World Chess Championships 1993

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Transcript of World Chess Championships 1993

  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993







  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


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    ISBN 854 0668

    Cove hoto by abo Biag

    Eded by Andew nsman

    ypese by ChessSeer

    Pnted in Great Btain by Redwood Books Trowbd; W

  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993



    Inroducion 5

    Gae One 6

    Gae To 25

    Game Tree 33

    Gae Four 39

    Game Five 45Gae Six 49

    Gae Seven 54

    Gae Eig 6

    Gae Nine 67

    Gae Ten 73

    Game Eeven 79

    Game Teve 84

    Gae Tieen 88

    Gae Foueen 3

    Gae Fieen 99

    Gae Sixeen 04

    Gae Seveneen 09

    Gae Eigeen 4

    Game Nineeen 118

    Gae Teny 23

  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


    About this book

    World Chess Championship is he so of he KasparovSho achwhich oo place in London in Sepeber/Ocober 1993 For hose ineresed in which auhor was responsible for which secions, Donald

    elford wroe he inroducion and bacground o each gae whilsDael Kng was responsbe for e gae anoaions In e e edivision is clearly indicaed by he use of a singlecolun layou forDonald Trelfords aerial ad doublecolu for Daiel Kings

    Te noaion used o record he chess oves in his boo is nown asine algebraic noaion' For hose unailiar wh chess noaionor perhaps acquained only wih he older English descpive noa

    ion here follows a brief explanaionEac square of e cessboard a a coordiae, worng on a vesiilar principle o an AZ road alas Tus he square on he boole hand side is own as a and he square on he op righ as h8'Every oher square on he board also ha a unique coordinae asshown by he diagra The pieces heselves are indicaed by gu-rnes of he ndvidual pieces Thus on he rs ove ie igh per-haps play No gurines are used o denoe pawn oves, so d5

    would be a pawn ove for Blac

    Oher sybols and abbreviaions

    00 Casles ingside000 Cases queensdeX Capures Chec

    ! Good ove! Brian ove? Bad ove?? Blunder!? Ineresg ove? Dubious ove(D) Diagra follows

  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993



    The British challenge

    Of the 3 word chess champions since the title was formally intro-duced in 1886, not one had come from Btain Before Nigel Short, noBrton had even chaenged for the crown Sho's chenge was therefore a unique and hstoric aspect of The mes word chess champonship of 1993 and concentrated an unprecedented public and medaspotlight on the event and on the game of chess, especially in this count

    It was also the rst championship for more than 4 years to be con

    tested outside the aegis of the world chess body FIDE Federation In-ternatonale des Echecs the two payers havng broen away toform a new Professional Chess Association of their own. Btish players and chess organisations were diided over this move which meantthat the chalenger received ess patrotic suppo than he might other-wise have epected his caused a ceain bitteess to suound theevent.

    To add to the genera r of controversy FIDE arranged a rivalmatch which they also called the word championship between theussian former champion Anatoly Karpov and the Dutchman JanTimman, both of whom had been beaten by Sho on his way to the nal his began in Holand the day before the London match, but raninto repeated diculties over sponsorship

    Commerca support for the ShortKasparov enconter, thoghdmmed up n haste aer the brea wth FDE, was not sch a prob

    lem The mes pa of upe Mrdoch's worldwide meda empire,put up a prize nd of 1.7 million, veeighths of which would go to thewinner, as well as massive promotional spending to stage the eventand acres of space in the newspaper itsef The mes used the occasionto cut its price by 5 per cent to 3p on the day before the match in anaggressve mareting gambt aganst ts rvas

    A cosponsor was Channel 4, which had eclusive rgh to live lmof the match and gave etensive coverage in a popular foat, wth in

    ventive use of graphics designed to mae chess more accessible to thegeneral pblic he programme was fronted by Carol Vorderman andfeatured Grandmasters aymond Keene Jon Speelman and DanelKng Channe 4 aso had excusve nteews wth the payers aerthe game.

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    6 World Chess Championship

    In respnse BB2 pt t an evenng prgramme chaired by Newsnight presenters Peter Snw d Francine Stc with cmment byWilliam Hartstn and Dminic Lawsn editr The Spectator and a

    clse riend Shs wh were later t al t pblic ver thematch The BB in cntrast t hannel 4 set t t nravel the intri-cacies the game lie the plitics Bsna r the Middle East. Be-ween them the tw channels prvided nine hs cverage a weemre than had ever been devted t chess bere It was seen as a test the games mass appeal.

    Telewrld Hlding BV a meda technlgy grp based in Rtterdam were early spnsrs the event and their reqirements r a

    PredictaMve cmpetitin determined the the match a ttal 24 games t be played n three days a wee (esday Thrsday andSatday) between 7 September and 30 Octber It was agreed that allthe games wld be played t iespective the state the matchBy the time the cmpany withew its spnsrship this rmat hadbeen set and cld nly be changed by agreeent between all paies

    r Garry Kasparv champin since 985 it was his sith wrldchampinship match bt his rst against any ther ppnent than

    KarpvAsed at an earlier stage wh wld be hs challenger the Rs-sian grandmaster had said: It will be Shrt and it will be shrt Fr hispa Shr had said the chapin: e is a ve nasty gy. hesner he gets beaten the better In sch a spirit alas are wrld chesschampinships invaably played

    The world title

    Until 886 there was n cial wrld champin thgh varis play-ers had dminated the chess their time. The Frenchman Philidrwas widely acnwledged as spreme in the eighteenth cent l-lwed by tw hs ellw cntmen Deschapelles and La Brdnnais. Irishman eander McDnnell played a lng series games against La Brdnnais in 834 all recrded r psterity inwhich the Frenchman had the advantage

    Then came Hward Stantn the greatest Btish player thenineteenth cent wh spnsred the standard chess pieces sed t-day He established his ascendancy in a ams vict ver therencan Pierre St Amant in Paris in 843 bt then became t illr a ret match.

    The wrld champinship 993 cincided with the 50th ver St t hi t ri P i t r hi h br ght th h r

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    Introduction 7

    over the Chel for the rst time Leadg British players ad o-cils wrote to The mes o the openig day of the match to seek somepermaet commemoratio i Britai of Stautos cotributio to the

    meOe of hs most impoat cotributios to the game was to orgaisethe st iteatioal chess toamet at the Great Exhbitio iLodo i 1851 his was wo by the Germa master, Adolf dersse, who wet o to play several famous challege matches losigally to the eccetric America geius, Paul Morphy.

    Morphy, who was to sped the last two decades of his life i a state ofcliical depressio, was a youg prodigy ad domiated the chess of hs

    ge e ded two years before the ocial world champioship cameto beig i 188.he rst ma to claim the ocial title of world chess champio was

    ilhelm Steiitz, who defeated his great Germa rival, Johaes Zuk-eort, at St Louis Steiitz, who had bee bo i Prague ad lived iViea ded peniless i a New York luatic asylum i 1900 haviguredered his title to aother Gea Emauel Lasker, six yearsbefore

    Lasker reiged for loger tha ay world champio i hsto utilhe was beate by the Cuba geius Jos Raoul Capablaca, i 191. those days there was o foal procedure for defedg the world ti-tle ad champios aturally hug o for as log as they could, creatigdiculties over the date, the veue or the prize d before puttigtheir titles at risk Bobby Fischer was by o meas the rst chesschampio to create such problems over the terms o which a challegeatch would be played

    Capablaca was toppled six years later by the white Russia migr,Alexader Alehie, Kasparovs favourite player, who held the title,with oe brief iteptio, for the ext two decades he iteuptiocame from a Dutchma, Max Euwe, who beat the Russia i 1935, allegedly while he was the worse for dr, but coceded the crow i aetu match two years later.

    he Alekhe died aer the w, the champioship was settled at

    a touamet split betwee he ague ad Moscow i 1948 wo bythe Sovet player Botik, who i the ext 15 years lost ad regaiedthe title twice om hs fellow coutre, Smyslov ad al, before los-g to aother, igra Petrosia, i 193. he cray Armei, a greatdefesive tacticia, was beate i t by Boris Spassky, who lost themost cotetious ad highly publicised chess challege of time tothe eccetric America geius Bobby Fischer at Reykjav i 197

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    8 World Chess Cmpionship

    When Fischer persistentl refused t agree n tes fr a defence fhis title, FE naed Anatl arpv as chapin in 975 The Rus-sian established hs credentials with tw bitterl fught victries ver

    the defectr, ctr rci, and reaned chapn fr a decae ti he was unseated aer tw arathn batles b Ga asparvThe ll list f wrld chapins is as fllws

    886 Wilhel Steinitz894 Eanuel asker92 s Ra Capabanca927 Aexander Aekhine

    935 M Euwe937 Alekhine948 Mikhail Btvinnk957 Vassil Sslv958 Btink96 Mkhai Ta96 Btvinnk963 Tigran Petrsian

    969 Bris Spassk972 Bbb Fischer975 Anatl arpv985 Garr asparv

    The champion

    Ga Kasparv was b in Baku in Azerbaij, n the shres f theCaspian Sea, n 3 April 963. His father, Ki Weinsten, was a ew-ish engneer in the Caspian ieds wh had ed f cancer when hssn was seven, but nt befre he had taught the ves in chess.The were a fail f usicians. His ther, Clara, was an Arenianengineer/electrician wh wrked fr a research institute until she gaveit up t supp her sns career The ung Weinstein, brught up wtha fail f asparvs, adpted the nae in his teens.

