Working for the Future 1. Text Analysis Text Analysis 2. Exercises Exercises 3. Questions For...

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Transcript of Working for the Future 1. Text Analysis Text Analysis 2. Exercises Exercises 3. Questions For...

Working for the Future

1. Text Analysis

2. Exercises

3. Questions For Discussion


1. True/False Questions

2. Multiple-choice Questions


True/False Questions

1. Most teenagers do not like to be asked the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

2. Thinking about a career is no easy job for people because there are many industries, professions and jobs to choose from.

3. According to the writer, most people plan their future career long before they have to get a paying job.


True/False Questions

1. Most teenagers do not like to be asked the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” (T)

2. Thinking about a career is no easy job for people because there are many industries, professions and jobs to choose from.

3. According to the writer, most people plan their future career long before they have to get a paying job.


True/False Questions

1. Most teenagers do not like to be asked the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” (T)

2. Thinking about a career is no easy job for people because there are many industries, professions and jobs to choose from. (T)

3. According to the writer, most people plan their future career long before they have to get a paying job.


True/False Questions

1. Most teenagers do not like to be asked the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” (T)

2. Thinking about a career is no easy job for people because there are many industries, professions and jobs to choose from. (T)

3. According to the writer, most people plan their future career long before they have to get a paying job. (F)


True/False Questions

4. When you start planning your future career, the first thing you should do is to think about jobs.

5. “What Color Is Your Parachute?” is a book on religion.

6. When you talk to people about their work, you must be serious and prepare your questions well.


True/False Questions

4. When you start planning your future career, the first thing you should do is to think about jobs. (F)

5. “What Color Is Your Parachute?” is a book on religion.

6. When you talk to people about their work, you must be serious and prepare your questions well.


True/False Questions

4. When you start planning your future career, the first thing you should do is to think about jobs. (F)

5. “What Color Is Your Parachute?” is a book on religion. (F)

6. When you talk to people about their work, you must be serious and prepare your questions well.


True/False Questions

4. When you start planning your future career, the first thing you should do is to think about jobs. (F)

5. “What Color Is Your Parachute?” is a book on religion. (F)

