Windows & Doors Beginner -...

Post on 14-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Windows & Doors Beginner -...

Windows & Doors Beginner

Tidelands Photography Club

Beginner “Ajar”


I find this to be a very creative photo. It is easy to see that this is indeed a door that is ajar, as the title idicates. The whites midframe on the right are blown out. I would love to see this shot with the entire door featured, which would give the viewer more to observe.

Beginner “His World”


What a sweet, tack sharp image greets my eye here. The title certainly explains, to me, the story told here. I do feel that the main focus area is on the dog and not on the door/window which is the category. Cropping in from the left would put more emphasis on that window/door.

Beginner “Schoolhouse Window”


I really appreciate this composition of an old schoolhouse window. It fits the category very well.The vines that have grown there add strong impact to the image, as does that grouping of pastel leaves at the top of the window. In my opinion, the image lacks clarity throughout. I find the reflection of the person, possibly the photographer, in the window a distracting element.

Beginner “Window View”


Beginner “Tiffany at Trinity”


Beginner “Charleston Window”


Windows & Doors Intermediate

Tidelands Photography Club

Intermediate “Neighborhood Florals”


I understand that the photographer was capturing both a big and small window in this image, howeve, there is so much else in the frame, that the viewer misses that intended interest area. The color is good throughout, in my opinion. I do find that the crop on the left side of the image is too tight. I would like to see more of the window.

Intermediate “Through the

Window” 8

What a beautiful location this is for a photo. The category is windows and doors, but the windows are taking 2nd place to those beautiful foreground red flowers, which hide the unusual windows behind.

Intermediate “Gnome Door’


Intermediate “Man in Doorway”


Intermediate “Iron Gateway”


This a beautiful gate is captured in an unusual angle, in my opinion. The gate itself appears to be in sharp focus, but the surrounding hedge is out of focus which I find a distraction. I feel that the tree at the upper left of the frame is distracting also.

Intermediate “Thru the Iron Gate”


What a beautiful gate is captured in this nice photo. I enjoy how it is sharp from front to back and the colors are captured so well. The view through the ornate gate cetainly invites the viewer right in to take a closer look at what lies there. And what does lie there are several other doors and windows which certainly goes along with the category. In my opinion, it would be nice if this image had been shot a little further back to allow the inclusion of the top and bottom of the gate. I noticed that you have your watermark on this image. It is recommended to not include watermarks on contest images in the future. Some judges will disqualify an image if it has a watermark on it.

Intermediate “Mother Emmanuel

A.M.E. Church” 10

Intermediate “Green Door”


I believe this image is actually minimalistic, as it only has the single door in the frame with lots of negative space filling the rest of the image. The detail in the door is well captured, as is the texture of the wall. I do find a distracting element in the white beam at the top of the image.

Intermediate “Old Window”


This image caught my eye immediately. I find it to be strong compositionally. The plants lead the viewer right in to take a closer look. I do find that the top of the window is a distracting element. The image, in my opinion, is cropped too close both top and bottom, cutting off some of that beautiful plant. It is also too tight on the right side, cutting off some of the window frame.

Intermediate “Red Door”


Intermediate “Welcoming Open Gate”


Intermediate “Taxi Ride in Rome”


Intermediate “Windows & Doors”


I find this wonderful image follows the category with not only a door but lots of windows. My eye is led to those rule of odds number to enjoy them even more .In my opinion, that curving branch at the top of the image adds impact to the photo. I do find the edges of the frame have distracting bright elements.

Intermediate “The View”


In my opinion, the exposure in this photo is excellent. The interior of the room is dark, putting full focus on what lies through that window to look at. The color is good, however, the inclusion of the candle is distracting and draws me away from the beauty that lies beyond. I do feel that the view outside the window is not sharply focused.

Intermediate “Door to the

Afterlife” 11

Intermediate “Savannah Door”


Intermediate “Bella Rosa”


I find this high impact photo to be tecchnically and composititonally correct. It possesses that must desired Wow factor that photographers so desire, in my opinion. The detail is tack sharp throughout and the color is strong. The detail in the window and wall are both captured perfectly. The red color of the flowers lead the viewer right in to enjoy the scene. Beautifully done, I feel.