    His taent fr chess tk hi rst t the Pineers Palace in Bau,naed aer the Set csnaut Yr Gagan, and then, b the agef ten, t the Btnnik sch, naed aer the fer wrd cha-pin. n 975, when he was stil n 2, he ade such an ipressin atthe USSR junr chapinshp at nius that the uardians chesscrrespndent, Lenard Barden, wrte In pinin there is a very f it f ld h i i 99 H i G W i t i

  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


    Introduction 9

    from Baku Bardens prediction tued out to be ve years ate, but itas remarkabe nonetheess

    Chess payers have a natura anity for mathematics, but aspar-

    ovs mother, hersef a poer and attractive personaity ho had devoted hersef to her ony cds ture aer her husbands eay death,insisted that Garry shoud be taught anguages and iterate to givehim a more rounded education.

    At 17, Gay on the ord unior championshp at Domund ustone ad a haf points ahead of a ceain Nige Sho, ho as to sayater I have never faced such an intense payer, never fet such energand concentration, such and desire bung across the boad to

    ards me.' though 13 years ere to pass before they nay met inthe ord championship, Kasparov ays remembered this eary en-counter and sensed that the bespectaced Engishman ould one daybe his chaenger

    For the next four years Kaspov as engaged in a hdden baeith the Sovet bureaucracy for the ght to chaenge Karpov o adbecome te cou favouite th h Cod Wa victoes over ctorKochnoi Kasparov as prevented by vaous forms of red tape om

    pang in the overseas tournaments he needed to broaden s exper-ence When he asked Noai Kogius, a member of the Soviet sposcommittee, hy his progress as being bocked, he as tod At themoment e have a ord champion and e dont need another.

    In contrast to Karpov, Kasparov as seen as a potentia theat to So-viet othodoxy, an individuaist southern rebe hafJeish, hafA-menan, ho appeared to adapt too easiy to Weste stye andmanners and might therefore, they feared, choose to become anotherdefector ike Korchnoi

    Wen Kasparov nay on his opportunity to chaenge pov in1984, haing defeated Korchnoi and the foer ord champion Smys-o in the eiminating ounds, he sti suspected that the Sovietauthorities ere agnst him is orst fears ere conmed in thematch itsef aving gone four and then ve games don in Mosco, hefought back tough a ong seies of dras in an historic reaad ac-

    tion that took apov to the brink of a neous breakdon Wit tescore standng at 53 to apov FIDE intevened t te suo ofthe Soet cess authorities to abandon te match

    asparovs epic dispute th FDE and its Fiipino residentForencio Campomanes, dates om this time e suspected FIDE ofcoudng ith the Soviet Chess Federation to keep apov on theord throne The dispute cuminated in the breakaay by Sho and

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    0 World Chess Championship

    hielf to tge thei own wold chpionhip event in ondon in993

    pov nlly et pov in the etch in Mocow in 985 to

    ecoe the younget wold chpion t the ge of 22, nd then de-fended the title gint hi thee tie ove the net ve ye, ecog in the poce the highet ted plye in the ho of thege Tee hve ince een indiction uppoed y foe GB of-cil, tht the Soviet che uthoitie ted to e pov ec-ond to ety hi opening pln

    It w though the peonl fttion he ueed in hi ceetht pov ce to hve dout out the Soviet yte nd to put

    hi tt in the ely Gochev efo Only lte did he coe to elie tht the Soiet Count yte itelf w incogile nd thtdeoccy held out the oy hope fo hi counten

    In the nup t the wold chpionhip Nigel Sho ccued pov of ening n old Soiet Counit t het T chge wwy o the k nd lo ekly inenitive lpe only to eeplined y the fct tht Shot w litening too cloely to hi ecelyntiSoviet tine, uoi vlek, who hd ecped to the Unted

    Stte o Czecholovki e the Pgue Sping of 1968 Luoh peppe chce, w to dippe thee gin e ony fewge of the ondon tch.

    Kpov, I know peonlly fo witing ook with hi duingthe Gochev ye i genuine deoct who put hi own life ndeputtion t ik in the ntienin pogo in hi ntive Bku 989 when he hed plne t hi own epene to y out egee othe ethnic clening y e. He h neve etued to hi hoe egion ince

    He ee Boi Yeltin powel nd eentil tnitionl gueetween the old Soviet yte nd genune uin deoccy Yelt-in loody howdown with the uin Pent took plce dungthe London tch pov kept in cloe touch with even y telephone fo hi egent Pk hedque nd though C nd theBBC He neve wveed in hi elief tht the uin lede w on top

    of even nd puung the ight policy.Wht cn e fily id out the uin gnde howeve, itht he i poly the lt get poduct of the Soviet che chine plye who h een uidied nd tined t the tte epenefo n ely ge, n dvntge denied to h wete ivl Hi checoche, h tne tine, nd the tvel nd living epene of hielf nd hi fily ll ce o the Soviet tte

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    er an eary muchpubicised daiance with a fous and muchoder actress Kasparo has now setted down to marriage with a trans-ator Maria (Masha') with whom he has a daughter. though they

    hae a at in centra Moscow Maria ies mosty in Hesinki with herussian parents whie her husband is gobetrotting He es astums paying exhbitions in paces ke South America as we as en-dorsing computers and cothing.

    He has been greaty assisted in these commercia actiities as wea in his chess career by his iend and business manager for manyears Andrew Page an Engisan who was formery actor andracing drier They hae deeoped a mutuay benecia business

    parnership the Muscoy Company that is we paced to prot omthe thaw in ussia's reations with the West.

    Een without the suppo of the Communist system Kasparo stianages to maintain a substantia apparatus to proide the backingor his chess. For the London match his chess coaches were the ussiangranasters Beyasky Azmaiparashi and Mkche withShkharo to ook aer his computer database He aso had two tnesstrainers who doubed as bodyguards as we as his mother to supeise

    the kitchenKasparo has aways beieed in diet contro and exercise to buid up

    the physica stmina needed for the many hos of concentration re-quired at the chessboard He goes cycing jogging pays footba andis weights in the gym Een Shor not a notaby athetic gure wentswimming ee day as he prepared for the match.

    he began his fourh tite defence the ony questions hung oer thechampion's persona commitment gien the worrying upheaa inRussia his ong period at the top and the psychoogica eect of thebrekaway om FIDE. His fends were aso conceed that he mightnot tke the Btish chaenge with quite the seriousness it seemed todesere since he coud not in his hea of hea reay beiee thatShor coud eer beat him

    Kasparo's career record in summary

    195 USS junior champion (aged 12).199 Wins rst inteationa touament at Banja Luka1980 Word junior champion. Grandmaster.1982 Quaies for word championshp cyce.1984 Chaenges Karpo for the word tite.1985 Match abandoned. Wins rematch to become youngest word

    champion at 22

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    2 World Chess Championship

    1986 Successlly defends title against Karpov in Leningrad andLondon.

    1987 Ties with Karpov in Sevie, retaining tite

    1990 Beats Karpov in New York and Lyons.1993 Defends title against rst Btish challenger, Nigel Short.

    The challenger

    At 28, Nige Shot is ony two years younger tha the champion,though he stries outsiders as much less mature This is patly physical, Kasparov seeming much lder in is appearance and general de

    meano but the dierences go beyond that Both are mared withbaby daughters.Sho's National Health-style glasses, spiy hair and general air of

    gawkiness have led to him being described as resembling a computernerd who has accidentaly hacked into the Pentagon Though doubtless unfair, this image is not helped by the chaengers precise, ratherstrangulated mode of addess Compared wth the sleek, cosmopoitanKasparov, wth his sik suits and male mode cc, Sho comes over

    like a spotty adolescent. Wen the two speak at a press conference together, the polished and voluble Russian outperforms the hesitant,stammering Engishman in his own anguage

