What's new in App Engine and intro to App Engine for Business

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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This is a presentation given by Devfest Madrid 2010 by Google Developer Advocate Chris Schalk on "What's new in Google App Engine and Intro to App Engine for Business"

Transcript of What's new in App Engine and intro to App Engine for Business

  • 1

  • Lo nuevo de Google App Engine y App Engine para Empresas

    Chris Schalk Developer Advocate


  • 3

    What is cloud


  • 4




    Source: Gartner AADI Summit Dec 2009

    Cloud Computing Defined

  • 5

    IaaS value proposition

  • 6

    APaaS value proposition

  • GoogleAppEngine





  • Bythenumbers


    500M+ daily

    Pageviews 250,000+

    Developers 100,000+

    Apps 8

  • 9

    In a word via Wordle

    Word source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/App_Engine

  • 10

    Some App Engine Partners

  • 11


  • 12

    App Engine @

  • 13

    Social networking at scale

    >62M Users

  • 14

    gigy Socialize

  • 15

    gigy Socialize

    "Although we typically host all our services in-house, on our own infrastructure, we felt that GAE would be a better fit

    for the live chat feature because of its unique traffic pattern, which is characterized by very low traffic most of the time with very high

    bursts during high profile events."

    Raviv Pavel, Gigya VP of Research and Development


    Flexible Scalability

  • 16

    Why App Engine?

  • 17

    Managing Everything is Hard

  • DIYHoswarepatches&upgradesLicensefeesLotsofmaintenanceTrac&u
  • Cloud development in a box SDK & The Cloud Hardware Networking Operating system Application runtime

    Java, Python Static file serving Services Fault tolerance Load balancing


  • App Engine Details


  • 22

    Specialized Services

    Blobstore Images

    Mail XMPP Task Queue

    Memcache Datastore URL Fetch

    User Service

  • 23

    Language runtimes

    Duke, the Java mascot Copyright Sun Microsystems Inc., all rights reserved.

  • 24

    Ensuring Portability

  • 25

    Extended Language support through JVM

    Java Scala JRuby (Ruby) Groovy Quercus (PHP) Rhino (JavaScript) Jython (Python)

    Duke, the Java mascot Copyright Sun Microsystems Inc., all rights reserved.

  • Always free to get started



  • 27

    Application Platform Management

  • 28

    App Engine Dashboard

  • 29

    App Engine Health History

  • 30

    Development Tools for App Engine

  • 31


  • 32

    SDK Console

  • 33

    Google Plugin for Eclipse

  • 34

    Two+yearsinreviewApr 2008 Python launch May 2008 Memcache, Images API Jul 2008 Logs export Aug 2008 Batch write/delete Oct 2008 HTTPS support Dec 2008 Status dashboard, quota details Feb 2009 Billing, larger files Apr 2009 Java launch, DB import, cron support, SDC May 2009 Key-only queries Jun 2009 Task queues Aug 2009 Kindless queries Sep 2009 XMPP Oct 2009 Incoming email Dec 2009 Blobstore Feb 2010 Datastore cursors, Appstats Mar 2010 Read policies, IPv6 May 2010 App Engine for Business

  • Whats new?

    Multitenant Apps with Namespace API High Performance Image Serving OpenId/Oauth integration Custom Error Pages Increased quotas (no longer 1000 entity limit) App.yaml now usable in Java apps Can pause Task Queues Dashboard graphs now show 30 days And other stuff.. See: http://googleappengine.blogspot.com/


  • Two up and coming features

    1. Mapper API First component of App Engines MapReduce toolkit Large scale data manipulation Examples include:

    Report generation Computing statistics and metrics

    Python Example: http://blog.notdot.net/2010/05/Exploring-the-new-mapper-API

    Java Example: http://ikaisays.com/2010/07/09/using-the-java-mapper-framework-for-app-engine/


  • Two up and coming features

    2. Channel API Allows for Server Push (Comet) to browser

    Blog post announcement: http://googleappengine.blogspot.com/2010/05/app-engine-at-google-io-2010.html

    External coverage: Sneak Peak from an early trusted tester http://bitshaq.com/2010/09/01/sneak-peak-gae-channel-api/

    Demo code for Dance Dance Robot available here: http://code.google.com/p/dance-dance-robot/ Also see: https://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine-java/browse_thread/thread/6fa09953ffae2cd3/c1db7de5fdb82b65?pli=1#


  • What else is new?


  • 39

    Build your own

    Google App Engine for Business

    Buy from others

    Google Apps Marketplace

    Enterprise Firewall

    Enterprise Data Authentication Enterprise Services User Management

    Buy from Google

    Google Apps for Business


    Enterprise Application Platform

  • 40


  • 41

    App Engine for Business Roadmap

    Enterprise Administration Console Preview (signups available)

    Direct Phone Support Preview (signups available)

    Hosted SQL Limited Release Q4 2010

    Service Level Agreement Available Q4 2010 (Draft published)

    Enterprise billing Available Q4 2010

    Custom Domain SSL Limited Release EOY 2010

  • 42

    App Engine Dashboard AppEngineLauncher for Python Eclipse Plugin - Java Building an app from scratch and deploying to the cloud


  • ThankYou!

    Chris Schalk Google Developer Advocate
