Why Vivekananda died ?

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Transcript of Why Vivekananda died ?

Why Vivekananda Died ?

By Bhushundir Kak

• In 1893 Vivekananda conquered the world with his speech in Chicago parliament of the world religions.

• He was a strong guy , with good health and jovial mood .

• Why he died at the age of 39 ?

• He was suffering from migraines , insomnia, diabetes , asthma and a total 31 type of sickness.

• Rupturing of a blood vessel in the brain was cause of his death.(1)

• and began his speech with "Sisters and brothers of America!". At these words, Vivekananda received a two-minute standing ovation from the crowd of seven thousand. (Wikipedia)

• He Had such spiritual force but yet got attacked by 31 type of diseases which are mostly anatomical in nature. ?

• Nicolas Tesla was influenced by Vivekananda lecture on Sankhyaphilosophy.

• Energy and matter is one and the same thing.

• He tried and failed to invent the potential –Kinetic energy equation.

• It was found in1905 by Einstein

• What happened ?

• A man with such greatness and influence. Got attacked by anatomical diseases.?

• I will investigate the phenomenon from 2 perspectives.

• Hinduism

• And Mohammedanism.

• Vivekananda as a

• Hindu

• Samkhya accepts the notion of higher selves or perfected beings but rejects the notion of God. Classical Samkhya argues against the existence of God on metaphysical grounds. Samkhya theorists argue that an unchanging God cannot be the source of an ever changing world and that God was only a necessary metaphysical assumption demanded by circumstances

• Puruṣa, the eternal pure consciousness, due to ignorance, identifies itself with products of prakṛti such as intellect (buddhi) and ego (ahamkara). This results in endless transmigration and suffering. However, once the realization arises that puruṣa is distinct from prakṛti, is more than empirical ego, and that puruṣa is deepest conscious self within, the Self gains isolation (kaivalya) and freedom (moksha).(2)

• Buddhism does not advocate belief in gods. Early Buddhism was atheistic as Gautama Buddha's path involved no mention of gods. Later conceptions of Buddhism consider Buddha himself a god, suggest adherents can attain godhood, and revere Bodhisattvas and Eternal Buddha.(3)

• So we can see both Sankhya and Buddhism

• Advocates atheism.

• That is mathematically :

• God=0

• They both talks about zeroness.

• This is scientific because atheism is so and 0 is the most power thing in the universe.

• N/0=infinite.

• If you have zeroness inside you , you will feel heroness of Isht Devta inside you.

• (Vivekananda).

• Vivekananda was also a Buddhist and a Zero theist or Atheist.

• All my life I have been very fond of Buddha. I have more veneration for that character than any other— that boldness, that fearlessness, and that tremendous love! He was born for the good of men. (Vivekananda)(4)

• Einstein, Schrodinger, Oppenheimer, they were fond of Indic religion for its atheist properties.

• Atheism is scientific and Indic religion is Atheist.

• At first we shall see how tirthankaras can achieve psychic powers.


• 0 has infinite power .

• When a Tirthankaraconcentrates on 0 . His consciousness becomes 0 .

• Now ,God =0 .

• So the consciousness becomes a God

• Consciousness =God =0.

Now this God consciousness can manifest matter after the Theories of Quantum Mechanics.

• Again, when God= 0 , Then Idolatry =0, which means Ego=0 and finally Matter =0.

• The Tirthankara gets freed from Matter and can levitate.

• 0 state of consciousness becomes free from gravity.

• Consciousness that becomes God can influence wave function collapse, observer can have superposition of states.

Vivekananda chronicle

• He who is in you and outside you,Who works through all hands,Who walks on all feet,Whose body are all ye,Him worship, and break all other idols. ( the living God)(7)

• Vivekananda , first achieved this 0 mind by breaking all the idols that exist in side the mind.

• This is the source of power according to Indian philosophy ,that he display in 1893.

• His 0 mind exerted a force field that influenced the audience.

• But then he made a mistake!

• We are all born idolaters, and idolatry is good, because it is in the nature of man. Who can get beyond it? Only the perfect man, the God-man. The rest are all idolaters. So long as we see this universe before us, with its forms and shapes, we are all idolaters. This is a gigantic symbol we are worshipping. He who says he is the body is a born idolater.

• (Vivekananda) (5)

• He preached idolatry.

• Idols are matter and plural.

• They are Anti-thesis of Atheism and Zeroness.

• His 0 mind exerted opposite force against the anti forces of the Plurality .

• Immaterial V. material

• 0 v. plurality .

• Atheism v. Idolatry

• This tension between two opposite forces tore apart his consciousness.

• That eventually destroyed his vital energy and he died.

Vivekanandism: Unity of religions

• Vivekananda wanted to unify religions based on dialectic method .

• Thesis + antithesis= Synthesis .

• E.g. The weight of 33 Crore gods can be balanced with the weight of one god at some point on a lever.

• But physics can’t be applied this way to unify religion .

• The counter interaction of the opposite forces destroyed his psychic force.

Quantum physics and Vivekananda studies.

• The break down of Vivekananda’s health and death proves that there is :

• Consciousness

• Ideologies have counter active psychic force.

• This can be a subject matter of Quantum Consciousness studies.

• Vivekananda as a

• Mohammedan.