    Sho has gained in codence since marrying his Greekbo wfe,Rea, a psychoanalyst who is seven years his senior, and through is association with Kavaek. The expenses of the coach were met by a commercial sponsor, Eagle Star

    Rea's inuence may be gauged om an incident witnessed by Sho'sfriend and ndant, Dominc Lawson, during the semina againstTimman Sho was depressed at losing a vital game that had astedeight hours. Rea xed her husband wth a glare: I wll give you the advice my Spaan countwomen gave their men as they le for batteCome back either with your shield or upon it! Sho guped, then wentout and won

    He was bo at Leigh in Lancashire. The famiy crossed the Penni

    nes to Sheed, then retued to Atheon, foowng s father's job,rst in joualism, then in pubic reations Nigel is the second of threebrothers The parents divorced when the boys were in their teens

    Nige was not outstanding at schoo, apparenty payig down hsnatural cleverness, and earned brief notoiety by playing the bassitar wth a punk group caled The Urge' Athough his chess talent

    di d hi h h did him f

  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993



    eveloping it with the ame ingleminded dediation that Kaparovnd other Ruian prodigie were enouraged to do

    Until he uered a eriou profeional revere in 988, loing to h

    fellow Britih granater, Jon Speelman, in a world hampionhipeliminator, he eemed to e oting on hi talent reling on hi remrkale poitional air and intint rather than working at the detiled hore of he anali

    Kavalek rought a more rigorou profeionalim to hi he prepation, a well a a killer intint For the hampionhip, Sho alod the help of Speelman and of Roe Hner, Gean leadinggrandmater, an expe in gptian hieroglphi, whih led one

    writer to peulate that he had een rought in eaue he ould anwer the riddle of the SphinxShort entered the math with a path touament reor and a

    relativel low world rating, ut he had proved hi ompetitive trenh the rt Briton in hito to mount a hallenge for the world rown.

    Thi made him not onl the leading home plaer ine Howard Staunton, ut alo the ountr' rt he millionaire

    Nonethele, he dd not ommand the ll akng of Btain' lead

    ng plaer and oial, who elieved he had aried h integit inreaking awa from the game' goveing od impl, a the aw it,to make more mone for hmelf Sho i and in reponding to tharge: Mae it' not ve nole, ut I have deided that the et waI an promote he in Britain i if I eome world hampion and lookaer m own interet

    Sho overring prolem, however, wa a fatal lak of ondenewhen onfronted Kaparov foidale reord a weakne heountered luter on the eve of the math, harging the hampionwith all o of harater defet Gar Kaparov wa not pankedenough a a hild, he lamed He uound himelf with people whoare almot hi lave a plaer he indulge in unethial ehaviourt i pure intimiation'

    Kaparov proul eed to rie to thee allegation in the premath anter. He wa aving hi panking for the heod

    Short areer reord in ummar:

    977 Younget plaer (2 to qual for Britih hampionhip,where he defeat Jonathan Penroe, tentime Btih hampion

    979 Mie Britih title on tiereak.980 Awded Inteational Mater title

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    4 World Chess Championship

    984 Brtn's oungestever grndter wns Brtsh chmponshp

    985 Qules Br's rstever world chponsp cdte

    987 Qules gn s world chmponshp cnddte, regnsBtsh ttle988 Loses to Speelmn n world chmponshp quernl99 Reches world chmponshp semnl992 Defets former world chmpon Kov99 Bets Tmmn for ght to chllenge Ksprov

    The reakaway

    Kspovs dstst of FIDE goes bck t 985 when hs rst chengefor the world ttle ws ndoned n crcstnces tht hve nevereen ll explned More thn once er tht he hd tred t brekw om the world bod, or t hve Cmpomnes ovehrown, but hehd fled persude hs fellow grndmsters to jon m n putsch

    Wen the ngements were nnounced b FIDE for the 99world chmponshp, the Russn hd t rst gone long wth the

    choce of Mnchester, then st bddng for the Opc Gmes n 2000 who hd oered prze nd of . mllon Sho, however, wsout of contct n Greece t the tme nd clms tht FIDE never consted hm bout the bd

    He rng Ksprov n outrge, cmng not onl tht he hd been nsuted b the fure t consut, but tht the nnc proposs coudbe bettered It m hve een n hs mnd tht Bob Fscher hd beenpromsed much hgher su b Yugoslv bnker for s remtchwth Bors Spssk n 992 (though the bker ppers to hve ed before ll the mone ws pd) Kprov hd doubts s to whether moresponsorshp mone could fct e rsed n perod of recesson, buthe could hrdl gnore such cll to rms

    Here ws the chnce he hd been wtng for At st the word's twoledng plers hd t n ther power to cock snook t FIDE Thscould never hve hppened wth Krpov, who ppered t be n legue

    wth Cmpomnes, or wth the chess bureucrc of the former SovetUnon Now, f the plers coud orgnse ther own world chponshp wthout the servces of FIDE t woud be devsttng blow on behlf of pler power But how could the rse the mone?

    It ws here tht Rmond Keene, the Brtsh grster nd chesscorrespondent of The mes mde decsve nterventon He persuded the Murdoch group to put up the mone nd he persuded the

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    Introduction 5

    ayers to accept it A bonus was that the players did not have to payIDE its usual 25 per cent commission out of the prize nd

    FIDE id not take these deveopmen yng dow hey decide

    that Kasparov and Sho had expelled themselves om the worldchampionship so stripped them of their inteational chess ratingsand called on imman an Karpov to play for the vacant' world titlehe stage indeed two stages were thus set for a showdown over thehole ture contro of iteationa chess

    he arena

    n London the stage was that of the Savoy Theatre, whch had recentyeen restored aer a re in 1990 Originay the home of the D'OyleCarte operas, it had opene in 188, eight yes ahead of the hotel it-sel with a production of Patience' by Gilbe and Sullivan This hadbeen lanche with an aed attraction the rst electc light apublic buding in the capita

    A few doors along was the famous restaurant, SimpsonsintheStrand now so part of the Savoy group, which had been a popular

    gatheng place for chess players in the nineteenth centu. For theprice of a shilling a Victoan gentlem could approach the famous Dian and smoke a cigar and eoy a game o chess

    t was in this historic and welcoming environment that the draw orthe match took place and where the meda an the world's grandmasters made their headquaers. On the opening day of the match 7 September The mes declared in a rousing eitoal ndon is onceagain the capita of wor chess'

    The paper thundered on: There is a big idea behin this match: it isreeom from Cold War bureaucracy, reedom for indviduals to compete for proper rewards, the democratic freedom that comes om m-imising the advatages of mode commucations to popuaise thegame Woever wins the asparovSho match this beration owold chess will continue'

    Other commentators were not so sanguine. The Spectator caught a

    rather derent mood in a signed piece by Domc Lawson healinedFear an Loathing at the Savoy

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    Kasparov-ShortRoy Lpez, AntiMarshall

    he crowds outside the gleaming chrome entrance to the Savoy heatre might have been queuing up for its usual dramatic repeoire except that not enough of them were female hey were also tangexcitedly about chess even guessing at the likely opening moves illit be a ing's ndian a Queens Gambit or just a Nimzondian?' heardsoeone say to his companion Some had travelled by tra om outside London if not with extravagt hopes of a Btish triumph at

    least to see their man put up a good show catch a glimpse of the legenda asprov and say they'd been present at this historic event

    he realists were estimating how far Nigel Short would get beforesparov reached the 12 points he needed to retain his title t ill be26' sd one spectator rmly No it will be coser than that youllsee' sid his friend found only one man in the queue an air traccontroller om Gatwick who believed the British chaenger cod possibly win

    Because of an extended security search the audience were not letinto the theatre until ust before the opening which meant that theyoverowed the pavement by the Savoy taxi rank as television camerasbuzzed among them he busy scene puzzled the more smaly dressedclientele leaving the hote aer a good lunch who wondered what wasgoing on One of these diners was David Mellor the former Ministerwho was imediately pursued by the microphones and ked about

    the chess m a great fan of Shos he said csply unsurpsed by themedia attention especially now that hes no longer SDP and is a oAndrew age asparovs manager appeared with his wfe and son

    Garry's in good shape quietly condent' he said in the tones of a footbl manager sitting on top of the league Richard Doubleday om theCentral Council of Physical Recreation said he was in raptures' at thethought of seeing the chess John Beveridge a distinguished QC alsoconfessed to an addiction to the game

    he newly restored Deco theatre w nearly ll despite gloomypredictions though how many had been packed in by the sponsors toll the seats a had been wckedly moured was anybodys guess