6. When you talk to people about their work, you must be serious and prepare your questions well. (T)


True/False Questions

7. In order to find out if you are fit for a certain career, you’d better practise the job first.

8. In this article the writer mainly gives advice to adults on how to get a job.


True/False Questions

7. In order to find out if you are fit for a certain career, you’d better practise the job first. (T)

8. In this article the writer mainly gives advice to adults on how to get a job.


True/False Questions

7. In order to find out if you are fit for a certain career, you’d better practise the job first. (T)

8. In this article the writer mainly gives advice to adults on how to get a job. (F)


Multiple-choice Questions

1. This article is meant to .

A) provide job opportunities

B) plan a bright future for teenagers

C) give advice to teenagers

D) suggest different job possibilities


Multiple-choice Questions


1. This article is meant to C .

A) provide job opportunities

B) plan a bright future for teenagers

C) give advice to teenagers

D) suggest different job possibilities

Multiple-choice Questions

2. Preparing for your future career, you should first .

A) go to the library

B) talk with people

C) find out the paycheck of a career

D) think about yourself


Multiple-choice Questions


2. Preparing for your future career, you should first D .

A) go to the library

B) talk with people

C) find out the paycheck of a career

D) think about yourself

Multiple-choice Questions

3. When a person meets and talks with people for advice or information, he must .

A) wear his best clothes

B) make sure he gets what he wants

C) be serious and well-prepared

D) take notes on the answers


Multiple-choice Questions


3. When a person meets and talks with people for advice or information, he must C .

A) wear his best clothes

B) make sure he gets what he wants

C) be serious and well-prepared

D) take notes on the answers

Multiple-choice Questions

4. To decide whether one belongs somewhere, the best way is .

A) to call the boss

B) to try and practice the job

C) to ask detailed questions

D) to approach people in that field


Multiple-choice Questions


4. To decide whether one belongs somewhere, the best way is B .

A) to call the boss

B) to try and practice the job

C) to ask detailed questions

D) to approach people in that field

Multiple-choice Questions

5. One can most possibly find internships in each of the following except .

A) libraries

B) government agencies

C) businesses

D) non-profit organizations


Multiple-choice Questions


5. One can most possibly find internships in each of the following except A .

A) libraries

B) government agencies

C) businesses

D) non-profit organizations

Multiple-choice Questions

6. Librarians may know more about job opportunities from .

A) books and publishers

B) magazines and newspapers

C) local groups and organizations

D) mailings and flyers


Multiple-choice Questions


6. Librarians may know more about job opportunities from D .

A) books and publishers

B) magazines and newspapers

C) local groups and organizations

D) mailings and flyers

Multiple-choice Questions

7. Through social contacts one can obtain all of the following except .

A) knowledge about working in a certain field

B) training for working in a certain field

C) recommendations of organizations

D) others’ experience of working in a certain field


Multiple-choice Questions


7. Through social contacts one can obtain all of the following except B .

A) knowledge about working in a certain field

B) training for working in a certain field

C) recommendations of organizations

D) others’ experience of working in a certain field

Questions for Discussion


1. What do I know about myself?

2. What can I do at school for my future?

3. Which one is the most important factor in making your decision about your future, your personal interests and your abilities, your parents’ opinion, or your teacher’s advice?

Working for the Future Have you ever thought of your future career? If not, you’d better start thinking about it. This article will give you useful tips on how to do that.

Text Analysis

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

You’ve probably heard that question a thousand times. You may even be one of the lucky ones with a definite plan for the future. But if you’re like most teenagers, the question makes you want to leave the conversation — and the room.

Text Analysis

Thinking about a career is hard for everyone. There are hundreds of industries, thousands of professions, and millions of jobs to choose from. It may seem too early in your life to try to figure out where you belong. But now is actually a great time to experiment — before you need that paycheck.

Text Analysis

Interested? Then don’t think about jobs. Think about yourself. What kind of people do you like to be with? What kind of things do you like to do? What are you good at? The answers may suggest some work possibilities. Are you patient and good with children? Maybe you’d like teaching. Do you like physical activity and the outdoors? Think about construction work, or being a traffic policeman.

Text Analysis

With your brain filled with those questions, go to the library. Find the book What Color Is Your Parachute?, by Richard Nelson Bolles. It’s a bible for many job-hunters today, and it can help you, too. There’s a whole chapter full of ideas on how to figure out your skills and interests.

Text Analysis

After this research, you should have a list of a few fields of interest — and a lot of questions about them. What kinds of jobs are there in these fields? How do you train for them? What is the work really like? To find the answers, go to the source: people who hold those jobs.

Text Analysis

Start by talking to the people you know best. Your family and family friends may be in the right field or know someone who is. So might your teacher or guidance counselor. Your priest, or minister, may be able to help you, too. Don’t overlook the obvious. Are you interested in medicine? Talk to a family doctor or dentist. Are you crazy about cars? Make an appointment with the mechanic at the local gas station.

Text Analysis

Most people like to talk about their work. The ones you approach should be happy to help with advice and information, if you treat the occasion seriously. Call first to arrange a convenient time. If you set up a meeting in person, arrive a few minutes early, looking neat and well-groomed. Have clear and detailed questions ready: What exactly does the person do at work? What was the training required for this job? What does the person like about the job? What parts aren’t so great? Does the job require a lot of contact with the public? With co-workers? Or does the person mostly work alone? What other jobs are there in this field? It’s okay to come in with your questions written down, and to have pencil and paper ready to take notes on the answers.

Text Analysis

Those answers should give a pretty good picture of a certain career. Do you belong in that picture? One way to find out is by putting yourself in it.

You can do that through internships and volunteer programs. (Internships are “trial jobs” run by many businesses, non-profit groups, and government agencies. They usually don’t pay a salary, but they give you valuable experience that can help you get a paying job later, sometimes with the same organization.)

Text Analysis

Once again, the local library is a good place to find out about these programs. Check the latest edition of Internships, published by Writer’s Digest. It lists internship programs (though mostly for college students) and offers helpful hints on how to get into one. Libraries often have lists of local organizations with jobs or internship programs available. Librarians receive all kinds of mailings and fliers and may know about opportunities for students.

