developers in pre-development (security by design) as well as after code is released (OWASP ASVS Level 1-3)

„we decided to develop a proof of concept framework in order to create a guide system available for all developers so theycan develop applications secure by design”

In short


Idea behind

The 4 Core usage of SKF:

• Security Requirements ASVS for development and third party vendor applications

• Security knowledge reference (code examples/ knowledge base items)

• Security is part of design with the pre-development functionality in SKF

• Security post-development functionality in SKF for verification with the ASVS


Super-easy! Supported ways to install it:

• Automated installation with Chef

• AWS by using CloudFormation

• … or manually as you would do with any other Python project: sudo pip install owasp-skf



admin : test-skf


SKF: Projects

That’s what you start with for the very beginning

SKF: Pre-development stage

Definition of a technology stack

Adding different functionalities to the system:

• Access controls / login systems

• Registration

• Submit forms

• External XML files

• File uploads

• SQL commands…

SKF: Pre-development stage

First assessment and security recommendationsfor selected functionality

SKF: Post-development stage

• Double-check your app by means of pre-defined or custom checklists

• ASVS-based checklists for different levels of criticality of the application are auto-generated after pre-development stage!

• After providing answers to clear and simple questions, reports with failed items are ready to be downloaded and prioritized

SKF: Post-development stage

Failed items and recommendations can be viewed in the application, or exported for further processing

SKF: Knowledge Base

• „Use info, do not get hacked, profit!”

• Multiple options of secure design patterns with examples

• Gives a good understanding for developers not only about what to fix but also why to do so

SKF: Knowledge Base

Descriptions, solutions and manydifferent language-agnostic patterns

SKF: Code examples

• We were talking about generic secure patterns so far

• Code examples with extensive comments provide ready-to-use solutions on how to do things right!

• Currently supported languages: PHP, .NET and Java (soon ☺)

SKF: Code examples

Can be reused directly, and haveextensive comments to knowhow and why to fix an issue

SKF: Improve yourself!

• Cherry on top of a pie: you can easily add your use-cases and adjust it as you like!

• Checklists, knowledge base and code examples must follow the markdown and appear immediately in your panel

Directory/path traversal <-- name as seen in the drop-down head-------**Example:** <-- Bold separator telling where the example starts

/*Your code has to indent the 4 spaces(tab) in order for the markdown engine to know it has to

interpreted this as written code*/

Benefits for you

• Guide to secure programming

• Secuity by design, not implementing afterwards

• Security awareness

• Will inform about threats even before one wrote a single line of code

• Central place for security reference

• Provides information applicable for specific needs on the spot

Useful links

• Project:http://secureby.design

• Source code:https://github.com/blabla1337/skf-flask

• SKF workshop (DevOpsDays 2015):https://www.owasp.org/images/5/54/Skf-design-workshop.pptx.pdf

Appsec Pipeline

Software development lifecycle today

The AppSec pipeline project

• Place to gather together information, techniques and tools to create your own AppSec pipeline

• Right now: AppSec pipeline patterns and tools


Example of workflow

- Code written

- Code committed to repository

- Unit test the code

- Package the code for deployment

- Integration testing

- Deploy code in production

Pipeline design patterns

Pipeline design patterns

Security tools evaluation criteria

• API is the first

• Pipeline position

• Cloud scalable

• Runs as a service

• Client libraries

• CI/CD plugins

What is OWASP ZAP?

• Webapp security testing tool

• Free and open source

• Written in Java → cross platform


OWASP ZAP Features

• GUI, headless and REST API

• Intercepting proxy

• Classic and AJAX spiders

• Passive and active scanning

• … and of course can be extended via addons!


How can it all help me???

ZAP for pentests

• Configure your browser to use ZAP as a proxy

• Explore the application manually

• Use the spider to find other content and input points

• See what security issues the passive scanner has found

• Use the active scanner to find vulnerabilities

• Do manual pentesting😎

ZAP as a part of your appsec pipeline

The baseline scan

• Simple inline security control

• Mass scan of big number of


• Post release (production) control

Full scan

• Regular heavy asynchronous


• More power and integration into

your infrastructure and


The baseline scan

• Uses Docker

• Only passive scanning

• Time limited spider of target

• By default warns on all issues:

– Missing / incorrect security headers like CSP

– Cookie problems

– Information / error disclosure

– Missing CSRF tokens etc.

The baseline scan example

$ docker run -t owasp/zap2docker-weekly zap-baseline.py -t https://oxdef.info


Total of 81 URLs

PASS: Cookie No HttpOnly Flag [10010]


WARN: Web Browser XSS Protection Not Enabled [10016] x 52




1 n33d m0re p0w3r!

