World wars

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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world war

Transcript of World wars

  • 1. Power Point Presentation On World War 1 Prepared By Mahaboob-k 10shma30 University of Hyderabad [email_address]

2. Structure of presentation Introduction Causes of the war Outbreak of the war Sequence of Events of War End of the war Peace treaties Decisive weapons 3. Introduction

  • War broke out in the third quarter of 1914 4. Led to the decline of established dynasties of Europe, paying the way for a new world order dominated by Americans

5. Incidents proceeding the War Economic rivalry Colonial disputes Conflictingalliance system Rising nationalist aspiration 6. Economic rivalry

  • Competition for overseas markets. 7. Emergence of Germany might against the supremacy of GreatBriton 8. German unification led to rise of strong military power in all aspects

9. Colonial disputes

  • Industrial revolution in European countries lead to the need for colonies to secure overseas markets for their products. 10. Great Briton and Germany were at log head with each other over Africa and Asia

11. Conflictingalliance system

  • Dual alliance with Austria-Hungery(1879) 12. Triple alliance in (1882) when Italy joined Austria-Hungeryand Germany. 13. France and Russia entered in to an entente(1893). 14. Anglo-French entente 1904 when Anglo-Russian entente(1907)

15. Triple Alliance Triple entente Austria Hungary Italy France Russia Briton 16. Rising nationalist aspiration

  • Hostility of people of Alsace-Loraneto German rule. 17. Formation of radical nationalist movements. 18. Nationalist awakening by Italians, Romanians and the Slaves

19. Immediate cause

  • The war broke out in the wake of the assassination of archduke Francis Ferdinand the heir apparent to the Habsburg throne

20. archduke Francis Ferdinand 21. Outbreak of war

  • Ultimatum given to Serbia. 22. Declaration of war against Serbia on 28th july 1914 23. Russia supports Serbia and join the War on 30th July 1914 24. Germany declared War against Russia and France on 1st and 3rd August 1914. 25. Briton declared War against Germany on 4th August 1914

26. Sequence of Events of War European phase of war Global phase of war 27. European phase of War Central Axis powers Triple alliance

  • Turkey 28. Bulgaria
  • Greece 29. Romania 30. Serbia

31. Global phase of the War

  • Intervention of America in the War 32. Attack of ship Lusitania which lead to the death of 128 Americans 33. President Wilson declared his famous 14 point programme

34. End of the War

  • Bulgaria withdraws from the war in September 1918. 35. Turkey surrenders in October 1918. 36. Disintegration of the Hapsburg empire and their surrender on 3rd November 1918 37. German revolution breaks out leading to an armistice signed on 11th November 1918, putting an end to World War 1.

38. Peace treaties Paris peace conference Treaty of Versailles. Minor treaties. 39. Paris peace conference

  • Held between January and June 1919. 40. Twenty seven countries participated. 41. Terms of this treaties were decided by Briton, France, and U.S.A . 42. Persons who played an important role are Woodrow Wilson,liord George and George Clemenceau. 43. Defeated countries were not participated at the meeting.

44. Treaty of Versailles

  • Alsace-Lorane was returned to France. 45. Her war treaties ceased to Belgium,Denmark,Poland and Czechoslovakia. 46. Togo and Cameron were divided and shared by France and Briton. 47. She was to be disarmed. 48. Coal mines of saar ceded to France. 49. She was forced to pay $33 million as War reparations.

50. Decisive weapons

  • Machine Gun. 51. Liquid fire 52. Aircrafts. 53. Tanks. 54. Submarine(U boat). 55. Poison Gas

56. Conclusion

  • Formation of League of Nation 57. Germany had to pay for the Invasion 58. End of European supremacy 59. Rise of U.S and U.S.S.Ras the world dominating powers. 60. Strengthening of freedom movement in Asia and African colonies of European powers. 61. Growth of nationalist feeling in the colonies.


  • Conflict between the imperialist countries which lead to war still existed. 63. Thus redivision of the world remained lurking. 64. Rise of socialism against capitalism

65. Vote of thanks

  • Mr.Hameed.T (faculty department History).