  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


    Game One 17

    he pice o seats had bee reduced ad special oers made throughthe Murdoch papers, icludig (improbaby) to readers o the Sunwhere Nigel had bee porayed across a doublepage spread as a puk

    guitarist, chess's aswer to Nigel Keedy I had o diculty bug aseat at the box oce, so it couldt have bee a seloutChess books ad all kids o souveirs, iclug shis, were o

    sae i the theatre bars he rst thig the audiece had to masteroce theyd oud their seats was the techolo to make the headsetswork, so that they could hear a ruig commetary by gradmastersto d out what was goig o

    he tage set icluded a giat kight o a agle ad illumiated

    chessbods o the wall by each player, wth a ashg light to showthe atest move he payers had had their rst disagreemet aboutth seats Short had chose a red eather caer, ve upight, i keep-g with s stier persoality as somebody said, it was the so ouriture you mght epect to see i a erece Rattiga reviva Kas-parov had a loer, racier, more mode aair i back eather adchrome e the curtai rose o the actio, however, Shor's chairwas gree, the oe origiay iteded or Kasparov A stagehad ap-

    peared to make a swi substitutio O such questios o detail havepreous word champioships oudered

    er a welcomig speech by Raymod Keee, the Btish gradmas-ter who had doe so much to brig the match to the Savoy, the editor ohis paper, The mes Peter Stothard, which had committed so muchmoey to the evet, made Kasparovs rst move or him to mark theormal opeig, paw to e4 Kasparov's ast deece i Lodo agaistKarpov i 1986, had bee opeed by Margaret hatcher, but she hadept her hads o the chessboard

    he headset commetary was good, surprisigly jolly ad relatively easy or ollow, eve or ochess expes Without it, i act, itwas hard o tel who was wiig, as the gat dsplay boards blikedaway without reveaig ay clues Uouately, some studo laughterspilled out o the headsets to the air roud the players, who bothlooked up crossly to trace the source o this irreveret ad uma

    erly breach o their cocetratio Had they iseed more carey,they woud have heard their ext moves beig predicted by the ex-perts

    Both players kept goig ostage bewee moves to their restrooms,where they could keep i touch wth the chessboard through motorscrees, but were ot allowed to tak to ayoe Like evethig ese,

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    8 World Chess Champonshp

    th rsn had bn cally prpard to mt ach playrs r-quirmnts Kasparov prfrs chocolat washd down by mra ortonic watr Sho too ls choolat but insists that it has b

    Sss H also has sandwihs but no hamOnstag in addition to th playrs wr th two arbitrs YurAvrbakh and Carlos alcon sitting silntly at thir tabl and thChannl camras shroudd in black cloth h studo was rightbhnd th stag amid th crowdd warrn of winding stairs that constituts th batag wold of th thatr

    In The mes Danil Johson dscribd Sho as that ra g aBritish hro Sint lost in thought h may not look l a man of ds

    tiny That was cainly t Th world champion h addd lookd lgat intns and sxually magntic as vr Mor than on fmal has xprssd curiosity about th hai body about wch Shosms to know

    This was a rfrnc to a biza intriw Sho had givn to a Grman magazi Sports in whih h had said of th Russian: H som-tims bhavs lik a primat H ns ound l a gorilla Just lookat him hs covrd from had foot with hair

    Manwhil back at th chssboad th situation was not looknghaiy for ithr playr Th xpts whthr hard through th had-s in th thatr in th Grdmastrs room in th basmnt of thnarby rstaurant SimpsonsinthStrand or in th oat high-cilingd prss room two oors up wr agrd that th gam smdto b hading towards a draw as th playrs scrambd compltthir 40 movs in two hours

    Although both wr clarly shd it am as a total surpris whnth arbitrs solmnly approachd th tabl to confr with th playrsIt was clar that somthing unxpctd had happnd Som poplthought Kasparov had lost but thn it bam sikngly cla that itwas Shorts ag that had falln dramatically his hand trmbling andfailig mak th tim control

    It was th worst possibl sta to what was bound to b a long andgrulling ordal Bitish gradmastrs spcially Tony Mils could

    barly ontain thir ontmpt for thir collas unprofssionalaps Pur panic said on thrs no possibl xcus H misma-agd his clock compltly Anothr said gimly: Kaspaov didnt wn itShot lost it Splman who was hlping Shots prparations sadlatr t was a disgusting way to los

    Hr is Danil Kings commntry on th rst gam of th match

  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


    Game O 9

    n a sene emnsent a bngwd tte ght, the w nestants wee headed n stage by

    The mes hess espndentRaynd Keene Fst, the haenge ge Sh m stageght, thundeus appauseand a btz amea ashes; wed by the wd hampnGay Kaspv m stage ehe payes shk hands a

    mne whh mght even be desbed as endythee was tte evdene the eyebng dshng hadshes whh Kaspav and Kpv used t dugen as pa the pegame tuaPete Stthad, the edt Themes was then nted by Kas

    pav t pay the st mve themath e seeng the epawnash d n the gat seensbend the tw payes, my stthught was, dd M Stthadhea Kaspav ety?

    1 e4Kaspv pays d me en

    than ths, but n eetn t s ngeat supse He usuay essays1 e when he s easnaby etn as t hw hs ppnent wiepy, whh s the ase hee

    1 e5F many yeas Sh payed

    the Fenh Deene amst exusvey, but when he eahed thehghe ehens the hess wdhe beg deend the Bak sde the Ruy pez He ne td methat he ees at hs mst m

    b h h h t t

    the ente the bad (he wasatuy speakng abut theQueens Gambt, but the same

    ud we appy t ths mve) 3 i5

    he Ruy pez SpanshOpenng s named ae Ruypez de Segua a Spansh pestwh was aguaby the stngestpaye n Eupe n the steenth

    entu Kaspav used t t setw bat wns aganst Kapvat desve mmen n thewd hampnshp mathes

    3 4 i4 5 0-0 ie7 e1 5

    i3 0-0s ths bu an ndatn

    Shs agessve md? Kaspav nw pays 8 3 Sh mayntnue n assa ashn wthBd6, me ey, whp utthe deaded Msha Gambtwith 8d5; ae 9 exd5 xd5 10xe5 e5 11 e5 te s apaw t the gd but has t suvve a temendus attak beehe be abe use t

    Kaspav wud nt have beenabe t pedt that Sh wudwt t g n th s he wud

    natuay be at a temendus dsadvtage: t s qute pssbe tbe mwn dwn by hme anayssn ths mpex and heavy aysed vaatn Sensby heavds a det batte pegame

    t d h

  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


    20 World Chess Champonshp

    ctiuati. er te game emuttere arky, ave scvere sme ifrmati, ie sme

    Russia C W spy; peraps iicati tat e wi wse is secs away t smewr te Marsa wer ifwe wi see its retati i a atergame?

    8 4Te scae AtiMarsa

    preve Bac pag teeae gamit metie avet as a reputati f eig raterwimpisig te gautetf te Marsa is te pricipeway f payig te psitiaif Bac pays accuratey esu equaise te psiti wit

    ut t may icuties8 4

    S paye tis quicy, aicati tat e was sti i isme prepati Te mst cmm way f eaig wit tetreat t te paw is actuay8 ...7, as Srt imsef payeagaist Aa ast yea Pusigte paw is mre cmmittait eaves sme sques tequeesie sgty weaee, ipicua c4

    Kaspav sa it tugt attis pit A pa is eee ere

    rater ta a specic mve.9 d3Kaspv ctiues is cau

    tius apprac, paig fr asigt avatage rater ta tig ast pe te cetre wit 94

    9 d60 5

    A ayig mve fr Bac

    te paw is cut frm prtecti y te apaw.Hereauts, ata Spee

    mae f Ss secsauce tat e a a tispsiti a cupe f mts ag,as Wite, agaist Vassiy Smysv i te Bie tera Our

    specuatis as te extet fSpeemas ivvemet wit tepreparati fr tis game werere we e cfesse tate cut rememer w isgame wit Smysv a ctiue

    0 ie6

    A sesie mve, cg uttes agerus isp

    Capturig wu ystregte Bacs cetre ape te fe fr a r

    A8Smysv paye x3 12

    3 i t ti

  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


    Ga O 21

    ga, which hadly alts th atu o th positio: Splawa slightly btt though th

    ga dd i a daw12 ic4 od to b abl to o th

    kight o d2 which tu blocksh bishop o c1, Whit must sto th bishop

    12 'c813 1

    Th kght chugs o o its amilia Spaish out Fo itmay lap to g3 o 3 yig thoutposts o ad d5

    13 e8Phaps a littl too outi

    Sho was stil moig quicky th ga aspao idi

    atd th coct way o hi toplay 13 xc4 14 dxc4 dBlack aous th kight to6 ad i css plays c5 ad d4 to clos th ct.