• REST API is your choice 😏

• zap.sh -daemon -host -port 8080

• http(s)://zap/<format>/<component>/<operation>/<op name>[/?<params>]

• Also available in Docker image owasp/zap2docker-*

• Maps closely to the UI / code

• JSON, HTML and XML formats

• Clients in: Java, Python, NodeJS, .Net, PHP, Go ...

Simple scan using API and client in Pythontarget = 'http://some-target.com'

zap = ZAPv2()

scanid = zap.spider.scan(target)

while(int(zap.spider.status(scanid)) < 100):

print 'Spider progress %: ' + zap.spider.status(scanid)

scanid = zap.ascan.scan(target)

while(int(zap.ascan.status(scanid)) < 100):

print 'Scan progress %: ' + zap.ascan.status(scanid)


Cheat Sheet Series

Cheat Sheet Series

Cheat Sheet Series

• «The OWASP Cheat Sheet Series was created to

provide a concise collection of high value information

on specific web application security topics»

• You can browse it online or get as PDF book

• Mostly fresh and actual topics


3rd party JavaScript management

The invocation of 3rd party JS code in a web application

requires consideration for 3 risks in particular:

• The loss of control over changes to the client application

• The execution of arbitrary code on client systems

• The disclosure or leakage of sensitive information to 3rd parties


XSS Prevention

RULE #3 - JavaScript Escape Before Inserting Untrusted

Data into JavaScript Data Values

Except for alphanumeric characters, escape all characters less

than 256 with the \xHH format to prevent switching out of the

data value into the script context or into another attribute.


XXE Prevention

Libxml2: the Enum xmlParserOption should not have

the following options defined:

• XML_PARSE_NOENT: Expands entities and substitutes them with

replacement text

• XML_PARSE_DTDLOAD: Load the external DT


Featured cheat sheets

• Clickjacking Defense

• Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention

• Deserialization

• DOM based XSS Prevention

• REST Security

• Virtual Patching


• OWASP AppSec Pipeline helps you with choosing suitable tools and building your own AppSec pipeline

• OWASP ZAP is one of such tools. Using it you can make manual pentest of web app or automate web app security testing in SDL

• OWASP Cheat Sheets helps you in specific areas of application security

Testing Guide

OWASP Testing Guide Versions

• V1 – December 2004• V2 – 25th December 2005• V3 – 15th September 2008

– Configuration Management and Authorization Testing sections

• V4 – 2014– Identity Management Testing – Error Handling – Cryptography – Client Side Testing


• The OWASP Testing Guide includes a "best practice" penetration testing framework which users can implement in their own organizations and

• a "low level" penetration testing guide that describes techniques for testing most common web application and services security issues.

Typical Testing Guide chapter

• Summary

• How to test

• Tools

• Remediation

• References

Fingerprint Web Application Framework

Why to test

• The steps that need to be undertaken to build and operate a testing program on web apps.

• Effective testing program: – People

– Process

– Technology

• Testing just the technical implementation of an application will not uncover management or operational vulnerabilities that could be present

When to test

• Don’t test software until it has already been created and is in the deployment phase of its life cycle ineffective and cost-prohibitive practice

• One of the best methods to prevent security bugs from appearing in production applications is to improve the SDLC by including security in each of its phases

Example Testing guide XXE


• Constant work in progress

• Anybody is welcome to collaborate

• Best practice for web penetration tests

OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide


• MSTG was initiated by Milan Singh Thakur in 2015. The original document was hosted on Google Drive Github

• Bernhard Mueller (2016)

• Sven Schleier (2016)


• MSTG is a manual for testing the security of mobile apps. It describes technical processes for verifying the controls listed in the MASVS

• MSTG is meant to provide a baseline set of test cases for black-box and white-box security tests, and to help ensure completeness and consistency of the tests

MSTG Structure

• High-Level Guides– Mobile Platforms Overview– Security Testing Processes, Tools and Techniques

• Complementary– Security Testing in the Application Development

Lifecycle– Tools

MSTG Structure

Typical MSTG chapter

• Summary

• White-box testing / Black-box testing

• Remediation

• References

• Tools

Typical MSTG chapter

Practical examples of how to test it right, with tools, samples and references


• Constant work in progress

• Anybody is welcome to collaborate

• Best practice for mobile penetration tests


• https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Testing_Guide_v4_Table_of_Contents

• https://github.com/OWASP/owasp-mstg



• There are many projects happening right now (very good examples are MASVS and MSTG)

• Due to a huge front of work every small help is valuable

• Do something good today – contribute to OWASP Projects