Working on Data Resources for Disaster Response using ... · PDF fileWorking on Data Resources...

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Working on Data Resources for

Disaster Response using Quantum GIS


Training on GeoTraining on Geo--referenced Information System for Disaster Risk Management (Georeferenced Information System for Disaster Risk Management (Geo--DRM), DRM),

1010--14 February 2014, Kathmandu, Nepal 14 February 2014, Kathmandu, Nepal

ContactContact: Thip Limlahapun,

What is a GIS?

GIS is a set of tools that allow for the

processing of spatial data into



Information SystemInformation System

Geographic PositionGeographic Position

An information system that is used to

input, store, retrieve, manipulate, analyze

and output geographically referenced data

or geo-spatial data to support decision

making for planning and management of

land use, natural resources, environment,

transportation, urban facilities, and other

administrative records.

GIS links graphical features (entities) to tabular data (attributes)

Describe geographical features:

v By recognizing two types of data:

Ø Spatial data which describes location


Ø Attribute data which specifies

characteristics at that location

(what, how much, and when)

Represent data in a GIS:

v By grouping into layers based on similar

characteristics (e.g hydrography, elevation,

water lines, sewer lines, grocery sales) and

using either:

Ø vector data model (coverage in

ARC/INFO, shapefile in ArcView)

Ø raster data model (GRID or Image in

ARC/INFO & ArcView)

Representing Geographic Features:

Ø Continuous: elevation, rainfall, ocean


Ø Areas:

Ø Unbounded: landuse, market

areas, soils, rock type

Ø Bounded: city/county/state

boundaries, ownership parcels,


Ø Moving: air masses, animal herds

Ø Networks: roads, transmission lines,


Ø Points:

Ø Fixed: wells, street lamps,


Ø Moving: cars, fish, deer

Spatial Data Types

Database Contents

Human GeographyØ PopulationØ Birth/Death

Ø Diseases Density Distribution

Political Jurisdictions Ø Political Boundaries

• Capital City• States/Province• Countries

Natural/Environment Ø HydrographyØ PrecipitationØ SoilØ Geology

Economic ActivityØ TelecommunicationØ Electrical NetworksØ IndustryØ Road Network

What questions GIS help

Network Routing

Ø How to get there?

Ø Is there a shortest path?

Ø What happens if the road is closed?

Resources Inventory

Ø How much do we have?

Ø Where is it?

Ø Who owns it?

Ø Which is the most accessible?


Ø Which stage it has been changed?

Ø Which areas will be affected if …?

Ø What needs replacing and where?


Ø Who is where and at what status?

Ø Where should the services be improved?

Ø What are the best solutions?

Ø Where should the facility be developed?

Communities Prone to Violent Crime


Variables might be considered

v Income

v Age-group

v Poverty

v Unemployment/Underemployment

Assist in the allocation of

resources and heighten police

presence in selected areas.2005 Robbery<2021-5051-100101-150>150




Health Center


All-weather roads (asphalt)

All-weather roads (gravel)

Dry-weather roads

Motorable tracks



85.1 – 90.0

90.0 – 100.0

100.1 – 120.0


Measure of Poverty

Infant Mortality Rate (per 1000 live births)

Measure of Poverty

2005 200820011976


Date: January, 2008

Resolution: 15 meters

Detect Changes

Plate Boundaries and 2006 earthquakes of magnitude greater than or equal 7


Source: ESRI (Arc Explorer)

Ø Earthquake ground shaking varies from place to place

Ø The hazard depends on the magnitudes and locations of likely earthquakes,

how often they occur, and the properties of the rocks and sediments that

earthquake waves travel through.

Ø The mapped hazard refers to an estimate of the probability of exceeding a

certain amount of ground shaking, or ground motion, in 50 years.

