What kind of volunteer are you?

Post on 07-Jul-2015

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#eosummer13 week 3

Transcript of What kind of volunteer are you?

The Benefits of Volunteering

• Add Canadian workplace experience to your resume

• Improve your English

• Meet new people and make friends

• Just feel good about yourself

You may not be paid when working as a

volunteer but you will gain

a lot:


Learn more about Volunteering in Canada

• Read this excellent brochure:



What kind of Volunteer are you?

• Take this interactive test:

• http://www.getinvolved.ca/vquiz/english/

This activity is a great tool for vocabulary building – and it is quite entertaining!


How to find the right volunteer position ?

The Internet is a great source when looking for a volunteer position

that might interest you and

that is related to the position you are interested in.


How to find the right volunteer position ?

Volunteer Manitoba offers a search function to find volunteer positions:



Ready for a scavenger hunt?

Task 1:

There is a not-for-profit organization in Winnipeg that offers free fork lift training for their volunteers.

Can you find it online?


Ready for a scavenger hunt?

There is a not-for-profit organization in Winnipeg that offers free fork lift training for their volunteers.

Got it?

Share it with your study partner

and send a message by Skype to one of our



Scavenger hunt

Here is a guide to help you with your web-search:

There are several organizations where you can

find meaningful volunteer positions.

So, how do you find them?


Four Steps


wordsSearch Engines Evaluate


Step 1: State what you want to find

First, in one or two sentences, state

what you want to find on the Internet.

For example: What

I want to find a volunteer

position as an accountant

in Brandon.


Step 2: Identify keywords

Next, underline the main concepts in the


I want to find a volunteer position as an accountant in Brandon.

Now you have the key words that you use in your search.



Step 3: Try different search engines

A lot of people say that they “google” something

when they look for information online. The verb

‘to google something’ came with the popularity

of the Google search engine. However, there are

numerous search engines out there, e.g.

- Yahoo! www.yahoo.ca

- Bing www.bing.com

- Other http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_search_engines

Search Engines


Step 4: Evaluate the results

You are almost done

Now, explore some of the results (first 10 links)

and choose your favourite one or two or three…

Remember to save the links to your Favourites (=

bookmark them) so you can easily find them in

your Internet browser.