Text Analysis

If you’re interested in working for a certain company, call that company and ask them if they use interns or volunteers. If you’re interested in doing a particular kind of work, the United Way, the Volunteer Council, or a local group like the Kiwanis should be able to tell you about volunteer possibilities that come close to your interests. And the Chamber of Commerce is a good source of information on business internships. Call them and ask.

Text Analysis

Don’t give up if you can’t find something just right. You may have to invent your own internship program. Call the boss you’d like to work for. Explain how much you can do for the organization. If you state your case well, someone will listen.

Text Analysis

Your main goal through all of this is to learn about working in a certain field. You’re going to come away with more than information, though. Along the way, you’re going to collect recommendations, experience, and practice in the fine art of getting a job. Good luck!

Abridged from Science World Sept. 22, 1986.

Approximately 820 words.

Text Analysis


definite [] adj. 明确的;肯定的= clearly defined; explicitly precisee.g. I want a definite answer “yes” or “no”. 我要明确的答覆,“是”或“否”。

Words to Know


industry [] n. 行业;工业= a specific branch of manufacture and tradee.g. But when industry became more important than agriculture in American life, families became smaller.但是 , 在美国人的生活中当工业比农业更为重要时 , 家庭开始变小了。

Words to Know


figure (out) [] vi. 想清楚,弄明白;计算出= to consider or regarde.g. We must figure out how to solve the problem.我们必须想出解决这个问题的办法。

figure out 弄明白,弄清楚e.g. Can you figure out this puzzle?你能找到谜底吗 ?

Phrases and Expressions


actually [] adv. 实际上=in facte.g. Actually it's we that owe you a lot.实际上 , 应该是我们感谢您。

Words to Know


possibility [] n. 可能(性)= something that is possiblee.g. Is it a possibility that you will work abroad? 你有可能去国外工作吗?

Words to Know


physical [] adj. 身体的;物质的= of or relating to the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit; of or relating to material thingse.g. Physical fitness is having a strong healthy body. 身体健康就是有一个强壮健康的身体。

Words to Know


traffic [] n. 交通= the passage of people, vehicles, or messages along routes of transportation or communicatione.g. The city streets are full of traffic. 城市的街道上满是行人车辆。

Words to Know


guidance [] n. 指导;引导= the act or process of guidinge.g. He did the work with his teacher‘s guidance. 他在老师的指导下做了这件工作。

guidance counselor: (就业的)咨询顾问

Phrases and Expressions


overlook [] vt. 忽略;看漏= to fail to notice or consider; misse.g. The secretary is very careful and never overlooks any little points.秘书是个很细心的人她从不忽视细节。

Don’t overlook the obvious: Don’t ignore what is clear and near around you.

Phrases and Expressions


obvious [] adj. 明显的,显然的= easily perceived or understood; quite apparente.g. Indeed, there are many obvious advantages to a five-day week.的确 , 实行五天工作制有许多明显的优点。

Words to Know


appointment [] n. 约会;任命;场合= an arrangement to do something or meet someone at a particular time and placee.g. The manager met the newspapermen by appointment.经理按事先的约定会见了记者。

make an appointment with 与…约会e.g. I made an appointment to see the doctor. 我约定好时间去看医生。

Phrases and Expressions


occasion [] n. 时机;时刻;场合= a favorable or appropriate time or juncture; an opportunitye.g. This is not an occasion for laughter.这不是欢笑的时候。

Words to Know


convenient [] adj. 方便的= suited or favorable to one's comfort, purpose, or needse.g. Sickness is a convenient excuse for not going.生病是不去的适当借口。

Words to Know


volunteer [] n. 自愿参加者,志愿者= a person who performs or offers to perform a service of his or her own free wille.g. We want some volunteers to help paint the house. 我们想要几个自愿帮助漆房屋的人。

Words to Know


agency [] n. 专业行政部门;代理,中介= a business or service authorized to act for otherse.g. He got a new job via an employment agency.