Windows & Doors


Tidelands Photography Club

Advanced “Blue on White Window”


An interesting, tack sharp window greets my eye here, with a strong color contrast between the white wall and the blue window. I do find the image is crooked, as observed on the right side of the frame. The photographer shot this at a very unusual angle, leaving a great amount of negative space on the left side. I feel what lies within that window remains a mystery, by the small amount that is shown there.

Advanced “Mansfield”


Advanced “What a View”


One can almost image sitting at this table enjoying that very pleasant view out the window. The image, in my opinion, has a 'painterly' feel to it. The color does feel unnnatureal, however and the crop is too tight on the left side, cutting an important light in half.

Advanced “56 Caddy”


Advanced “Play House”


Advanced “Stations”


Advanced “Insane Asylum


Advanced “Airlie Artist”

14 I find this to be a very strong, tack

sharp compositon with excellent color captured. The perspective that the photographer shot this at works very well. The color and texture add interest to the scene, in my opinion. The view captured so clearly through that door adds impact. However, I do find the image is cropped too tight at the top and on the left side of the frame, eliminating part of the door and the glass tree.

Advanced “Behind Closed Doors”


This strong minimalistic composition caught my eye immediately with it's interesting subject. It is very creative and done very well. The small red spot draws my eye in, which I considered a distracting element at first. The high contrast of the scene certainly adds strong impact, in my opinion. I find a mysterious element to this photo making me wonder what lies beyond that partially open/closed door.

Advanced “The Blacksmith’s Window”

15 In my opinion, this is a composititonally and technically correct, story telling photograph. The image is sharply focused throughout and possesses excellent color. To me, ,the textures are excellently captured and the exposure is perfect. I appreciate how the photographer captured another scene through the window in the background, which adds strong impact to the image. This is a very strong, well done photo.


Tidelands Photography Club

Open “Along the Seine”


This brightly colored landscape is tack sharp and and has a wonderful background of lovely clouds and a blue sky which I find very pleasing to my eyes. I do feel that the image is not straight. In my opinion, it would be improved by croppng some of the foreground out, putting more emphasis on the well exposed house. To my eyes, there are some 'ghosted' white areas all along the front of the grassy area by the hedge and trees, that I find distracting.

Open “Tulips Waving at Manhatten”


Open “Welcome Spring”


Open “Dewey Flower”


My eye was drawn to the lovely tack sharp closeup of a beautiful flower. The inclusion of water droplets sure adds strong impact to the image. The depth of field works so well here. The exposure is perfect with the whites being truly white. I do feel that it is cropped too tight on the left side with so much negative space left on the right. In my opinion, croppng in from the right ,closer to the flower, would put more emphasis on the beautiful yellow center and those water droplets.

Open “Spirits”


Open “Coastline”


Open “Woodstork”


Open “Owl”


Open “Monument Valley”


Monument Valley is such a wonderful place to photograph and I can tell right away that this photographer had an excellent time there. The color of that wonderful red soil is captured well, as is the color of the foliage. The foreground element, the tree, certainly leads me into the image and it becomes the main interest area with the big rocks behind a background element. I do feel that the image could be a bit sharper. The foreground tree merges with the red rocks behind. The angle of the rocks behind give the whole image the feeing of leaning to the left. In my opinion, the image could be cropped in some from the bottom.

Open “Scarlett”


Open “Windows”


Open “Door”


Open “Bee Mine”


Open “Anita’s Garden”


I found this closeup shot of a rose bud very eye appealing. The exposure is good, in my opinion. The bright color of the bud carries the viewer right in to enjoy the flower close up. The bud is tack sharp and the texture there is captured very well. To me the depth of field used works well. The photographer was dealing with so many focal planes here that it is hard to keep everything in focus. I find some of the leaves distracting for that reason. To me, shooting this vertically works well. I might suggest cropping in tighter to feature just that beautiful bud even more.

