Working with Millennials: What You Need to Know

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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We've heard every stereotype there is about Millennials—and we're calling BS. While some recent college grads might fall into the "lazy" or "entitled" group, we work with only the awesome ones. Visit for more info.

Transcript of Working with Millennials: What You Need to Know

Working with MILLENNIALS  What you need to know

by Arianna Chopelas

We really don’t like the LABEL, “Millennials.”

So what is a Millennial, REALLY? Merriam Webster’s defines a MILLENNIAL as:

A person born in the 1980s and 1990s

You might have heard some people call them LAZY, ENTITLED JOB HOPPERS.

But that’s just NOT true—mostly.

We asked a handful of Millennial recent college grads about what’s important to them in their first job. Their answers might SURPRISE you.

We asked: What are the most important things recent grads should look for in a FIRST job?

Our peeps said, “A job that allows for GROWTH, where I can contribute and have a lot of opportunity to learn.” Lazy Millennials? We think not!

And what did they learn when looking for their first “REAL” job?

“Don’t SETTLE for the first generic job that comes your way. Some employers are just looking for warm bodies. At the same time, there’s no such thing as a perfect first job.” They also want to learn how to negotiate salary. So smart!

Lastly, what do college grads say you need to do to SUCCEED in your first job? “Be dependable, humble, flexible. Ask questions. Stay proactive. And don’t expect a corner office right up front—you have to walk before you run.”

So, what should EMPLOYERS know about working with new grads?

They said, “Give us a CHANCE, and know we’re eager to help. Be clear with your expectations and let us know right away if we veer too far off course.”

Employers should also understand that job HOPPING can happen. Recent grads need roles that have a variety of challenges. Keep things interesting and they’ll love you forever.

Besides, job SECURITY isn’t what it used to be. There’s no such thing as a “permanent” job anymore.

And the best way to retain top talent? The unanimous answer was: promote a lively office CULTURE with cool perks and flexibility. Recent grads want to have a little fun at work. But then again, who doesn’t?

If you’re thinking about HIRING a new grad, keep these things in mind.

And don’t subscribe to STEREOTYPES about Millennials.

Hiring one might be the BEST decision you make this year.

Trophy kids? Entitled? Not the ONES we work with.

If you’re ready to take a chance on an amazing Millennial, ask me about HIGH TECH CONNEXT. We’ve worked with the best of them—and you can, too.