What is Quality

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Transcript of What is Quality

What is QualityThe totality of features and characteristics of a product or service, that bear on the ability to satisfy the stated or implied needs of customers

List the three definitions of a process1. Who is doing what, when and how to reach a certain goal2. The means by which people, procedures, methods, equipment and tools are integrated to produce a desired end result3. A software development process is the set of activities needed to transform user's requirements into a software system

Define a quality system.A quality system specifies how the organization will improve and control all of its processes that will lead to improved quality

What is the quality system of WiproVeloci-Q

ISO, SEI-CMM & CMMI, and SIX SGMA are all apart of Wipro's Veloci-Q, what do all of these result in?Reduced risk, improved productivity, reduced defects, on-time/on-budget delivery, and better visibility.

How does the organization's focus on quality gives Wipro an edge over the competition?- results in better project schedule adherence- Reduced error rates- Better estimation capabilities- Minimized rejections

What is a shared understanding of process?Project Initiation

What is shared understanding of terminology?PDMR

What is in it for the customer when they use Wipro's Veloci-Q? (There is 5 reasons)

1. their needs will be correctly and adequately understood2. The project will be reliable executed3. Deliverables will reach on time and within in the budget4. They will get value for money5. They can have a pleasant, low-stress experience working with Wipro

Why have a different reporting structure for the quality group?1. A separate structure means independence2. Independence helps escalate deviations without interference or bias3. This enables the organization to have quick and agile responses.

What is a shared understanding of concepts?Risk Management

What is confusable words clarified (measure)?Kloc

What is confusable words clarified (metric)?50 Kloc per person week

Common language is organizational learning documented in the quality system. What 3 points are used to get to this conclusion?1. Queries and process improvement proposals (PIP)2. Findings from assessments and audits3. End of project lessons learnt--Project performance analysis (PPA)

What does a query and PIP do?Practitioners working on projects often have questions, observations and ideas for process improvement, which are recorded into the quality system.