• God is God. There is no philosophy, no complicated code of ethics. "Our God is one without a second, and Mohammed is the Prophet." ... Mohammed began to preach it in the streets of Mecca. ... They began to persecute him, and he fled into the city of [Medina]. He began to fight, and the whole race became united. [Mohammedanism] deluged the world in the name of the Lord. The tremendous conquering power! ...

• You ... people have very hard ideas and are so superstitious and prejudiced! These messengers must have come from God, else how could they have been so great?

• We must not judge them. Christ may judge Mohammed. Who are you and I? Little babies. What do we understand of these great souls? ...(Vivekananda) (6)

• In 1866, Govinda Roy, a Hindu guru who practiced Sufism initiated Ramakrishna into Islam. Ramakrishna said that he "devoutly repeated the name of Allah, wore a cloth like the Arab Muslims said their prayer five times daily, and felt disinclined even to see images of the Hindu gods and goddesses, much less worship them—for the Hindu way of thinking had disappeared altogether from my mind."According to Ramakrishna, after three days of practice he had a vision of a "radiant personage with grave countenance and white beard resembling the Prophet and merging with his body". (Wikipedia)

• So what can we see ?

• Vivekananda believed that Jesus and Mohammad are the messengers from the God.

• His teacher Ramakrishna used to perform Muslim prayers.

• Therefore it is logical to assume that Vivekananda had Mohammedan beliefs.

• Sufi through his devotion and asceticism reaches first Trikat level and then Marifat level and finaly he can reach the hakikat , the ultimate level ,where he can meet the God.

• Vivekananda was like Mohammedan Sufi , who reached the Tarikat level .

• Understanding the mysteries of Allah in a vague way.

• The knowledge of this stage that is what mesmerized the scholars of the west.

Idolatry in Quran:

• [4:48] GOD does not forgive idolatry,* but He forgives lesser offenses for whomever He wills. Anyone who sets up idols beside GOD, has forged a horrendous offense.

• [4:116] GOD does not forgive idol worship (if maintained until death),* and He forgives lesser offenses for whomever He wills. Anyone who idolizes any idol beside GOD has strayed far astray.

• 39:65] It has been revealed to you, and to those before you that if you ever commit idol worship, all your works will be nullified, and you will be with the losers.

• Vivekananda had Mohammedan faith. that’s why Islamic principle apply for him.

• He was cursed by Allah and he was rendered with 31 types of diseases and died.

• Adverse effect of Idolatry destroyed his libido force.

• - Poem by Swami Vivekananda• O'ver hill and dale and mountain range,

In temple, church, and mosque,In Vedas, Bible, Al KoranI had searched for Thee in vain.

Like a child in the wildest forest lostI have cried and cried alone,'Where art Thou gone, my God, my love?The echo answered, 'gone.'

And days and nights and years then passedA fire was in the brain,I knew not when day changed in nightThe heart seemed rent in twain.I laid me down on Ganges's shore,Exposed to sun and rain;With burning tears I laid the dustAnd wailed with waters' roar.

• I called on all the holy namesOf every clime and creed.'Show me the way, in mercy, yeGreat ones who have reached the goal.'

Years then passed in bitter cry,Each moment seemed an age,Till one day midst my cries and groansSome one seemed calling me.

A gentle soft and soothing voiceThat said 'my son' 'my son',That seemed to thrill in unisonWith all the chords of my soul.(8)

• For years Vivekananda search for the God in hills ,forests and in the shore of the Ganges. Day and night he cried to the God . Then one day Allah answered his prayers.

• But after the Chicago 1893 conference , what he did ? He said idolatry is scientific and it is not a sin.

• That’s when Allah got angry and destroyed him.

• In The Quran Allah says :

• And when some hurt touches man, he cries to his Lord (Allah Alone), turning to Him in repentance, but when He bestows a favor upon him from Himself, he forgets that for which he cried for before, and he sets up rivals to Allah, in order to mislead others from His Path. Say: "Take pleasure in your disbelief for a while: surely, you are (one) of the dwellers of the Fire!“ ( Az Zumar : 8)

• This verse literally applies for Vivekananda.

• In Islamic Mythology Nimrod was insolent ,Allah send a mosquito that entered his brain .

• He suffered from Migraine and insomnia and died.

• Compare this with Vivekananda’ssymptoms. He suffered from migraine ,insomnia and a blood vessel in the brain was ruptured.

• Vivekananda died for the sin of committing idolatry.

• Now , My honorable reader , you understand why Vivekananda suffered from 31 types of disease and died

• “So Hindu and Muslim , Save yourselves from Idolatry “

• This is a public awareness service from Sri bhushundir Kak.


• 1.Swami Vivekananda suffered from 31 ailments | kolkata ...• www.hindustantimes.com/...vivekananda...31.../story-A...• Hindustan Times• 2.Samkhya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samkhya• 3.WikipediBuddhism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhism• Wikipedi• 4.Swami Vivekananda On Gautama Buddha ~ Swami ...• www.swamivivekanandaquotes.org/.../swami-vivekananda-quotes-on-ga.•

• 5.Swami Vivekananda's Quotes On Idol Worship Or Idolatry ...• www.swamivivekanandaquotes.org/.../swami-vivekananda-idolatry-imag•

• 6. Swami Vivekananda On Hazrat Muhammad, Islam And Quran• www.swamivivekanandaquotes.org/.../swami-vivekanandas-quotes-and-c•

• 7-8 Swami Vivekananda Poems - Poems of Swami ...• www.poemhunter.com › Swami Vivekananda•

Sri Sri Bhushundir Kagai Nomo.