with source-to-image ...€¦ · The container era: Build application, package with runtime into...

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Transcript of with source-to-image ...€¦ · The container era: Build application, package with runtime into...

Dr. Josef Adersberger, CTO & Co-Founder QAware

Serverless containers … with source-to-image


Inventor's workshop and assembly line



The evolution of software delivery

The dark ages: Export JAR, upload to deployment server, write ticket, wait until application is deployed to multi-project application server by far shore ops team.

The container era: Build application, package with runtime into container image, push to image registry, deploy to container manager.

PaaS & Serverless heaven: git push + magic happens here

industrialization process:1. lower change lead time2. higher quality confidence3. lower vertical integration

Rule #1: Avoid too much magic at early stages

Trust me...

Serverless flavors

git push functions

git push something in a container

generic container CI/CD pipeline



serverlessy: black box application runtime and infrastructure resources

Why you might need mild serverless: regulatory compliance, shift left quality checks & automated tests, complex staging and deployment patterns, decoupling from cloud vendors or immature open source projects

serverlessy: scale-to-zero, elastic

The anatomy of a mild serverless toolchain

Watch for code changes

Choose compilation method and base image

Compile code, prepare image, inject binaries

Deploy image to target container manager

Source-to-Image workflow

Developer's workspaceaka inventor's workshop

CI/CD pipelineaka assembly line

Static analysis, test automation, staging and promotion, image scanning, ...

Image builders


With the volkswagen CI plugin you can completely focus on source-to-image


The source-to-image challengers:

WORKFLOW TOOLS (inner loop & outer loop)

● Skaffold (https://skaffold.dev)● Tilt (https://tilt.dev)● Garden (https://garden.io)


● OpenShift Source2Image (https://github.com/openshift/source-to-image)

● buildpacks.io (https://buildpacks.io)● Draft (https://draft.sh)● Jib




# install pack tool (buildpack reference implementation)brew tap buildpack/tapbrew install pack# get suggested builders for sample application

# build image for sample application

Buildpack internals

Builder Image(e.g. heroku/buildpacks or


App Image

StackBuild Base Image Run Base Image


Buildpack 1

Buildpack n...







Runtime Layer

Dependency Layer

App Layer

# install s2ibrew install source-to-image

# get and build source2image for springboot & javagit clone https://github.com/ganrad/openshift-s2i-springboot-java.gitdocker build --build-arg MAVEN_VER=3.6.2 --build-arg GRADLE_VER=5.6.3

-t springboot-java .

# build image for sample applications2i build --incremental=true . springboot-java skaffold-example-god

S2I internals


Pre-defined scripts:


Build Base Image

building the application artifacts from source and placing them into the appropriate directories inside the app image

executing the application (entrypoint)

Runtime Layer

Build Layer Artifact Layer

CLI tool:

entrypoint: run

# install draft along with helmbrew install kubernetes-helmhelm initbrew install azure/draft/draft

# create draft files for application (Helm chart, draft.toml, Dockerfile)draft create--> Draft detected Shell (46.149372%)--> Could not find a pack for Shell. Trying to find the next likely language match...--> Draft detected Batchfile (28.163621%)--> Could not find a pack for Batchfile. Trying to find the next likely language match...--> Draft detected Java (12.213444%)--> Ready to sail

# build image for sample application and deploy application to k8sdraft up

# connect to the application endpointdraft connect

Draft internals


[environments] [environments.development] name = "god" namespace = "default" wait = true watch = false watch-delay = 2 auto-connect = false dockerfile = "Dockerfile" chart = ""



primary language detection by github linguist and mapped to chart directory by language name

generated by draft create

Draft flatline sadness

./mvnw compile jib:dockerBuild -Dimage=skaffold-example-god


Custom (SH)

# install skaffoldbrew install skaffold# build & deploy image (once)skaffold run# build & deploy image (everytime the code changes)skaffold dev

apiVersion: skaffold/v1beta16kind: Configbuild: artifacts: - image: skaffold-example-god context: . jib: {}deploy: kubectl: manifests: - src/k8s/*.yaml

apiVersion: skaffold/v1beta16kind: Configbuild: artifacts: - image: skaffold-example-god custom: buildCommand: ./build-buildpacks.sh dependencies: paths: - .deploy: kubectl: manifests: - src/k8s/*.yaml

