Why Is My Boyfriend Acting This Way - This Could Be Why

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Relationships can be hard to understand even when you have been with someone for a long time. Successful relationships learn to deal with the problems that arise and find a way to solve them. This is something you must invest some time in so you can have a good grasp of it.

Transcript of Why Is My Boyfriend Acting This Way - This Could Be Why

Why Is My Boyfriend Acting This Way - This Could Be Why

What really makes a relationship work is when both parties take the time to understand each other.

The following is from the standpoint of a woman but will work for guys to.

It happens a lot that a woman might wonder what is wrong with their boyfriend, why is he acting the way he is.

If this is your case and you are confused, what it probably means is there is a lack of understanding between the two of you.

If that’s the case that’s good, all you need to do to answer your question is find out what is going on with him.

There are some points you can consider when trying to figure it out.

The first thing to look at is you.

What could have happened is you have changed. Sometimes when this happens you may think you are the same and everyone else has changed.

Something within yourself has evolved or changed so you have a different insight into things now.

So if you think your boyfriend’s sense of humor has changed, it may not be him that has changed.

You may be reacting to his humor in a new way.

On the other hand how is your boyfriend doing, has he been under more stress lately?

He may not let on what’s bothering him trying to be tough about it.

His being tough can really add to his problems if he is really under stress.

He may be undergoing more stress at work but he will not say anything there to his coworkers.

He most likely will bring it home and be in a bad mood with you.

This may be one possible reason for his change.

It would be ok to ask him, as long as you take the right approach.

Again guys can have a hard time expressing feelings while trying to be tough and he may just be waiting for you to bring it up.

You have to be careful that you bring it up to him in a way that is not threatening or putting him down.

Listen carefully to what he says and try not to interrupt him.

He will open up to you if you give him a chance.

Now you know what to do next time you’re wondering why your boyfriend is acting different to you.

Learn to understand each other and have a better relationship.

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Thanks: Makoo Leandro