Wheldon School Prospectus 2009

Post on 09-Mar-2016

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Wheldon School Prospectus 2009

Transcript of Wheldon School Prospectus 2009



Proud to ExcelThank you for expressing an interest in our school and for taking the time to read our prospectus, which will give you a flavour of how we achieve our aims as shown below.

At Wheldon, students, parents and staff work together to develop:

Successful Learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve

Confident Individuals who are able to lead safe and healthy lifestyles

Responsible Citizens who make a positive contribution to society

You will see throughout this prospectus examples of students’ achievements that make us all proud to be a part of the school. I strongly believe, however, that the best way to learn about a school is to come and see it! I would therefore like to take this opportunity to personally invite you to come and see Wheldon at either our Open Evenings or during the school day by arrangement.

There is a long tradition of community involvement at the school and everyone at Wheldon is committed to developing this further for the benefit of our students and their families.

Whilst the prospectus will answer many of your questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school if you require any further information. I look forward to meeting you in person in the near future.

Terry SkeneHeadteacher

Welcome to Wheldon School & Sports College

Proud to ExcelWelcome to Wheldon School & Sports College

TEACHING & LEARNINGTeachers are skilled in maximising learning and we constantly review teaching to ensure that it recognises recent developments in good educational practice. We know that students learn best if they are comfortable and happy, but also challenged to achieve highly. We believe in praising regularly and we formally recognise the hard work of our students in many ways including merits, certificates, assemblies, letters home and whole school celebrations of achievement.

We set ourselves very high standards at the school and expect the same of all students. We therefore have a simple set of expectations which we believe all students are capable of meeting:

Listen to the staff and follow their advice

Work hard

Take responsibility for your own learning and behaviour

Behave in a courteous, responsible and tolerant way that allows everyone to learn in a safe, disciplined environment

Respect the school, its staff, buildings and resources

Come to school every day, dressed in school uniform, properly equipped and ready to work

We have found that the students who follow these guidelines are more likely to succeed at school.

Delivering a high quality education

Setting High Expectations

At Wheldon we believe that success breeds success and are therefore extremely proud of our record of improving standards in all areas of the school’s work.

Working closely with the Nottinghamshire Local Authority, we set challenging targets for ourselves. We do the same for all of our students; by our having high expectations of them and believing that they can achieve, students can, and regularly do, excel.

It is our job to make sure that students are provided with the right skills and knowledge to succeed in a positive learning environment, something we take very seriously indeed. Every aspect of the school’s work is therefore geared to supporting our students and their learning.

At Wheldon, we strive to make sure that every student achieves to their full potential. We ensure this through a combination of the curriculum we offer and excellent teaching.

The Curriculum

Subjects taught in Years Seven to Eleven are based upon the National Curriculum. All students follow English, Mathematics, ICT, PE and RE. During Key Stage Three (Years Seven to Nine), they also study: Science, Languages, Humanities, Art, Design, Music, Dance, Drama and PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education). In most subjects, students will be taught in classes with others of a similar ability.

In Years Ten and Eleven, more individual programmes of study are available, with students choosing courses that suit their interests, abilities and career intentions. In addition to the full range of GCSE level subjects, there are many vocational courses available to cater for all students’ needs. Many students benefit from link courses at local colleges and extended work experience.

The range of courses designed to meet individual students’ needs and aspirations have had a significant impact on raising standards in the school. All students and their families are offered comprehensive support and guidance when making their Key Stage Four option choices during Year Nine.

HOW DO WE DO IT?Ensuring that students achieve

Sixth Form

Wheldon Sixth Form offers a comprehensive range of courses including A Levels, vocational A Levels, GNVQ, NVQ and other awards to cater for the full range of career aspirations and abilities.

Learning Support

By providing an extensive range of curriculum choices, and through high quality teaching, Wheldon is able to meet the needs of the majority of our students on a day to day basis. Sometimes, however, students may need a bit more support from the school to help them achieve their full potential. At Wheldon we are able to provide the following:

• Teaching Assistant support in class

• Small group work

• Literacy Support

• Counselling

• Mentoring

• Paired Reading

We also have a Learning Inclusion Centre which students may attend if they need to catch up on work or need extra help with their studies.

