Wildflowers: Habitat for Native Pollinators on the Kerr Ranch

Post on 13-May-2015

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Snapshots of a wildflower meadow, summer 2013. The Kerr Center's Native Pollinator Project is establishing and preserving habitat for native pollinators and educating farmers, ranchers and the public about ways to help native pollinators.

Transcript of Wildflowers: Habitat for Native Pollinators on the Kerr Ranch

Pollinators on the Kerr Ranch

Native Pollinator Project

•Educate Public about Pollinators

•Increase Habitat for Pollinators on the Kerr Ranch

Wildflowers on the Ranch

Wildflower Meadows & Plots Provide Habitat for Diverse Pollinators




Bee or fly?

Some fly species mimic bee coloration

. Many flies visit flowers; some are important pollinators

Wildflowers on the Ranch:Rails-to-Trails Roadside Meadow

Roadsides are critical repositories of native plants

Controlled burn of this area

Brought Pale Purple Coneflowers (Echinacea pallida) in new abundance

SnapshotsJune 2013

A bio-diverse meadow:

Key pollinator habitat in every season

Prairie Parsley

Large-flowered Coneflower

Hairy Petunia (Wild Petunia))

Daisy Fleabane (White Top)

Fringed Poppy Mallow(Tall Wine Cup)

Large-flowered Tickseed

Carolina Larkspur

Indian Plantain

Prairie Sabatia

Crimson Clover(not native, but common along roadsides)

Illinois Bundleflower

Common Milkweed(seed pods)

Rattlesnake Master (Button Snakeroot)

Wooly Yarrow

For more information on Kerr Center’s Pollinator Project

Contact David Redhage

Project Manager

This material is based upon work supported by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of

Agriculture, under number 69-7335-1-21

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily

reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.