What Was the First World War?Jun 03, 2020  · Life in the trenches was made even more difficult...

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Transcript of What Was the First World War?Jun 03, 2020  · Life in the trenches was made even more difficult...

What Was the First World War?

A war is when countries fight each other. Over 100 years ago, in 1914, a war started. At the time, it was known as the Great War. This was because, at the time, it was the biggest war that the world had seen. Lots of different countries fought at the same time and it lasted for four years.

Today, we call this war the First World War.

What Are Trenches?

Fighting in the First World War was very difficult. In places where there was fighting, soldiers dug long, narrow holes in the ground. These holes were called trenches. They were usually several miles long. The soldiers lived in these trenches.

The poor conditions meant that soldiers often got sick.

Trenches had very little protection from weather, which meant that soldiers were often cold and wet from the wind and rain.

There was often a lot of water on the ground, which soldiers would have to stand in all day and night. and night.

The trenches were dirty, smelly and cold.

What Were Trenches Like?

Click on a picture to find out more about what soldiers did in the trenches.

Life in the Trenches


Sleeping in the Trenches

At night, soldiers were expected to stay awake and watch the enemy to see what they were doing.

Fighting often happened very early in the morning. This meant that soldiers usually only got to sleep for a few hours in the afternoon; they didn’t have proper beds so slept where they could.

Soldiers slept in their uniforms. Not only was there nowhere to change or keep their clothes but soldiers had to be ready to wake up and start fighting in seconds.

Talk About It

What is the soldier wearing?

Creatures in the Trenches

Life in the trenches was made even more difficult because of the creatures who also made their homes in the holes.

The trenches were full of rats. The rats would steal the soldiers’ food and chew holes in their clothes. Some of the rats got so big, they were the size of cats!

Tiny little creatures called lice were everywhere in the trenches, including on the soldiers. The soldiers felt very itchy and uncomfortable.


The End of the Trenches

After four years, the war ended. The trenches were all filled in. Today, in some places, you can see where the trenches used to be.

Briefly describe the conditions in the trenches during WWI using 5 adjectives or descriptions.

Learning tasks (choice)

1. Write a letter to a soldier who is having to sleep, eat and fight from the trenches. You could write in role as a loved one or friend-your letter is aimed to raise his spirits!

2. Use lollipop sticks or something similar, to make a cross as a way of remembering the men who lived in the trenches.

3. Create your own image of the trenches.4. You could add descriptive words or

boxes of information around the outside. 5. Write a diary entry as a soldier who

has been living in trenches for a long time. Try to include a description of your surroundings as well as

your feelings. 6. Can you think of another creative way of showing your learning about life in the trenches? We’d love to see it!