Data Preparation

v US Geological Survey (USGS)

Ø M4.5+ Earthquake Locations

Ø HAZUS Zip File

v Cloud Made (OSM)

Ø Shapefiles (i.e., highway, POI (school, hopital))

v Earth Observation Imagery

Ø Landsat Images

Ø High Rosulution Image (i.e., Quickbird)

v US Geological Survey (USGS) provides earthquake worldwide events.

v Information will be updated every 30 mins. through the website

Data Resources - USGS

Available format:

KML (Keyhole Markup Language) – Allow to select which magnitude to

display, Able to view in Google

GeoJSON – A format for encoding a variety of geographic data structure

CSV (Comma Seperated Values) – Able to create location using lat/lon

using QGIS

v Getting Earthquake Locations

Ø Go to

Ø Data & Products > Real-time Data Feeds > Format >

Spreadsheets > M4.5+ Earthquake > Save

Ø Open to look at the data in excel sheet

Data Resources – USGS (Continued)

We will use in QGIS Hands-on Session

E:\GIS_Training\Nepal\Table\ 4.5_hour.csv

Data Resources – USGS (Continued)

v In September 2011, Earthquake at Magnitude 6.9, Depth 20 km occurred in

India-Nepal Border Region, USGS provide hazard map.

v Go to

v Click Earthquake > Scroll

down > Select Shake Map >


v Select All or specific year

v Search Nepal >


REGION > Click Download

v Scroll down > GIS Files >

HAZUS Zip File (242 kB)

v Save

Data Resources – OSM

Cloudmades è The files provided on these pages are created from OpenStreetMap

map data. OpenStreetMap is a work in progress many of the countries are only

partially mapped or are incomplete. The data contained on these pages has not

been checked or verified.

v Browse


v Select Asia > Southern Asia >

Nepal >

> Save and Unzip

v Data Available in the folder

(i.e., admin boundary, highway,

POI [we will use POI for the

practical session])

Data Resources – Landsat


v Select Asia

v Path/Row or Lat/Long

v Max Cloud

v Date

Once selected the scene > Click Add > Send

to Cart

v Require to Register or Login

v Click Download

Data Resources – Landsat

v QGIS > Add Raster >

v E:\GIS_Training\Nepal



v Add Vector >


\shapefile\ NPL_adm3.shp

v Click Download

Geo-referenced images can be overlain

Check Metadata:

Finding Pixel Size and Reference Projection

Data Resources – Landsat

Data Resources – Landsat

Projection Conversion

UTM è Geographic Lat/Lon

vMenu Raster > Projections

> Assign Projection

Previous Step à Create


(same folder as source)

v E:\GIS_Training\Nepal


00 > OK > OK > Close

v Add tif file > Right Click >

Properties > General


Data Resources – Landsat (Continued)

Data Resources – High Resolution Imagery

v Browse Digital Globe:


v Select Area (i.e.,

Kathmandu, Nepal)

Ø Drawing polygon

(i.e., drag box, point

and click)

Ø Select by user


Digital Globe owned and operate very high resolution (VHR) imagery

QuickBird (Spatial Resolution Panchromatic imagery at 60 cm. and Multispectral

Imagery at about 2.5 m.

Ø WorldView-1 and -2 (Panchromatic imagery at 50 cm. and 46 cm., respectively)

Data Resources – High Resolution Imagery (Continued)

v Select Modify Filter (i.e.,

acquisition start date/end date) >

Click Continue

v On Main Map Page > Click Search

Source: Help (DigitalGlobe)

v Results display images meet user

setting criteria

v Image Resize > Max available

resolution > Right Click > Save

Picture As [QB_04052013.png]

v Download > Selected Strips

Shape File [This will be used in the

next session (geo-reference)]

Data Resources – High Resolution Imagery (Continued)

v Download > Selected Strips Shape File [This will be used in the next

session (geo-reference)]

Data Resources – High Resolution Imagery (Continued)

v Provide free spatial country level data

v Browse:

v Select Country è Nepal; Subject è Administrative areas

Data Resources – Diva GIS

v Browse:

v Menu Data > Data Availability > Population

v Scroll Down > Asia > Nepal > Click Go to summary page

v Fill out information to download data

Data Resources – World Population Data


v GIS Tool

v Free and Open Source Software

Introduction to GIS and Tools

v View – Able to view and overlay different data format (vector, raster, PostGIS,