    14 e3 d4?Ths is a mistak stad, it

    was possibl to play 14 astadad tat tuckig thbishop out o th way o th maaudig kight, with a accptabl positio

    15 xd416 d51 exd5


    Sho had os this postio wh playig 14 d4 adhad itdd 17g4, as hthought, iually ocig 1 ,ad oly th 1 d7 Th pawo obst th qus path

    d th di t th

    ow o th st o Whits dlopt Uoaly Sho hadissd that 17 g4 Whit

    has th tactic blow xa6,ad i 1 .xd1 xc xc2 20d7 wis atal

    Fom this momt o pao assums cotol

    118 id2!19 e20 'e2!


    Wh Blacks qu ad ooka tid up ddig th wak aad bpaws Whit taks possssio o th o op th positio

    20 ib521 e ixc422 dxc4 h6

    Th was a that o 23 xb4

    so th backak pobl had tob sold23 b3

    A tidy o, ulig ot th possibility o d3 as wll as . b3

    23 h d ti l

  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


    22 World Che Championhip

    cisi t ma Shul h ca-tu s aw en paant lav-ig th baw wa but frig

    Blacs siti? I th hchs t t a with hisight itca b s that his jugmtwas crrct Sh s himslfur us rssur awhats mr has chacs frcutrlay wss iKasarv's sitith aw

    a5is s f si that Shrcat ar th tim t caturit

    Paiculary wh Kasarv isilig th rssur with mvsli .

    24 f4.. iitig a frsh w



    25 h326 e4


    d8Emhasisig Wits ctrl

    f th l a lig twars th gsi Blac is actually ig v sh f ct

    If f i t 26 "

    th 2 , crig it Blac'ssiti with th ia f2. "xa5 28 x6!


    h5This was criticis ar thgam i my viw ufrly fr itallws Wht t gir a brathrugh th igsi. uugh but waitig was ls ta trrbly attractiv rsitiKasarv cul hav lay 2 g4

    a bgu a slw a airss th igs ayayBy this it bth layrs wr

    ig susly sh f timbth ha just six miuts t lay4 mvs which accuts frKsarv's xt mvit as ra urs but as h has cm

    lt ctrl f th siti it crtaily s ha a mr tth it h lay it qucly

    27 e2 28 ! g729 e4 30 e2

    Kasarv still maits c-trl vr th l but hasclvrly swa aru t -siti f his qu a r. Thisabls th qu t su thg4 br th tat f thr tratig w th lis mr wrig fr Blac th

    th qu.30 c7h thrat t th aaw frcs

    Kasarv it actiity31 g5 :c

    With hisight tis is t thb t f th i

  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


    Game One 2

    to a immediately would havebeen better

    32 g4!

    While Shos queen and rookare redundant on the queenside,Kasparov cracks open the otherwing. His domination of the eleeecively cu Shos position intwo, preventing the heavy piecesfrom coming across to defend theing.

    32 g433 ?

    This came as a great surpriseWith just a couple of minutes leto reach move forty and Shordown his na minute Kasparov gambles, giving up a pawn butgaining time in his lunge for theing

    The slow buildup of the earier

    pa of the game, amost reminiscent of Karpov, is e behind thisdynamic sacrice of a pawn is pureKasparov Any other chessplayerwould have simply recapturedthe pawn here, 33 hxg4, retaingexcellent attacking chaces

    33 334 g4 a8?

    A mistake Sho shod have

    blocked out the bishop mediately with 34 . g7 in his terrible time pressure he must havemissed that aer 35 e7, he couldsmply give up his queen, 35-x36 xc7 xc7, reach a positionwhere White is unable to breakthroughit is a positiona draw

    35 3The most natural move, butKasparov claimed ads at35 g5 wod have been decisive35 g7 36 h4 d7 37 xg7xg7 3 h6+ 39 f4+, andnow if 39 e7 40 h4+ andh+ wins a rook, or 39 . e5 40

    g5+ 4 and e4 mate35 36 xg7?

    Kasparov persists with hs attack, but later analysis coedthat 36 e7 was coect Blackmust play 3 c (3 . xa5 39 x 40 e6+ ws) 39xc+ 40 xg7 xg7 4d7 with exceent winning prospects for White

    36 37 l4

    This looks decisive but withjust secon le on his clock

    Short nds the ony defence.37 g8!This aows the king slip

    safely to the queenside t wasqte clear om Kasparovs painedexpression that he had overlooked this defence He shook his

  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


    24 World Che Championhip

    head, then glanced at the clock,saw that he was down to s nalinute and bashed out his ne

    ove .38 I7+ and as he did so, oered a

    draw Sho hesitated for a oent before playing

    38 e didn't bother to reply to

    aspaov's draw oerhe hardly

    had tie to With a clear pawnore, and his kng nning tosafety, the onus is on aspaov toprove that s attack is goodenough

    39 .g4his is a pass ove but the

    ost iportant thng was that it

    was ade insttly. Sho reachedfor his king, but hesitated for asplit second before plang

    39 e8e played the ove, but as he

    pressed the button on top of theclock, his ag fell. he arbiters,Yuri Averbakh and Carlos Falcon,stepped in and it was quckly established that Sho had failed toake the required forty oves.Aer the players had sied thescoresheets Averbakh stepped tothe front of the stage and announced that hot had ost on

    tmeNigel put a brave face on it,and even stayed to analyse a couple of critical oents wth sparov.

    In the nal position asparovdeclared that he woud havepayed 40 _e6+, but this leads toa winnng endgame for Black40 . e6 41 xc7 exd5 42 cxd5 with the idea c andxc2 or perhaps just .. and

    xd5.Instead of 40 _e6+ White

    could wait wth 40 g2 but tsallows Back to slowly unravelwith 40 ... ...d7 and ..e8d8c7 Once e g reaches safeon the queenside Black can beginto exploit his extra pawn.

    A tragedy for Nigel He was under great pressure but kept shead, and when asparov ade aistake in the execution of s attack took his chce Just a oent's hesitation at the end costh the gethough of course

    asparov ust take great credtfor keeping up the pressure onShos position.

    he score 0 aspos favour.

  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


    26 Wold Che Championhip

    50 dow agaist Karpov i 984 d did ot score a wi util thethiysecod game Had his rst chlege bee restcted the 24games scheduled for this match, he would have lost, ad the whole of

    mode chess history woud have had be rewritte the secod game was i progress, a colleague said to me i thepress room Have y t\ oticed how the champio is behavig himselIt was te Kasparov had ot rise to ay of the prematch isutshurled at him by s oppoet He had also bee scpulous i his coduct at the chessboard oard Barde described him the Guardian as a model of correctess e shoo hads briey, avoidig thesocaled KGB hadshae he sometimes practises, i which he grasps

    his rival's had util he ca establish peetratig eye cotact Hemade o attempt to gaze at the Brito durig playAt the table Kasparov would b his ose or scratch his ear, but his

    most commo pose was holdig his head i his hads ad starigthrough them tuellie i erce cocetratio at the board, occasioally looig up abstractedly at the audiece thout really seeigthem

    Sho sits stiy, a throbbig vei i his forehead, looig tese ad

    ster a schoolboy tig out the headmasters chair He loos roudquite oe at the dispay boards, as if i search of ispiratio or seehs board positio from a ieret perspective He has a habit of holdig hs hads over his ears, as if to shut out isistet ier voices Keee put it, Chess is a game that ites paraoia, ad ot withoutjusticatio

    Meawhile there was paraoia behid the scees whe Chael 4,which had exclusive ghts to lm the live actio, foud that the BBChad set up shop i the theatre maagers oce Mie Miller, the chaels commissioig editor, said grimly e expressed our dspleaseto the Savoy far as we are coceed, the BBC are out of there orthere will be trouble'

    Sho arved i a blac suit to play hite i aggressive opeigto the secod game Although he put Kasparov uder pressure, a complex, uctuatig game eded i a hoourable draw, with gradmas

    ters sagreeig aeds as to which player had the advatage Ofthe chaleger's perfoace, his maager, Michael Stea, was hedto say ou ait see otg yet Nobody felt disposed to argue withthat

  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


    Game T 27

    1 e4Sho open ith h favoute

    rt move.


    c5 d Kaparov The SicilianDefence i poorly named: Counrattack ould be more accuratelthough initily White ouldeem to have the better attackingpropect, Black relie on hi excellent pan tcture to hold the

    fo, hie launching counterplayon the queenide.2 d63 d4 cxd44 xd4 5 6

    The Nadorf Variation, namedaer Migue Nadorf, the Polih

    gentinian ho a one of thetronget player in the orld inthe 1950 Since then, it uncompromiing tance baed on theacrce of development for better pan tcture) ha attractedmany trong player mot notably Bobby Ficher, ho developedome of the key idea.

