What is eutrophication? Fertiliser Kills any weeds in the area so the plant can grow without...

Post on 05-Jan-2016

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Transcript of What is eutrophication? Fertiliser Kills any weeds in the area so the plant can grow without...

What is eutrophication?

Fertiliser Kills any weeds in the area so the plant can grow without competing for water.

Herbicide Provides a source of nutrients to help the plant grow.


Kills insects that might feed on the plant and damage its growth and appearance.

Match up the chemical with the use:

There are millions more people in the world now than there was 200 years ago.

Write a positive, negative and interesting point about farmers using chemicals to grow food for the growing population.

The problem with farmers using these chemicals

Choose your own task!

Write a letter to a farmer explaining the effect their chemicals are having on the nearby lake.

Produce a story board/comic strip explaining the process of eutrophication

Write a news article on how eutrophication is effecting the environment and what could be done to prevent the damage.

Write a letter to a farmer

• Explain to the farmer what effect the fertilizers they are using on their crops are having on the nearby lake.

• Describe what is eutrophication?• Empathise with the farmer by

explaining why you think they need to use the fertilizers.

The process of eutrophication

Eutrophication news article

• Explain how eutrophication has become a major problem for the environment now.

• Give a example of the effects of eutrophication.

• Explain how the increasing population has lead to farmers using more fertilizers.

• Suggest a way we can reduce the damage on the environment.