Open “What a Catch”


Open “Peggy’s Cove Nova Scotia”


Open “Snowy”


What a pretty bird is captured here and catches my eye right away. The area around the stork is very busy, as one would expect it to be, as this is it's natural habitat. That all important eye of the bird is perfectly captured. I find the bird is tack sharp in most areas, but some of the whites are blown out which causes the texture of the feathers to be lost in those areas. There is a merge with branches and the bird's feet which I find distracting.

Open “Old House”


Open “The Canon”


I find this to be a great action capture. The photographer was definitely at the right place at the right time to catch this shot. That puff of smoke has wonderful impact, as does the spray of shrapnel. I do feel that the image would benefit from cropping out the men on the left side of the frame. The one man's arm is out of the frame and they really do not add to the main interest area. I also would suggest cropping up from the bottom, which would bring the viewer closer to that all important high impact area, which is the firing of the canon.

Open “Dinner Time”


I really appreciate this wonderful image, complete with a strong reflection. I do feel that plenty of room was left on the right for the bird to move into. In my opinion, the bird's position at a diagonal is strong. I do find myself wishing that the bird had turned it's head a bit more so that I could see the eye more. I also find that the texture has been lost in the bird's feathers.

Open “Orchid Beauty”


What greets my eyes here is a beautiful closeup photograph of two orchid blossoms. The depth of field works perfectly here to blur out that background which puts more emphasis on those wonderful blooms. The color draws the viewer in and the diagonal angle that the stem lies at is strong. I do feel that the whites are blown out losing detail in those areas. I wish that the upper blossom had been turned just a bit so that the viewer could see that important interior of the flower that makes an orchid so unique. In a perfect world, there would have been 3 blossoms, but one has to take what one is offered when it comes to flowers.

Open “Lookout”


Any bird photographer would be thrilled to get such a beautiful photograph of this owl. You have captured it in its environment. The background bokeh is pleasant behind the owl. I find the branch it is sitting on is tack sharp, as is the owl. You have captured those beautiful eyes wonderfully, in my opinion. To me there are some leaves and branches that are distracting on the right side .I might suggest cropping closer to the owl, thus eliminating them, and putting even more emphasis on your main interest area which is the owl.

Open “Leaves of Spring”


This wonderful macro image caught my eye immediately with it's beautiful lighting. The black background works well here to set off the green color of the plant, in my opinion. I do feel that there needs to be more sharp focus on the leaves.

Open “Plantation Road”


Open “White Gate”


Open “Waccamaw Sunset”


Open “Chapel Sunset”


To me this is a very creative, wonderfully composed image. The added 'artsy' effect works well here. The colors of the sunset add Wow factor and really caught my eye. The crop and exposure are done very well, in my opinion. The building, at a diagonal is strong. I do find that my eye wanders to the yellow stripes on that bit of road in the left hand bottom corner, which I find a distraction. If I were to change anything else, it would be to leave more room on the left side for the people coming out of the church to walk into.

Open “Castillo San

Felipe” 14

What an enticing landscape this photo shows me, with it's strong impact. In my opinion, the image is tack sharp throughout and has perfect exposure and features beautiful color. I find that the foreground rocks and the beautiful clouds frame the scene above and below. The strong diagonal line of the shore leads me to the main interest area. The juxtaposition of the old building with the new buildings, showing old and new, adds interest. I do feel that the horizon is a little off. I feel this scene just begs to be done as a panorama with more of what lies on both sides shown.

Open “The Watchman,

Zion 14

In my opinion, this is a well done, eye appealing landscape image. To me, it is done compositionally and technically correct. The colors are lovely and the focus is sharp to my eyes. I find the trees in the foreground, strong elements in the scene. The river acts as a leading line taking me into the beautiful landscape to enjoy what lies there. I might suggest using a Neutral Density filter to give more definition to those clouds in the background. This also could be possibly done in post processing.

Open “Surfer Silhouette”


What I find here is an excellent capture of a strong silhouette. The image is tack sharp and the freezing of the action of the water adds strong impact to the photo, in my opinion. The silhouette is nice and black and the water drops are frozen in midair. To me, the choice of using B&W works well here, as does the choice of depth of field. The viewer can almost hear the splashing of water when viewing this image. Nice work.