What is Investment(MBA B&F)

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Transcript of What is Investment(MBA B&F)

  • 7/27/2019 What is Investment(MBA B&F)



  • 7/27/2019 What is Investment(MBA B&F)



    Investment is the thing that really

    makes our economy go and grow! Investment is any NEW Plant and equipment

    Investment is any NEW Additional inventory

    Investment is any NEW Residential housing


  • 7/27/2019 What is Investment(MBA B&F)


    Inventory Investment

    Includes only net change

    Date Level of Inventory

    Jan. 1, 2003 $120 million

    July 1, 2003 145 million

    Dec. 31, 2003 130 million

    Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc !ll rights reser"e# 6-1$

  • 7/27/2019 What is Investment(MBA B&F)


    Inventory Investment

    Includes only net changeDate Level of Inventory

    Jan. 1, 2003 $120 million

    July 1, 2003 145 million

    Dec. 31, 2003 130 million

    Started the year ith $120 million

    !nded the year ith 130 million

    "he net chan#e i a %&' 10 million

    6-16Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc !ll rights reser"e#

  • 7/27/2019 What is Investment(MBA B&F)


    Inventory Investment (Continued)

    Includes only net change

    Date Level of Inventory

    Jan. 1, 2003 $130 million

    July 1, 2003 145 million

    Dec. 31, 2003 120 million

    Started the year ith $130 million

    !nded the year ith 120 million

    "he net chan#e i a %(' 10 million

    Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc !ll rights reser"e# 6-1%

  • 7/27/2019 What is Investment(MBA B&F)


    6-1&Copyright 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc !ll rights reser"e#






    1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000

    In"entory In"estment, 1'60-2000 (in

    billions o) 1'&% #ollars*

    This is the most "olatile sector o) in"estment +ote that

    in"estment was actally negati"e #ring three recessions

  • 7/27/2019 What is Investment(MBA B&F)


    Types of investment

    Cash investment

    Debt securities Stocks

    Mutual funds



    eal estates

  • 7/27/2019 What is Investment(MBA B&F)


    Cash investments

    hese include savings bank accounts" certificatesof de#osit$ hese investments #ay a low rate of

    interest and are risky o#tions in #eriods of inflation Debt securities:

    The standard definition of a security is:

    "A legal contract representing the right toreceive future benefits under a stated set ofconditions"

    his form of investment #rovides returns in the

    form of fi%ed #eriodic #ayments and#ossible ca#ital a##reciation at maturity$ &t is asafer and more 'risk(free' investment tool thane)uities$ *owever" the returns are also generally

    lower than other securities

  • 7/27/2019 What is Investment(MBA B&F)



    +uying stocks ,also called e)uities- makesyou a #art owner of the business and entitles

    you to a share of the #rofits generated by thecom#any$Stocksaremorevolatileandriskierthanbonds$

    !utual funds: his is a collection of stocks . bonds and

    involves #aying a #rofessional manager toselect s#ecific securities for you$ he #rimeadvantage of this investment is that you donot have to bother with tracking theinvestment$

  • 7/27/2019 What is Investment(MBA B&F)



    he items that are traded on thecommodities market are agricultural andindustrial commodities$ heseitems need to be standardi/ed and must

    be in a basic" raw and un#rocessedstate$ he trading of commodities isassociated with high risk and highreward$ rading in commodity futuresre)uires s#eciali/ed knowledge and in(de#th analysis


  • 7/27/2019 What is Investment(MBA B&F)


    Real estate

    0his investment involves a long(term commitment offunds and gains that are generated through rental or

    lease income as well as ca#ital a##reciation$ hisincludes investments into residential or commercial#ro#erties


    hese are financial contracts the values of which arederived from the value of the underlying assets" suchas e)uities" commodities and bonds" on whichthey are based$ Derivatives can be in the form of

    futures" o#tions and swa#s$ Derivatives are used tominimi/e the risk of loss resulting from fluctuations inthe value of the underlying assets ,hedging-$

  • 7/27/2019 What is Investment(MBA B&F)


    The Investment Process

    A description of the process is: "# Set investment policy



    Choice of assets Conduct security analysis

    '(amine securities )identify those *hich are mis


    -se a# Technical analysis . the e(amination of past prices for


    b# /undamental analysis . true value based on future

    e(pected returns

  • 7/27/2019 What is Investment(MBA B&F)


    The Investment Process

    0# Portfolio Construction

    Identify assets

    Choose e(tent of diversification

    1# Portfolio Evaluation

    Assess the performance of portfolio

    2# Portfolio Revision Repeat previous three steps