Delimited Text Layer) in different projections.

v Create – Able to view and overlay different data format (vector, raster,

PostGIS, Delimited Text Layer.

v Edit – Able to edit, change or modify feature or attribute table.

v Visualize

v Analyze – Perform spatial data analysis (i.e., vector analysis, geo-processing,

database, and management tool).

v Publish – Share information, be able to create a web map service (WMS) from

QGIS project.

QGIS - Functions

v Add Vector

v Dataset > Click Browse > D:\ GIS_Training\Nepal\NPL_adm3.shp > Open

Functions – View


v Right Click > Open Attribute Table

v Coloring by Region è Right Click > Properties >

v Click Style > Categorized > Column: NAME_1 > Classify > Apply > OK

v Save style è NPL_region.qml

Functions – View (Continued)

v Labels District Name è Right Click > Properties >

v Click Labels > Check Label this layer with NAME_3 > Apply > OK

Functions – View (Continued)

Add Line and Points

v E:\GIS_Training\Nepal\shapefile\nepal.shapefiles\nepal_highway.shp

v E:\GIS_Training\Nepal\shapefile\nepal.shapefiles\nepal_location.shp

Create 2 new layers (town.shp and village.shp)

v Right Click at nepal_location.shp > Open Attribute Table > Select by

Expression "PLACE" = 'town' > Right Click at nepal_location.shp > Save

Selection As > E:\GIS_Training\Nepal\shapefile\NPL_town.shp

Functions – View (Continued)

Create – Able to view and overlay different data format (vector, raster, PostGIS,

Delimited Text Layer.

Functions – Create

v Create layer from a

Delimited Text File or CSV

format where lat/lon are


v Add World Shapefile



v Add table



X Field è Longitude

Y Field è Latitude

Create – Able to view and overlay different data format (vector, raster, PostGIS,

Delimited Text Layer.

Functions – Create

v Create layer from a

Delimited Text File or CSV

format where lat/lon are


v Add World Shapefile



v Add table



X Field è Longitude

Y Field è Latitude

Functions – Edit

Edit – Able to edit, change or modify feature or attribute table

Geo-reference image (QGIS è Geo-


v Add Vector layer qb_footprint.shp

v From Menu > Raster >

Georeferencer > Georeferencer >

v Menu File > Open Raster

v Register with coordinate: Click Add

Point > Click Upper-Left Corner

at QB raster image > [Enter map

coordination pop-up] > Click from

map canvas botton

v Click at the Vector layer (qb_footprint.shp) at the same corner

v Repeat the step for all 4 corners

v Georeferencer Window > Click Start georeferencing

Functions – Edit (Continued)

v Add shape file > catalog.shp > Right click > Open Attribute table > Select

feature (i.e. QB-ACQ-date 2013-05-04)

v From Catalog layer > Right Click > Save Selection As…>

E:/GIS_Training/Nepal/QB_04052013.shp (give same name as QB PNG image)

v Add E:/GIS_Training/Nepal/QB_04052013.shp

Functions – Edit (Continued)

v From Raster Menu > Conversion > Rasterize (Vector to

Raster) [Setting] > Click OK

Functions – Edit (Continued)


Functions – Edit (Continued)

Input (Shapefile)E:/GIS_Training/Nepal/QB_04052013.shp

Output (Raster)E:/GIS_Training/Nepal/QB_Temp/QB_04052013.png

Raster size in pixelsWidth: 1377 Height: 1260

Check from original QB image downloaded

v Raster Menu > Projections > Extract Projection > [Setting] > Click OK

v Copy (.prj, .wld, and .xml) files to original QB image folder

v Open Raster E:/GIS_Training/Nepal/QB/ QB_04052013.png

Functions – Edit (Continued)

Input fileE:/GIS_Training/Nepal/QB_Temp/ QB_04052013.png

Check: Create also prj file

Functions – Visualize

Data Used:




Ø A ShakeMap is a representation of ground shaking produced by an


Ø Automatically generated shaking maps---combinine measurements instrument

of shaking with geology, earthquake location and magnitude to estimate shaking

variations throughout a geographic area.

