Whiter power

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Whiter power

Plagiarism: an act of copying someone

elses work without asking for permission

from the original aother of the book or


It is also when you copy word for word.

When you plagiarize someone elses work

then you can go to prison or jail. And just

because you think you want get cauht

just remember there is ways to catch


This guy is in jail for plagiarism.

The reason why is because you can be

smarter that way rather than copy

someone elses work.

You also can get a lot farther in life

because you want be sitting in jail your

whole life.

These people didn’t plagiarize so they

are smart and have really good jobs with

really good money.

A way to avoid plagiarism is to not copy

anyones work and do your on.

Some people plagiarize because they

think its cool because they don’t have to

do the work.




Miss Whitaker ROCKS!!!!!!!

Copyrighting is a legal concept that is

kind of like plagiarism but not exactly

because plagiarism is legal but

plagiarism is illegal.

Copyrighting is legal which means you

can do it but there is consequences for

copyrighting like the author can do what

ever he wants to do to you.

Netiquette is a mixture of the words 'net'

and 'etiquette'. It describes the conduct

one should display when using the

internet to chat or post messages.

Netiquette is the key to civility on Internet

newsgroups, e-mail, chat rooms, and

other Internet communications.