As a parent, you will always be informed of any additional support your child receives and you will be invited to regular reviews to make sure the support we are providing is the most appropriate for your child.

Wheldon Sixth Form also offers students an environment with which they are familiar: helping to develop their self confidence at a point in their education where expectations and challenges are increased still further. We expect students to continue their education at Wheldon and work in partnership with other local schools and further education colleges to ensure a comprehensive provision of courses.


BEING CONFIDENTTaking pride in acheivement

Being a Sports College does not mean that we expect everyone to be good at sport! We do, however, strongly believe that the sporting principles of teamwork, practice, hard work and setting challenging goals to improve performance can be applied to all areas of life. The process of setting yourself a challenge, working out how to meet that challenge and then taking pride in your achievement underpins everything we do at the School.

Self confidence is one of the most important ingredients for success and at Wheldon we understand that this is something that needs to be developed and nurtured throughout a student’s time at the school.

To help develop confidence, we have an extensive range of additional activities and opportunities available to all of our students.

Out of School Hours Learning

In a recent OFSTED report, inspectors described our sport provision as “outstanding”! This applies as much to our after-school provision as it does to the number of timetabled PE hours our students undertake each week.

We operate a ‘semi-continental’ type day allowing us to offer a minimum of two hours of additional activities once the normal school day has finished. The PE department run a large number of different sporting clubs and teams, many of which are successful at County level. Some of our most successful sporting students represent other county, local and professional teams outside of school. We also take pride in supporting a number of students who excel at individual sports.

PE clubs are not the only after-school activities that take place, however. We also have very successful dance and drama productions each year with many students and staff getting involved. Art and Music clubs are also very popular, as is the Scrabble and Chess Club - a nationally recognised successful and high achieving group!

The Library is open every day for homework support and there is an extensive revision support programme for students every day after school and during the school holidays as we approach exams time.

During the holidays we also operate the popular and exciting Extreme Programme where students enjoy activity-based day trips or residential visits with their friends. Many students also take advantage of the opportunity to follow the Duke of Edinburgh Award Programme through the school, challenging themselves with hiking, orienteering, camping and volunteering work.


Citizenship Projects

We are constantly amazed by the range of activities that our students are involved in out of school. One of the most striking (and rewarding) characteristics of young people in this area is their willingness to support others less fortunate than themselves. During Years Ten and Eleven, all students are involved in a Citizenship Project where they plan and run an activity to support others in the community.

Peer Mentoring

Many Year Ten students take the option to train as Peer Mentors. We are particularly proud of this group of students, as they make themselves available to support younger students with issues that arise in school. Together with other volunteer students from the whole school, they also organise and run our highly successful Summer Alive Programme for new Year Seven students. They therefore act like an ‘older brother or sister’ for younger students in school.

Student Council

Composed of elected representatives from each year, the council meets regularly and acts as a voice for students in decisions affecting the school, appointments of staff and other aspects of school life. Altogether, students support and encourage each other, helping to provide a safe, caring environment that helps students to learn.

Tutor Groups

In Year Seven students are in small tutor groups led by an experienced Year Seven Tutor. At Wheldon we operate what is known as ‘vertical tutoring’ and when students enter the last term of Year Seven, they will join tutor groups that contain students of all years. This system means that the younger students are not isolated, but are treated by the other students as equals. It also means that older students can help and advise younger students when they need support.

Making a positive contribution to your communityBEING RESPONSIBLE

International Links

Wheldon has a well-established link with Shimbwe School in Tanzania. A trust fund sponsors students through teacher training who then go on to teach at the school and some of the many Wheldon fund-raising activities are to assist with Shimbwe and to develop further links. A great number of Wheldon staff and students have visited and worked closely with teachers and students at Shimbwe, incorporating safaris and even climbing Mount Kilimanjaro!