Shake Map

Peak Ground Acceleration

Ø PGA represents contoured in units of percent-g

Where; g = acceleration due to the force of gravity = 9.81 m/s2

Ø The contour interval varies greatly and is based on the maximum recorded

value over the network for each event.

A table of intensity descriptions with the corresponding peak ground acceleration

(PGA) and peak ground velocity (PGV) values used in the ShakeMaps.

Source: USGS

Query Expression

ShakeMap è GIS shapefiles for direct input into the Federal Emergency

Management Agency (FEMA) U.S. (HAZUS) loss estimation software. These maps

are rapidly and automatically distributed to the California OES for computing

HAZUS loss estimates and for coordinating State and Federal response efforts.

This is a major improvement in loss-estimation accuracy because actual ground-

motion observations are used directly to assess damage rather than relying on

simpler estimates based on epicenter and magnitude alone, as was customary.

PGA à Peak Ground Acceleration (%g)

PGV à Peak Ground Velocity (cm/s)

PSA à Pseudo-spectral acceleration (at 0.3, 1.0, and 3.0 sec period) (%g)

Understanding Hazus Supporting file

Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale

Source: TRINET is the seismic network in southern California operated cooperatively by: United States Geological Survey (USGS) California Institute of Technology (Caltech) California Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG)

Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale (Continued)

Source: TRINET is the seismic network in southern California operated cooperatively by: United States Geological Survey (USGS) California Institute of Technology (Caltech) California Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG)

Estimation on administrative areas affected by earthquake peak ground acceleration areas

Layers used è Vector

(administrative boundary) and

peak ground acceleration

v From QGIS > Add Vector

(administrative boundary) and

peak ground acceleration radius

affected by earthquake >

NPL_adm3.shp and PGA.shp

v Adjust symbol

v Right Click > Properties >

Adjust style or Load Style (if

saved earler)

Estimation on administrative areas affected by earthquake peak ground acceleration areas (Continued)

Intersect Admin Boundary with earthquake PGA polygon

v From Vector Menu > Geo

Processing Tools > Intersect >

Input vector layer è NPL_adm3,

Intersct layer è pga > Output

shapefile è



v Style by GRID Code (value of


v Adm3_District_PGA.shp >

Right Click > Style > Load Style



Estimation on administrative areas affected by earthquake peak ground acceleration areas (Continued)

v From Vector Menu > Analysis

tool > Basic Statistics

v Input Vector Layer è

Admin3_District_PGA, Target

field è ID_3 > OK

v Find Result

How many districts possibly

sensed by the earthquake?

How many districts possibly sensed by the earthquake?

Estimation on facilities and services places affected by earthquake peak ground acceleration areas

Layers used è Vector (Nepal

Place of Interest) and district

affected by peak ground

acceleration areas

v From QGIS > Add Vector >


/POI.shp and



v Adjust symbol

v Right Click > Properties >

Adjust style or Load Style (if

saved earlier)

Intersect place of interest with affected boundary

v From Vector Menu > Geo

Processing Tools > Intersect >

Input vector layer è nepal_poi,

Intersct layer è

Adm3_District_PGA > Output

shapefile è


/District_PGA_POI.shp > Close

v Style by GRID Code (value of


v Adm3_District_PGA.shp >

Right Click > Style > Load Style


Estimation on facilities and services places affected by earthquake peak ground acceleration areas (Continued)

“CATEGORY” = ‘Tourism’ AND “GRID_CODE” = 22

v Right Click >

Properties > Style >


v Apply Filter

Estimation on facilities and services places affected by earthquake peak ground acceleration areas (Continued)