#!/bin/bashset -eimages=$(echo $IMAGES | tr " " "\n")

for image in $imagesdo pack build $image --builder cloudfoundry/cnb:bionic if $PUSH_IMAGE then docker push $image fidone

driven by skaffold.yaml:

Builder performance comparison with Skaffold

Builder Time

s2i (--incremental=true) 1:23m

Draft 1:14m

Buildpacks 0:42m

jib 0:21m

median of 3 runs timed by "time" command after an initial warming run and a code change between each run - build and caching behaviour not optimizedtime skaffold run -f=skaffold-s2i.ymltime skaffold run -f=skaffold-buildpacks.ymltime skaffold run -f=skaffold-jib.ymltime draft up

Builder shootout (lower is better)

Criteria Buildpacks.io s2i Draft Jib

Speed ● lead time to change

● image size (docker image ls)

● rebasing

2 4 3 1

Supported application technologies

Java, Node.JS, Python, GoLang, ... 2 3 1 4

(k.O. if non-Java)

Auto-detection of application technologies

yes / no1 3 1 3

Maturity / future proof 3 2 4

(k.O.) 1

8 12 9 (k.O.) 9

# install Tiltbrew tap windmilleng/tap brew install windmilleng/tap/tilt# build & deploy image (with every change)tilt up

# Deploy: tell Tilt what YAMLs to deployk8s_yaml('src/k8s/pod-god.yaml')

# Build: tell Tilt what images (name) to build from which directoriesdocker_build('skaffold-example-god', '.')

# Watch: tell Tilt how to connect locally (optional)k8s_resource('web', port_forwards=8080)

driven by Tiltfile (Starlark, a Python dialect):



# install Gardenbrew tap garden-io/gardenbrew install garden-cli# build & deploy image (once)garden build# build & deploy image (with # every change)garden dev

kind: Projectname: god-projectenvironments: - name: local providers: - name: local-kubernetes context: docker-desktop---kind: Modulename: goddescription: God servicetype: containerservices: - name: god ports: - name: http containerPort: 8080 healthCheck: httpGet: path: / port: http ingresses: - path: / port: http

driven by garden.yml containing garden-defined resource types as abstractions for k8s primitives:


Workflow shootout (lower is better)Criteria ⇒ Position Skaffold Tilt Garden

Pipeline integratability

● As pipeline tasks in Jenkins Pipelines, Tekton, Build tools

● Support for container testing● Deployment options: Helm,

Kustomize, kubectl

1 3 2

Supported image builders

● Plain Docker● Daemon-less builds● Builders: Buildpacks, Draft, s2i,


2 3 1

Multi-environments Support for multiple environments like local, dev, prod 1 3 1

Multi-image projects

Support for code repositories containing multi-image projects 1 1 1

Local dev support Local build, local run, build-on-change 1 1 1

Maturity / future proof 1 2 2

7 13 8

1. The way from source to image can be done in a generic way

2. If you're doing Java then go for the Google guys: Skaffold and Jib

3. If you're polyglot then go for Skaffold and buildpacks.io

4. Use the same workflow & builder tool for local builds and CI/CD builds

5. Optimize the change lead time for features and the local round trip time for developers

5 things:



A possible journey towards full serverless as commodity

Serverless Build Serverless Run

Bonus slide: Change lead time optimization

1. Use well-architectured, security-hardened and minimal base images like:a. Google Distroless Images (https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/distroless)b. RedHat Universal Base Images (https://developers.redhat.com/products/rhel/ubi)

2. Use a Docker daemon-less image builder with excessive caching:a. Google Kaniko (https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/kaniko)b. uber Makiso (https://github.com/uber/makisu)c. Docker BuildKit (https://github.com/moby/buildkit)d. Google Bazel (https://bazel.build)

3. Use an efficient pipeline orchestrator with task parallelization capabilities:a. Tekton (https://tekton.dev)b. Argo CD (https://argoproj.github.io/argo-cd)