Words to Know


publish [] vt. 出版;发表;公布= to issue a publicatione.g. News of the general's sudden death was not published for several days.那个将军突然死亡的消息有好几天没有公布。

Words to Know


available [] adj. 可利用的;现成可使用的;可获得的= present and ready for use; at hand; accessiblee.g. Kept a fire extinguisher available at all times.任何时候都要放置即时可用的灭火器。

Words to Know


librarian [] n. 图书馆管理员(或馆长)= a person who is a specialist in library worke.g. You can ask the librarian to help you find the book.你可以请图书管理员帮你找书。

Words to Know


opportunity [] n. 就业(或提升)机会;时机= a favorable or suitable occasion or timee.g. I'll have another opportunity to visit the exhibition next year.明年我们还有一次机会参观这个展览会。

Words to Know


recommendation [] n. 推荐信;推荐= the act of recommendinge.g. I went to the new hotel on your recommendation. 经你的介绍我去了这家新旅馆。

Words to Know


source [] n.1) 源头起源的那一点,如泉水、小溪或河流的源头 = the point of origin, such as a spring, of a stream or rivere.g. They decided to find the source of the stream.他们决心找出小溪的源头。2) 来源;出处 = the point at which something springs into being or from which it derives or is obtainede.g. Bad food is a source of illness. 坏了的食物是疾病之源。

Words to Know


crazy [] adj. 1) 癫狂的;疯狂的= affected with madness; insanee.g. That kind of act is crazy.那种行为是疯狂的。2) 狂热的;极度兴奋的= possessed by enthusiasm or excitemente.g. The crowd at the game went crazy.看比赛的人群变得狂热起来

Words to Know


approach []vt. 接近= to come near or nearer, as in space or timee.g. We approached the museum. 我们走近博物馆。

Words to Know


n. 1) 接近= the act of approachinge.g. The approach of winter brings cold weather.

冬天快到了 , 天气要转冷了。 2)  方法,途径= the method used in dealing with or accomplishinge.g. He presented a new approach to solve the prolem提出一个新的方法。

Words to Know


grow up 长大成人e.g. The little girl then has grown up.当时的小女孩已经长大成人了。

Phrases and Expressions


set up 提出;建立e.g. A statue will be set up in front of the building.这座楼前将要建立一座雕像。

Phrases and Expressions


in person 本人,亲自e.g. He applied for the job in person.他亲自应聘这项工作。

Phrases and Expressions


come in with 带着…进去e.g. The mad man came in with a knife.那个疯子拿着一把刀进来。

Phrases and Expressions


take notes 记笔记e.g. You have to take notes when listening to the lectures.听讲座的时候你应该记笔记。

Phrases and Expressions


give up 对…不再抱有希望;放弃e.g. He gave up on writing the novel.他放弃写小说了。

Phrases and Expressions


come away with 带着…离开e.g. She has to come away with regret.她只好带着遗憾离开。

Phrases and Expressions


the fine art 复杂的艺术e.g. The salesman is really good at the fine art of persuasion.这个推销员精通说服他人这门复杂的艺术。

Phrases and Expressions


the outdoors: the outdoor activities

Phrases and Expressions


job-hunters: 求职者

Phrases and Expressions


gas station: a place that sells gasoline and repairs motor vehicles (车辆)

Phrases and Expressions


Writer’s Digest: a US magazine providing advice, information and opportunities for creative writers. It regularly publishes “internships”, a directory of job training opportunities in areas such as business, sport, science and the performing arts

Phrases and Expressions


mailings and fliers: posted matters and small sheets of paper on which advertising matter is printed and given out to people

Phrases and Expressions


the United Way: US social welfare organization founded in 1918

Phrases and Expressions


the Volunteer Council: groups of ordinary citizens who offer help at a neighbourhood level without charging any fees

Phrases and Expressions


the Kiwanis: US club of industrialists and businessmen, which holds luncheons every week. The word comes from Indian, meaning “to become famous (扬名) .” 基瓦尼俱乐部

Phrases and Expressions


Chamber of Commerce:商会。 US organization of businessmen set up to improve business conditions and practices and to protect business interests. The first in the US was the New York Chamber of Commerce (1768) and now most sizeable US cities have one.

Phrases and Expressions


What do you want to be in the future? Do you have a definite plan for your future or are you vague about it?



Where can you find such help in China?



Have you ever worked as a volunteer? What have you learned from that kind of experience?