Estimation on people affected by earthquake peak ground acceleration areas

Layers used è Nepal Admin

District Boundary and Population

Census 2001 Table

v From QGIS > Add Vector >


efile/NPL_adm3.shp and



v Right Click on NPL_adm3.shp

> Properties > Joins> Add

Vector Join [Setting] > OK

> Apply > OK

Estimation on people affected by earthquake peak ground acceleration areas (Continued)

v Check Attribute Table >

NPL_adm3 > Right Click > Open

Attribute Table

v Export to a new layer >

NPL_adm3 > Right Click > Save

as >



v Add


/NPL_adm3_Pop01.shp) > Open

Attribute Table > Toggle Editing

mode > Open Field

Calculator > [Setting]

> OK

Check: Create a new field



v Repeat by Adding 2 more Columns [Area, and Pop_Den (Pop Density)]

v Area è Expression: $area

v Pop_Den è Expression: "Pop2001" / "Area”

Estimation on people affected by earthquake peak ground acceleration areas (Continued)

Add Earthquake PGA polygon


p) > Intersect: from Menu

Vector > Geo Processing Tools

> Intersect > [Setting] > OK

Input (Shapefile)E:/GIS_Training/Nepal/NPL_adm3_Pop01.shp

Output (Raster)E:/GIS_Training/Nepal/PGA.shp

Output shapefile (Point)E:/GIS_Training/Nepal/Processed/Pop01_PGA.shp

Quiz: Which province and how many people affected at the

strongest level of earthquake?

Estimation on people affected by earthquake peak ground acceleration areas (Continued)

National Atlas of the United States and The National Atlas of the United States of

America, the United States Department of the Interior, January, 2013.

Peter H. Dana, Colorado University, The Geographer's Craft Project, Department

of Geography, The University of Colorado at Boulder, October, 2000.

Institute of Discrete mathematics and Geometry, Differential Geometry and

Geometric Structures, Vienna University of Technology, January 2011.

References (Earthquake)


Map Projection

v A map projection is a way to represent the spherical curved surface of the

Earth to flat surface of a map. Map projections also apply to digital map data,

which can be presented on a computer screen.

v There are hundreds of different map projections. Distortion always occurs

when projection is processed

Ø Shape (Conformality)

Ø Area

Ø Distance

Ø Direction

v Each map projections has advantage and disadvantage

Ø Some projections are good for small areas

Ø Some are good for mapping areas with a large east-west extent

Ø Some are better for mapping areas with a large north-south extent.

Classification based on Distortion

Classification Properties Projection Type Remarks




Ø Maintains




Ø Lambert


Ø Equal-Area


Ø Albers Equal-

Area Conic


Ø Results from

projecting a


surface onto a


Ø The projection

works well for

mapping areas that

extend equally

from the center

point, such as

North America.

Conformal Projection Ø Maintains

accurate shape

over small area

Ø Mercator


Ø Lambert

Conformal Conic


Ø Results from

projecting a


surface onto a


Ø The U.S.

Geological Survey

uses for many of

topographic maps.

Ø Used for

navigational or



Classification Properties Projection Type Remarks



Ø Maintains




Ø Equidistant Conic


Ø Equirectangular


Ø Azimuthal



Ø Results from

projecting a


surface onto a


Ø The projection

used for radio

and seismic

mapping, and for


Azimuthal Projection Ø Maintains


direction and



Ø Gnomonic


Ø Lambert

Azimuthal Equal-

Area Projection

Ø Results from

projecting a


surface onto a


Ø The projection

used for



Others Ø A compromise

that distorts all

the properties of

shape, area,

distance, and

direction, within


acceptable limit.

Ø Winkel Tripel


Ø Robinson


Ø Used for world


Classification based on Distortion (Continued)

Classification based on Developable Surface

Classification Properties Projection Type Remarks

Cylindrical Projection Ø Projecting a


surface onto a


Ø A Mercator

projection is

created using a

cylinder tangent at

the equator.