    6 g5Short ho that he i ready

    for a ght. T i the harpet ofl Wte' ixth move option.

    6 6 in game , Kaparov teer

    cea of the mot ctica contnuation (6e6), once again conceed that he coud get caught inShort home preparation A pragmatic ad enible deciion. Agreat deal ha been ritten aboutK d i b t

    more oen tha not they are thereult of paintaking home anyi before a ingle move i played

    in an actua ght.7 e6The game ha tranpoed into

    a RichterRauzer, named aerKu Richter a German mater,and Vevolod Rauzer, a Ruian,ho developed the ytem (independently for Whte in the

    930. 8 0-0-09 f4

    10 h4


    Not a crazy a it look. Theidea i break up te dangerou central pan frontandof coure the move ha been eenbefore

    11 g5 g4

    Thi i the trck Sho cannotmove the pan on g5 becaue of...W

    12 Nigel elect a enible con

    tinuation, returning the panimmeately but retaining long

  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


    28 World Che Championhip

    te ttckn prspec t waspssie t ply mre criticcntinutin m theretic

    pint f view ut why rsk wain int sme f Ksprvs hmenysis?

    12 g513

    Ths is frced. Niel thuhtfr few nisin mments e-fre min hs mve presum-

    y just fmiarsin hmsefwith the varitin thuh ivinthse f us wtchin hert ttck f ite tkes the pwn 135 then Blck wins mtelin surprisin fshin: 13 . 14f e5 15 e3 e3 16 e3h6 nd the queen is pinned

    inst the kin13 ... e714 e2 ge5

    Bth sides cn e stised withtheir penin: Sh has penlines fr his pieces nd therefresme ttckin prspec instBlck's kin whilst Ksprv hsn ecellent squre fr his khtn e5 cmpct centr pwnstcure n sset in the lnte) nd sme cunterttck-in chnces dwn the pen cleChnces re anced

    15 b1

    ckn the kin in the cerefre decidin n middlemepn

    15 .. b5

    Beinnin pertins n thequeenside


    The rk cmes t the pen fle pintin in the rectin fBlcks kn nd t the same

    time vctes the d1 squre fr thekniht in cse Kasprv shudpush the pwn t 4

    16 ... c8Kspv rins hs rk the

    pen cle in typic Sicii fsh-in ut in s din he us hists: the kn cn n lner es

    cpe the queenside y cstnif Sh lunches n ttck in themide

    17 e5Shrt spent ut quter f

    n hu n ths mve d it wstime well invested: he hs cmeup with p wch is striht

    frward and strn17 ... e518

    This is the ide: Sh wn tdule rks n the fle incres-in the pressure n Ksprvskin

    18 . 19

    Shrt remins cnsistent t hsp ut m sue he wud hveeen tempted y 1 h4 ttemptin t pen the kinside.

    thuh th pyers weremvin resny quicy in the

    early pt f the ame theyslwed up ver the pst fewmves s they deved int thecmpeties f the middleameIt is cer tht nther timescrmle is rewin The clckti t thi i t Sh t h d

  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


    Ga o 29

    ued 1 hur 1 inute; d Ka-parv 1 hur 15 mnute Befretw hur up they t th

    have ad fy ve r theyfrfeit n tiea Shrt did inthe rt gae.

    19 20 a3

    Neceary a parv wathreateng t pay 20 and..xe

    A natural plan fr Black nwwuld be t play 20 b8 wth theidea f breaking pen Shrt kngpin with ut en iight we cnider 21 eatening h5 eg. 2.b 22 xb 23 h5+ d7 (23 2xe5 dxe5 25 x+! 26xd8+) 2 xe5 e5 25 g!with the threat f xe6 and g

    ate a we a 5! A gd i-utratin f White attackngprpect

    20 .. 21 h3

    Mt nker were aed ySh h i f h h

    playe it very quickly thugh itpure i uncertain 21 d!with iilar varatin the pre-

    viu nte wd have een ret the pint. parv wa clearlywred abut the attacking p-tential f Shrt lightquaredbihp and n the next vefrced it exchgven at thect f givng up h eauycentralied knight.

    21 .. 422 xc4If intead 22 d then

    22 a3! win a pawn.22 .. c423 d3

    Sh i tying with the idea fplaying e5 fllwed by landng a

    big check n g6. Kaparv nextle ut thi pibiity.

    23 . ehe pitin i ti dynai

    cally balance White kng ire ecure than Back (betterpawn cver) ut Back centrpawn a and tw bihp le trng aet the queen areexchanged add th ci-catin th payer are gperiluly h f tie.

    24 2

    incprehenie ve

    even Shrt aer the gae Heen the rk up a ind aeyfr which it can nly retthu cting hi tw ve.

    In view f Kap reply 25e ugget ite intead hei h i iti i f d

  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


    30 World Chess Championship

    nrete n the g sque, andll eentuay nd a re usedgnal n the queenside

    25 c3A classic Sicilian exchange sac-

    ricBla rees ne f

    tes st dangerus attac-ing pieces and at the sae tieshatters the queenside pawns tis suddeny Whites kg, ratherthan Blacs, which lks inse-cure

    But was such drastic actinnecessary? Iediately aer thegae when interiewed n Channel 4 teleisin, Kaspar adit-ted that: There were perhapsetter es ut I thi it was agd practic chice I had lit-tle tie le Aer that y esare ery easy play

    Ceanly Sh led s-prsed at Kasps decisn, butaditted aerwards that he hadunderestiated the sacrce

    26 bxc3Sh chses t eep the

    d i i hi h

    applauded in the telesin stu-di, we felt that Blac wuldhae the intiatie the end

    gae playng aganst the duledcpawns With the queens reaining Sh still has chces tatta Kaspars king f the psitin breas penthugh its agable because s wn ng isinsecure


    27 b2 d728 At least Shr is able adt

    hs istaes the r des nth-ng n

    28 c4?Kasp was quite dang

    abut ths e aer the gae

    a teble staethugh gienthat he was apprachng seriuste pressure thi hs dese tsipli the psitin under-stdable He entined instead28 c6, with the idea a5, andpssibly b8 and b4 breakingpen the queenside, wth attacing chances

    tes prle is that it ise dicult nd any weaness in Blacs psitin t ai at29 h wth the idea f 0 h4 suggests itself, f nly t eep Blacsr busy at belee that

    White stands wrse here, thughin s sayng cntradting theighty azza hiself

    29 xc4Sh leapt at the chance t ex

    change queen here dtnc-ti t th i iti h

  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


    Ga Two

    weak cpaws are masked by ablack paw



  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


    Wold Che Championhip


  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


    Game 3

    KasparovShortRoy Lpez, An-Marshall

    Sho, b th time had beome opel otemptuous o hs tis or,as he reeaigl aed them, m eneme' the Daly Telegraph had quoted some British gradmasters who eared that Sho might bewhitewashed', b whih the meat he might ot wi a game. Ths iated him Most o these people dot kow what there tagabout,' he delared These sigs o a buker metalit were ot eouragig espeiall so soo ito the math. Oe bega to ear or him.

    This ear was ot, apparetl, shared b hs twoearold daughter,Kieli who wa heard to sa loudl aer moe 20 i the Graasters'room: Dadd is ig!' Alas, she was to proe mistake ad paro wo his seod game out o three, though the hampio admitted aterwards to a little luk'. Sho respoded sharpl ou make our owluk' He wa uosiousl ehoig the Cuba geius Capablaa,who oe said The good hess plaer is alwas luk'

    Noelist Julia Baes, who was oeg the eet or the NewYorker w reetig quietl i the Gradmasters' room o the rolethat luk plaed i hess ike Sho ad Capablaa he d't reallbeliee i it His geeral thesis, as reall, wet like ths: Whe aplaer mes the ght moe, ee without uderstadig all its impliatios, it still i't luk i it sueeds At ts leel there are all sos ohdde, halosious, hremembered ators i makg a moethat hae othig to do with luk ad eerthig to do with istit

    ad eperiee The are a pa o what we mea whe we talk about atalet or the game.'Kasparo itrodued aother abstrat oept, tth, a iter

    iew immediatel er the thrd game alwas elt that the truth waso m side' What he meat was probabl ot metaphsial at all butthat the iate hess logi o the positio was i hs aour He learlthought that Shor's attak i the third game had bee too risk otsuppoed b the objetie realit or tth' o his positio.

