Who what and by whom

Post on 06-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Who what and by whom

An audible caller id for people with limited vision.


Motive To design a device for people with limited vision

facilitating an easier mode of communication with the near and dear ones.

Steps involved

The complete project is divided into various parts.

Target Users

Objective: to look for at least 10 visually impaired people who are willing to test the utilities of the device and give us their feedback.

Commercial existence

Objective: To search for the existence of similar devices and upgrade our device with better facilities for the user.

User manual

Objective: an all-in-one guide should be worked upon simultaneously , which explains the features and functioning of the device.

This will contain the conceptual view of the project. The end result of which will be a user manual.


Objective: to list the hardware specification and layout of the device in concurrence with the conceptual outline.


Objective: to work on the software development. This will include the scripting, testing and

debugging of the code.

Money matters



Objective: to create awareness about the project among individuals to attract a mass appeal and indulgence in the project to attain better ideas.

Created by

Garima Kapoor (fantastic.garima@gmail.com) Gaurav Rai (gauravrai0906@gmail.com)

AITTM, 6th SemesterAmity University, Noida