wired at the genius bar [at the apple store]

Post on 19-Mar-2016

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as I was waiting (for the 3rd time in 6 weeks) to see if the "geniuses" finally got the repairs on my MacBook right, I had time to snap some pix and muse upon "The Genius Bar"—not a "genius bar" like The White Horse Tavern in the Village or The Ritz in Paris, and certainly not wired like Hemingway or Dylan Thomas, but most certainly "wired," connected via iPhone and god-knows what proprietary apps to each other and to the giant smart display which announced "You have X minutes until you meet your genius." A great show. The audience loved it. From the ladies-who-lunch upper west side progressive activist, to the white-haired guy in bikers' leathers, to the earnest 40-something sitting at the kiddie table trying hard to keep up with his juniors.

Transcript of wired at the genius bar [at the apple store]