Williams m Ghosts

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Transcript of Williams m Ghosts

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Whatareghosts?Some people say they can see ghosts.

There are


of ghosts too.

Ghosts can be friendly, Where there are ghosts,

sad, quiet or very noisy. it quickly gets very cold.

Ghosts are spirits of 

dead people or animals.

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Ghosts can move very quickly and quietly

and they can disappear very fast too.

People can disappear and

turn into ghosts.

You look once and they're

there. You look again and

they're not!

Doors and walls

don't stop them!

Now you see

them .... now

you don't!


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Some ghosts are white or grey

and look like a cloud.

Some ghosts look like people or animals.

When the ghost is of a person who

lived many years earlier, they wear

clothes from that time too!

t>o youknow when I  (Vec/?


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True Stone?

In 1915, Sir Ernest Shackleton, saved all his

men after their boat got stuck in the ice in the

Antarctic. He and two men walked over the

mountains to get help. They saw a fourth

person walking with them - but there wasn'tanyone therel


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Marie Celeste is thefamous ghost boat.

In 1872, everyone

on the boat

disappeared in the

middle of eating!Everything was

ghostly quiet.

In 1981, some friends in France

gave a woman a ride.

She got into their car and

they drove off.

Then she said, 'Look, danger'

and disappeared!

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Hallowe'en. 31 October

Ghosts are everywhere!

Children dress as

ghosts, go to parties

and to people's housesin their town.

The Day of the Dead. 

2 November

Mexican families rememberthe dead with food, candles

and flowers. It is a happy

and a sad time.

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Festival of Lanterns,


13-15 July

People remember

the dead in theirfamilies. They

have food and

tea for them.

Ghost Dancing, 

North AmericaFirst Nation people

dance ghost dances

when they want

help from the spirit |

world. They wear

colourful masks and



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Reacf and chooseIt was a dark, rainy night. I was walking

home from school by the old house.

(a) or (b)?

a I went over the road. Then, I heard

a noise behind me.

(c)  or (e)?

f c i .t r ~ ...

b I was thirteen years old. I wasn't

scared of an old house! Hey, was

that a light in the window?

(d) or (h)?

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c I started walking faster.

The noise was nothing,

only my wet shoeson the wet road.

(e) or (f)?

d Yes it was a light, moving

inside the old house.

Someone was there!

e I looked up. What was that moving

over the road to the gh

(i) or (h

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f Something caught my feet.

M y school books went

everywhere.(e) or (g)?

h It was dark. There was nothing to see.I started walking quickly to my house,

(f ) or (k ) ? , r ff 

g I got my books and stood up. Then I looked up.

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i I walked up to the house. 'Hello/

I said. 'Is anybody there?'

<h) or (I)?


k I opened the door.


I wasn't going out

again that night!

An old man and his small black cat came

out of the dark. I turned and ran

down the road as fast

as I could. 1 didn't

look round.

(f) or

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t>o y ou   fcnow...

...that horses know when there is a ghost?

...that people who look for ghosts have dogs to

help them?

Look  at these pho+os  of  aniiM osts

Can you see the dog's head

on the back of the big dog?


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fh e  

Ghost Dos

Once, a dog saved a child from the sea. The

dog died.

Years after, a 'ghost' dog saved two girls fromthe sea.

The water was dangerous and they were scared.

Then, they saw a little dog. It took them back

to the town... and disappeared.

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QuizLook at the pictures to help you.

2. Shakespeare's Hamlet is a

a. man

b. woman

c. ghost.

1. 'Ghostbusters' are

people who:

a. don't like ghosts

b. look for ghosts

c. are ghosts.

3. Casper is

a. a bad ghost

b. a friendly ghost

c.  a dangerous ghost.

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 A C T I V I T I E S

Before you read

f . Look at the pictures in the book. Find

these things and write the pages.

a. an old house page...............

b.a  room on a boat page..............

c. some flowers page...............

d. a dog page...............

After you read

2. Can you read this?

Write down what it says.

Khoor I’ p b rxu iu lhqgob jk rvw.

Brx fdq jlyh ph d qdph.

W khq, zkhq b rx zdqw khos,

fo rvh b rxu hbhv dqg vdb pb qdph

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Zentrale Kinder-u. Jugendbibliothek

N11<00725152800 D E R S L E V E L 2


Read what ghosts are

and see how they look.

Penguin You ng Readers are simplified texts to support children learning English.

Each book has activities and there are Factsheets with Teacher’s and Parent’s Notes.

The Factsheets are also available on www.penguinreaders.com

Level 2 titles are written from a 700-word wordlist and are suitable

for students who have studied 100 -200 hours of English.

Series Editor: Melanie W i l liam s  

Series created by An nie Hu ghes and Melanie W il liam s


Level 4

Level 3

Level 2

Level I

Book/cassette pack

also published


Cover photograph © Robert Harding





British English

American English