What's Stopping You from Getting Clients

Post on 01-Sep-2014

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C.J. Hayden explains to consultants at the September meeting of the Bay Area Consultants Network that they need to get out from behind their computers and go talk to people.

Transcript of What's Stopping You from Getting Clients

What’s Stopping You from Getting Clients…

...and What to Do About It

with C.J. Hayden, MCC

What stops consultants from getting clients?

1. Marketing a ____________

instead of your ____________



What stops consultants from getting clients?

2. Selling to ______________________

instead of to ________________________


people who know you

What stops consultants from getting clients?

3. Hiding out behind ________________


instead of ________________________

websites, email,

social media, direct mail, and ads

talking to people

What stops consultants from getting clients?

What are you doing right now that

may be sabotaging your marketing?

Learn more

See “Not Enough Clients?

What's In Your Way?”



Why you don’t want to be a

commodity, and how not to

The marketplace is crowded.

You don't want to be just one of

many choices, you want to be

the best choice.

Your clients don’t want to hire

an anonymous company; they

want to hire a trusted person.

Why you don’t want to be a

commodity, and how not to

You need a niche that defines

either your target market, your

professional specialty, or for

maximum effectiveness, both.

Choosing a niche doesn’t limit

you; it focuses you.

Learn more

See “Want Clients to Choose

You? Be Special”



Why you don’t want to be a

commodity, and how not to

What might you need to change

to position yourself as unique?

Who to sell consulting

services to, and how

Stop trying to sell to strangers;

instead, get to know people you

might sell to or get referrals


People like to buy from people

they know, like and trust. Build

the know, like and trust factor

to build sales.

Who to sell consulting

services to, and how

Build relationships through

networking, sharing, speaking, or

writing. Become a generous


Identify prospective referral

sources by category, then find

out how you can help each other.

Learn more

See “Wanted:

100 Referral Partners”



Who to sell consulting

services to, and how

What might you need to change

about who you are selling to and how?

Stepping out from behind the web,

mail, and ads to talk to people

Online marketing succeeds when

you make your site or page a

desirable destination, then interact

with visitors once they arrive.

Online marketing fails when you

post a brochure on the web, then

have to use mail, ads or promo

blasts just to get people there.

Stepping out from behind the web,

mail, and ads to talk to people

Websites, ads, and social media

produce leads – you still have to

close the sale.

If you want to get clients, you’ll

have to talk to them.

Learn more

See “If You Want to Get Clients,

You’ll Have to Talk to Them”



Stepping out from behind the web,

mail, and ads to talk to people

What might you need to do differently

about using these approaches to


Building a reliable system to make

marketing simple and effective

Use what works best; avoid

what’s easy but ineffective.

The “silver bullet” is a myth; stop

wasting your time trying to find it.

The secret to successful

marketing is choosing a set of

simple, effective things to do and

doing them consistently.

Building a reliable system to make

marketing simple and effective

What are 3 simple, effective things

you can do consistently, starting

on Monday?

How I can help

Free newsletter and Five

Secrets to Finding Clients guide

Get Clients Now! 3rd


$20 cash, check or charge

Work with me one-on-one on

marketing, business strategy,

and getting things done


C.J. Hayden, MCC, CPCC



(415) 981-8845

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