Ø A Transverse

Mercator projection

is created using a

cylinder that is

tangent at a

selected meridian.

Ø An Oblique

Mercator projection

is created using a

cylinder that is

tangent along a

great circle other

than the equator or

a meridian.

Ø Tangent to

the Earth along

a selected line

Ø Secant

(intersect the

Earth) along

two lines.

Ø The cylinder is

unwrapped to form

a flat surface.

Ø The lines where

the cylinder is

tangent or secant

are the places with

the least distortion.

Cylindrical Projection

Projection of a Sphere onto a Cylinder (Tangent Case)

Projection of a Sphere onto a Cylinder (Secant Case)

Source: Peter H. Dana

Transverse Projection of a Sphere onto a Cylinder

(Tangent Case)

Oblique Projection of a Sphere onto a Cylinder

(Tangent Case)

Classification Projection

Cylindrical Projection Ø The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection is used to define horizontal,

positions world-wide by dividing the surface of the Earth into 6 degree zones, each

mapped by the Transverse Mercator projection with a central meridian in the center of

the zone. UTM zone numbers designate 6 degree longitudinal strips extending from 80

degrees South latitude to 84 degrees North latitude.

Source: Peter H. Dana

Classification based on Developable Surface (Continued)

Classification Properties Projection Type

Conic Projection Ø Projecting a

spherical surface

onto a cone

Ø Polyconic

Projection uses a

series of cones to

reduce distortion.

Ø Albers Equal Area


Ø Equidistant Conic

Ø Lambert Conformal


Ø Tangent to the

Earth along a

single parallel

Ø Secant at two






Ø Projecting a

spherical surface

onto a plane

Ø Azimuthal

Equidistant (Distance

measure from the

center are true)

Ø Lambert Azimuthal

Equal Area (The

central meridian is a

straight line)

Ø Orthographic (area

and shape are

distorted, distances

are true along

equator and


Ø Tangent to the

Earth along a

single parallel

Ø Secant at two




Ø Once the projection

is proceeded, the

cone is unwrapped to

form a flat surface.

Ø The lines where the

cone is tangent or

secant are the places

with the least


Ø Air route Distance

Ø Ocean Areas

Conic and Azimuthal/Plane Projections

Projection of a Sphere onto a Cone (Tangent Case)

Projection of a Sphere onto a Cone (Secant Case)

Source: Peter H. Dana

Projection of a Sphere onto a Plane (Tangent Case)

Projection of a Sphere onto a Plane (Secant Case)


Classification Properties Remark

Unprojected Map Ø Formed by considering longitude

and latitude as a simple rectangular

coordinate system.

Ø Scale, distance, area, and shape are

all distorted with the distortion

increasing toward the poles.

Source: Peter H. Dana

Great Circle – A circle formed on the surface of a sphere by a plane that passes through the center of the sphere (i.e., Equator, Meridian)

Meridian—A great circle on the surface of the Earth, passing through the geographical poles and some third point on the Earth's surface. All points on a given meridian have the same longitude.

Latitude—Angular distance, in degrees, minutes, and seconds measured from the center of the Earth, of a point north or south of the Equator. Latitude may also be measured in decimal degrees.

Longitude—Angular distance, in degrees, minutes, and seconds measured from the

center of the Earth, of a point east or west of the Prime Meridian. Longitude may also be measured in decimal degrees.

Geographic Coordinate System (Common Terms)



Source: World Atlas

Peter H. Dana, Colorado University, The Geographer's Craft Project, Department

of Geography, The University of Colorado at Boulder, October, 2000.

National Atlas of the United States and The National Atlas of the United States of

America, the United States Department of the Interior, January, 2013.

Institute of Discrete mathematics and Geometry, Differential Geometry and

Geometric Structures, Vienna University of Technology, January 2011.

World Atlas, Graphic Map,

Anant Kampeera, Southern GIS and Remote Sensing Center, Songkla Nakarin