    A oreig hess wrier o philosophi bet took me aside i thepress room, ot or the rst time ad sad o Sho's attakig gambiti the thrd game: Nigel might hae got awa ith that agaist mostplaers beause e might wel hae made a stake uder the pressure

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    3 Wold Che Championhip

    Sho reated, but ot Kasparov. You a't base our game agaist Kasparov o the hope that he will me a mistake Karpov would everhave doe that.

    Simo Baes, a subtle spos writer for The me drew aalogieswth other games, wodeg i Sho was alread plag like a mawho kew his o hae o a omebak was to throw autio to thewds, ike a Botham at Headigle i 98 The questio that wead Sho must address is whether th was a strog, odet adbold piee of outerattakig pla that didt quite ome o orwhether ts was the hopeless slog of a alread deeated ma

    Shos loal ed, Domi awso, said the attak blew le a

    hurriae through the hampios apparetl ilerable kgsidedeees am ot idgig i hperbole whe sa that the audeei the Savo Theatre was gaspig i disbelief at the audait o Sho'ssaria attak'

    Readig that aloud om the Daily Telegaph to the press room atlarge, a more septi soul raised a laugh whe he remarked: Yeah,K But he still blood lost, did't he?

    1 e4 e52 OG3 b5 64 4 5 0-0 e6 e1 b5 b3 00

    So far, evethig as game The questio is wll Kasparovtake o Short's Marshall Gambit?

    8 4No Agaist all predtios,

    Kaspov repeats his quiet opeig from the rst game Thehpio h a reputatio or

    plag the most riti lies ithe opeg, so his approah heregoes agst the grai

    8 bSho is the rst oe to devate

    from game . This is the mostommo method of replig 8

    a4, ad has a better reputatiotha the perhaps overommittal8 b4.

    9 3 e89 d6 is a more usua otiu

    aio B delaig the dpaw'sadvae, Sho is perhaps hopgto pla ..d5 i oe move

    10 b2The theoreti reommeded

    move or i ths positio is0 3, but Kasparov otiueshis autious approah om ge preeg build the tesiorather tha lok atlers at a

    earl stage10 A ommo maoeuvre The

    bishop drops bak oe square a-lowig the rook more iueeover the etre.

    11 c3 h6

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    me Three 5

    A sae move, prevetig a possibe g5 attakg (athoughat the momet this poit a be

    deeded b .e7 However,with hdsight, h6 reates asight weakess whh Kasparovpoues o i a oupe o moves

    Note that d5 s to 2ed5 d5 3 d4 (3 ed4? 4e8 e8 5 d5)


    This subte move is tebstrog The bishop moves out orage o the kight o 6, adeaves Bak searhig or ameaig pa.

    12 6Kasparov has two promisig

    otiuatios aer this 2 b4

    woud have bee better

    13 4!

    The bishop o a2 makes itspresee et Kasparov is otauhg a ioet attak, butrather makig a ht ad raidto ehage o kight or bishop

    There is o doubtig thestregth o Kasparovs move but

    did he have somethig better?Debate i the press room was etred o the possibiit o 3 b5

    b5 4 3 threateig thepaws o b5 ad . The variatios are ereme ompiated,but so ar o oe has bee abe tod a satisato deee orBak, or eampe: 4 . d7 5b5 a 6 ad 7a6; or 5 a5 6 b7 b8 7

    b8 b 8 + ad 9a5, with a materia advatage.Both paers resed to om

    met o this possibiit aer thegame, just to add to the mster

    13 Attemptg to stop the kghts

    ivasio ads Bak i eve

    worse troube: 3 . e7 4 ,with the idea o 5 threateig h6, eaves Bak i a tebe mess

    14 t is sti possibe to speuate

    o a atk wth 4 or perhaps 4 h3 prevetig a queeehage, but ears o paigagaist Karpov have taught thehampio to preer a ogteadvtage to a shote iitiative

    4 5

    Most o us wathig the gameet that, spite o Kasparovspossessio o the bishop pair,Shos positio was sod eough,ad he shoud have reasoabedeesive hes e pioset move disabused us o suh

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    6 World Chess Championship

    comoig thoughts. H thoughtor muts bor plag


    For m, ths subtl paw advac strogst mov o thg. Sho himsl said thollowg da i T mes Thisis a cllt mov. It bolstrsup Kasparovs ctr ad placsa grat block i th path o mqus bishop. did ot s ths

    comig but ow rcall that Kaspov did somthg simil i ablliat gam [Gam ] agaistKpov i thir last champioship match at Nw York i 990

    it has svral plas tochoos om i th positioprhaps brakig with d4, prhaps

    movig th kght to or b3ad it is trbl impoat kp optios op 6 r ot olbolstrs th 4 paw, but it is alsoa ghcass waitig mov wait-ig to s whr Short puts hispics bor dcidg o a pla.

    16 S1 b4 18 b3 c819 b1 h5

    spovs bishops look p-siv o th back rak but wh-vr th positio braks opth wll th board; ad

    thaks to th cllt kightmaou d2b3 h h gaidcotrol o th qusid Shomaks a accurat assssmt oth positio ad raliss that hsol chac lis i a dirct attacko th g

    20 b5 b521 422

    cllt dsiv movTh rook maitais cotrol ovrth op al as w as dd-ig th kigad aothr poit

    to th mov 6 r is rvald22 e6

    Blut ad riskbut th olchac Short dost braktough, th rk wb straddosid, dscoctd rom thrst o its orcs

    23 4 24 h1

    I istad 24 d5? h3! is thd or Whit.

    24 e25 e5 e5!

    Th ol tr Allowig a chag o qus would b hop-

    ss bcaus o th wakdqusid, ad actual lossmatrial straightawa: 25 d526 d7 d7 27 ! g2 28c5 ad 29 g2

    26 g4lad o ituitio mor tha

  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


    Game Three 7

    ahg else. ts ot just thatBla's ght s attaed, thepaw bs out the roo ad

    quee from the attafor thetime beg at least.26

    Movig the ight ba to would mea the ed of the atta,so Sho is fored to improvse

    2 4?Kasparov must have ol al

    ulated 27 . . 28 e5 g429 g with a oveheigmatea advatage He had obvous tota overooed Sho'sspetaular repl

    27 d4, defedig , wouldhave bee a smple wa to thwathe atta, for eample, 27 f428 ad Bla is i a mess.

    2 g3!

    Kasparov looed shoed atths move, but with just a mutee st eeps hmsef together

    28 xg3 29 xe5 xg4

    Threateg .h3+; Kaspar' t f d

    30 2 xeU3 xe

    f 3 g4 : mate

    3 xe5?Wth o tme e o h o,

    Sho maes the obvous reap

    ture, but it's a mstae.f he had ed 3.+

    rst, with so little time, Kasparovwould have bee hard pressed todefed er 32 g e5, itwould ot be possbe to brg theight over to defed the ig (ashappeed the game) 33 d23 ad wth three paws forthe piee Bla s surel greatshape

    Of ourse, te has bettertha 33 d2 ad ideed wthpreise pla mght still esapewith hs extra pee 33 d2 h3

    (prevetig d3) 34 5 g6 35h2 h5 35 2 ad amg,Ba has o good dsoveredhe at hs dsposa, as Momei poted out i theDaily legph But woud Kasparov havef d h t f t

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    8 Word Che Championhip

    wth ol a few remaiig seods o the lok?

    32 d2

    er ths eellet defesivemove, the ge is eetivel overSho a make o her progress with hs attak d his pieesare drive bak disarra

    32 dG33 c2 G3 l 8

    35 '536 '3 'd837 d2 c638 d6 xd639 'c5 xc5+0 xc5 5

    The tme sramble is over, adthe smoke has leared to reveala edgame i whh Sho hjust two pas for a piee Kas

    parov laimed aerwads that twould have bee ver ult towi wth oret pla from BlakMabe but there must have beethe thought i the bak of Shortsmid that if the game were to beadjoued half of Mosow would

    have bee egaged to d a He did't put muh eo ito theremaiig moves

    1 d2 2 73 3 d74 c xc6 xc G7 2 8 dl!