At Wheldon we believe that uniform is important in developing a sense of belonging and pride in the school. It also helps to establish a purposeful, safe working environment, where students can flourish.

Parent Teacher & Friends Association (PTFA)

The Wheldon Parent, Teacher and Friends Association is open to every parent and member of staff. Historically, its strength is evident from the fact that it achieved the conversion of the derelict building that is now our residential centre at Hollinsclough; the PTFA is still characterised by commitment, dedication and many invaluable contributions to Wheldon life. One of the key events during the year is the ‘Goldengrove’ party, when approximately 150 local senior citizens are invited to an annual dinner and evening of entertainment. Many students are active in inviting the senior citizens, organising the meal and providing the entertainment.

With your school at the centreYOUR COMMUNITY

Extended Services

Operating in a unique partnership with another local secondary school, fourteen primaries and Carlton Digby Special School, our Extended Services team has already made a significant difference to a number of students and their families through family support networks, out of school provision and links with other support services. It has also strengthened further our links with community groups such as the local Residents Association and Neighbourhood Watch.

The Michael Hutchinson Residential Centre

The PTFA is the owner of The Michael Hutchinson Centre at Hollinsclough. This is an attractive mid-19th century Grade II listed former chapel, located in the tiny village of Hollinsclough in Staffordshire close to Buxton.

Since it opened in 1975, thousands of youngsters have stayed at Hollinsclough. Each year, many students, staff and other users stay there making the most of the beautiful Peak District walks. All youngsters have the opportunity to visit Hollinsclough early in their time at Wheldon and many departments make use of the Centre for field trips and other activities. The Centre is also available for booking by parents and outside user groups.

Sports College

Specialist Sports College status allows us to develop further in this respect, which is undoubtedly of benefit to students and local residents alike. Being a Sports College has helped us to create very strong links with our local primary schools, community groups and other sports colleges nationally.

Not only has this opened up opportunities for students that may not have previously existed, it has also ‘opened their eyes’ to what they are capable of achieving and therefore raised aspirations for their future..

At Wheldon we take our responsibilities to the local community very seriously; parents send their children to us, trusting us with their academic, physical and social development. We therefore aim to be at the heart of your community, providing the quality of education you and your children deserve.


Everything we do at the school is aimed towards making sure that every student makes as much progress as they possibly can whilst they are in our care. However, we are also aware that without your support the challenge becomes more difficult and that we therefore need to keep you fully informed.

With your school at the centreKEEP IN TOUCH

Letters Home

Like most schools, ‘Pupil Post’ is usually used when a letter home is about something that it is important to the students such as details of forthcoming trips. For important information such as annual reports, we will post the letter home. We ask that parents check with their children on a regular basis to make sure letters are delivered, however, copies of all letters sent home will be available on the school website.

Public Relations Team

This team of dedicated support staff are your first point of contact. They are the people you talk to when you telephone the school and will respond to any emails you may send us. The team are usually able to answer any queries you may have and, when unable to respond directly, will make sure that your communication is followed through appropriately.

Wheldon Word and Website

Wheldon Word is our regular newsletter sent to all parents giving updates of school news and events. Copies are available electronically through our website www.wheldon.notts.sch.uk where you can also access reminders about key dates and information about all of the exciting things that our students are involved with and which make us all so proud to be associated with Wheldon.


Emails are an increasingly popular and convenient way to contact the school and are responded to in same way as letters and telephone calls.


All parents can request access to Eportal, which is linked directly to the school’s database and allows you to have access to information about your child’s academic progress, attendance and behaviour from the comfort of your own home.

Text Messages

We often use text messages in relation to a child’s attendance at school, reminders of important events or to let you know of the very rare occasions when the school is forced to close!

Wheldon School & Sports College

Coningswath RoadCarlton

NottinghamNG4 3SH

Tel. 0115 955 0010email: office@wheldon.notts.sch.uk

website: wheldon.notts.sch.uk