WordCamp Netherlands 2012: WordPress in 2012

Post on 28-Jan-2015

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My keynote from WordCamp Netherlands 2012 in Utrecht.

Transcript of WordCamp Netherlands 2012: WordPress in 2012

WordPress in 2012 What’s Next?

WordCamp Netherlands 2012

Andrew Nacin

Core Developer of WordPress and Tech Ninja at Audrey Capital

@nacin on Twitter nacin@wordpress.org

Utrecht, 2010. Photo by John O’Nolan

← Me  

← Remkus  

Where were we?

Since I was last here in 2010, quite a bit has happened.

WordPress 3.1

February 2011.

Internal linking

Cross-link your content.

The Admin Bar

(Watch this space.)

Post formats

Jazz up your blogging.

WordPress 3.2

July 2011.

Distraction-Free Writing

Just write.

Enter title here

UI Refresh

More of getting out of your way.

Faster, lighter.

Bye, Internet Explorer 6.

(IE7, you’re next.)

(press this one)

Browse Happy.

Twenty Eleven

Beautiful and customizable.

WordPress 3.3

December 2011.

Improving the New User Experience

Looking for help?



One button.


That post-name permalink so many love? Use it.

Header + Admin Bar = Toolbar

WordPress 3.2

WordPress 3.3

The Debug Bar: It’s like Firebug for your WordPress.

Hundreds of improvements under the hood.

(Performance, autosave improvements, cron locking, metadata registration, admin screen API, editor instances, more...)

New high score!

Three releases in a year.

WordPress 3.4

Currently in development.

Small, targeted features Multisite improvements Faster theme browsing Improved tablet support Custom header changes

Making your site look the way you want it.

It’s more than just previewing a theme.

“Save and Surprise!”

What might be next?

WordPress 3.4, 3.5 and beyond.

WordPress is translated into quite a few languages.

But what about the 20,000 plugins and 2,000 themes?

Imagine you wanted to translate a plugin into Dutch.

Imagine if you could go to WP.org and translate it.

Then update to your translation. Anyone can.

This is happening.

And expect it in 2012.

¡Hello, Zé!

Zé fontainhas

Twenty Twelve Better Media Handling Faster, Easier Updates Improved Developer APIs Performance and Speed

BuddyPress 1.5

Social networking in a box.

bbPress 2.0

Forums in a box.


WordPress anywhere.

Making WordPress.org A Better Place

Thanks! Questions?

— @nacin