    9 a! 750 l! 65 3+ 752 d3 53 5 a 55 xc6 xc656 xcG+ 6

    57 3 g5Or 57 d5 58 e7+ ad

    g658 59

    Ad Back sndA disappoitmet for Sho

    who mssed a good hae i timepressure Kasparov was magaimous i vto: The sore istwo ad a half to a half m faour, but t ould easil have beethe other wa roud'

    erhaps he was a little too geerous Overall this was a eel

    let perfoae om KaspovHe outplaed Sho from theopeig ad plaed a superb middlegame time pressue hemade oe ste wh mghhave jeoparsed the , butthereaer he held his ee

  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


    Game 4

    ShortKasparovSicilian Najd

    s was te game ofte posoed paw' soo as ts varato ofte Slan Defee was deployed, te mgty mds at te Graasters' table wet bak to te FserSpassky mat 972, we teRussa ad used t to aeve oe of s rare sweepg vitoresog Fser's seods o tat oaso was ubomr Kavalek owoahg So Had ubos' rememered ts gambt ad brougt tout ad polsed t for Ngel aer 2 years?

    ole books ave bee devoted to te teo ad prate ofte posoed pawn', so te grandmasters were ter element n te basemet bar at Smpso'steStrand, movg pees swly aoundter boar and soutg suggestons to ea ote as tey tred towork out were t may optos mgt lead

    t was a remder of te te vaety of a game of ess. er twomoves by ea sde te umber of possble postos o te board s852 er tree moves t s e mllo f you wted to work outea possble varato aer four moves, takg a mute for ea oe,t as bee alulated tat te poess would last 600000 years. Tegadmasters moved rater faster ta tat.

    So d Kasparov, wo wo a resodg vito just aer te twoour tme otrol, gig m tree ws out of te four games playedWat surprised may observers was tat ts ad ot bee aeved byte ampo's ow darg ad magatve play, people ad ome to

    epet, but by autous outerplay respose to aggresve attaksy So Wat was gog o ere?e players' own opos o ter perfoae ad te state f te

    mat emerged vaous ways Te wner (bot players f t was adraw appeared at a press oeree aer te ge to aswer joualsts' questos on te Savoy Teatre stage They gave teews oCael 4 Tey spoke prvately to Ray Keee ad oter sta of The wo used te oato to es out ter etesve game

    ayssBut te way of te ess world, stoes also seeped out throug of

    als ad eds d eds of eds, ad lttle stayed seret forlog despte te dlget eo of te asolders to reta ter

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    40 World Che Championhip

    expensively acqued exclusivity. One joalist who happened tose hands wth Sho soon er hs ill-fated fouh game, for example, sad: 'It was like being given a handl of spagheti Thee was no

    need fo an exclusive quote to know that the chalenge was in badshape The body language said it allSo with the score at 35 to 05 we knew who o blame as eve, it wa

    a the faut of the meda who had appaently been pressurng Sho toplay too shaply By now the bookmakes wee esing to te anymore bets on Kasparov winning the match Odds on Sho were 121and you could get 3- on him not winnng a single game No wonde oneof his friends described him as being in a trogh of depresion

    e such a shattering sta, howwill Sho play? Will he put abrae on today o ll he contine hs aggressive policy? herewee many who counselled caution, but Nigel was to remain teto himself and willingly enteed

    into a bloody battle1 c52 d63 d cxd xd 5 c3 a6

    The Najdof Vaation onceagain Kaspaov is eage o takeup the ght

    6 i5And Nigel repeats this aggres

    sive bishop move fom game 2This time, instead of backing ofom a theoetical ght Kasparovcours oneer four days

    preparation6 f 6

    The notoious Poisoned PawnVaation, a favourite of Kasparovs d foe Ficher olebooks have been wtten abot its

    wild complcatiowiout coming to any denite conclusion Inoutageo fashon, Blacks ueenmaes an eary soie for ust ameasly pawn leaving the rest ofhs pieces on the bac rank andhs king exposed to a violent at

    tack from htes mobilisedforces Remakably, Black seemsto get away with itfo most ofthe time at any rate

    It is possible to defend thepa 8 b3 is the best way butthis takes away a dangeo attacking piece om the cente andis not a serous test of the opening But Shor ready fo a ght,and eely sacces the pa

    8 _ x29 3

    9 b1 is more usual, but Shoobiously has somethng evil pre

    paed 9 .. a10 i

    By doubling the pawns hiteensures that Blacks kng will emain in the centre fo ome te:the kngside is t ll of holes

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    Ga Fou

    11 2 &12 00 d713 1 5

    Rulig u he pssibiiy fWhie payig he bishp i h5

    This psii has bee see

    several es befre, ms ably i he 11h game f he 1972wrld champishp mach iwhich Spassky payed 14 b1!?here, ruig Fischer i jus 31mves. Imprvemes were laerfud fr Black i his paicularlie, bu he myseries f hewhle psii have ye beely explred Shs ex mvehas bee payed ce befre, i abscure Se game m 193,hugh frm his mme hegame is really he beaerack Oe f Niges secds,

    Lubsh avaek, had wrkedh Fischer i Reyavik i972, a here was specuaiha s was he ui f heir abursa ha he idea wasy beg see aer 2 years.

    1 d1

    asparv puged i hughaer Shrs ew r, perhaps Ishud say, resueced iea The

    kigh mve lk biae a rssigh, bu if i ca hp ru c4(via e3 he here are chaces aack Backs quee, a a hesame ime i eyes he b ad dsquares.

    1 15 3

    16 Sh was sill playig hismves quie quicky as hugh allhis was pa f hs pegpreparai asparv ha achice bewee grabbig aherpaw ad bravig he aack, rpayig mre cauiusy by re

    reaig he quee ieaey16 .. x

    We were amaed by h capure i he cmmea rm.Aer 1 . .b 17 c c7 18fd1 Whie may reg he paw d, bu fllg al he exchages d, i is a m pias hw much advaage iehas, if ay.

    A his pi he ck imeswere, Sh 22 miues, asparv 1 hur 11 miues Wih Shmvig quicky ad cey,here were may payer prec

    ig ha aspars b wudbe spi Nige mus hae i awrked u

    17 d3Als payed qucky by Sh

    Aer he game, apar decared ha he was acuay mre

  • 8/9/2019 World Chess Championships 1993


    42 World Che Champonhp

    afraid f 17 c4 hugh 17 .d8creaes a square fr he quee drp back c.


    "a48 c4 c7Nige hugh ver his ex

    mve fr 24 mues durigwch ime we were wdeg as exacy where s hme preparai had ished 18 . c7 ca have bee a surprise ad ye

    up hs mme e ad beepayig his mves quickyHere we cud see hig be

    er fr Sh h ake a drawby permaey aackig asparv's uee wih he kighhugh his wud hady havebee a riump fr his mewrk.

    Wha had ge wrg? aspar-v aer said ha bjeciveySh shud ake he draw

    19 6 "a3

    He des' e adm ha hehas made a misake ad iseadf swawig is pride ad ak-

    ig e drawwhic a such aeary sage i he mach wud have bee greay sigi-cahe ciued he srugge

    He admied i The me heex day have verreaced byryg aiae m ad beecaugh e rebud. Perhaps

    ere as bee much medapressure f he "G Nige g iad ge him ype. I wud havebee mre prude keep myhead d Bu i is i mycaracer wimp u f sharppsiis'

    20 a

    2 c422 ixc4



    asparv has give up rk frkigh bu as w exra paws arugh maeria baace bu mhis mme Shs psii de-eriraes

    22 h423 id3

    Sr was wrried abu hekigh cmig i , wih a ps-sibe sacrice g3 bu his is as dagerus as i appearsPayig he bishp back e2 immedaey wud have saved ime

    23 24 i2 i725 c4 3

    Nw Whie's kig is pea-ey expsed.

    26 d527 i?

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    Game Four 4

    he decisive mstake 27 cxd5xd5 28 keeps te in thegame though ae 28 00 Kas-

    paov has the ette position dueto his powel ishops. Shot'smove is ased on a miscacuation.

    dxcShot thought that he could

    now pla 28 d and ae28 .d5 29 xd5 exd5, delive

    checkmate with 30 xd5 c6 3fe+ 32 xc6 xc6 33 d8mate Sweet deams Instead of3 . Black can pla eithe3. . .e, o 3.e5, which othwin

    Nigel looked devastated Hends a wa to continue the stug-

    gle ut eall his position omhee on is hopeless

    3A shallow tap. If 28 cx3 29

    x3 c5 30 x with counte-pa ut Kaspaov took just aminute to pla instead

    c3 c3

    he passed pawn was toostong to e le ut now Sho istwo pawns down fo nothing.

    xc3 0031 l c832 c633 xc6 c63

    It is eas to defend against thisattack In ealit it is ite's

    kig that is the moe exposed3 35 36 ' 37 'xh3 'c238 c339 '

    In time pessue, Shot msses

    is ast chance 39 d4 ut theending ae 39 . e4+ 40 g2xg2+ 4 xg2 e5 should ewinning with cae

    39 ... 30

    * R


    t d0; 6