What Happens After We Die?

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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Transcript of What Happens After We Die?

  • 8/3/2019 What Happens After We Die?


    What do you think? What happens after we die?

    Everyone will die. Its not something we want to think about. We dont go around asking

    ourselves these questions, do we? Old people do, and the older you get, the more you

    think about these things.

    Life Insurance Policy

    What is your life insurance policy?

    I dont have to tell you the sad stories of teens who have lost their lives in car crashes, or

    to horrible diseases, or even something so strange as an enlarged heart like the 16 year

    old kid from Ohio. You know those stories.

    I dont say this to scare you. I say this so youll be prepared.

    Your view of the next life matters because it affects how you will live this life and whether

    youll be prepared or not.

    Our lives are fragile, and can be taken from us at any moment. What then?

    What then? - Story of an older man talking to a younger man

    YouTube video: What Happens After I Die?

    When you start thinking about some of this stuff, Jesus, the Bible, and the Resurrectionsuddenly start to mean more, dont they?

    So, what happens after death?

    Weceasetoexist,wererebornintosomethingelse,orbecomeaghost.This iswhat some people believe. This is not what the Bible tells us. The Bible tells us a simple

    math equation: Body + Spirit = Soul. The Bible never says we have a soul, it says that we

    are a soul. Genesis 2.7 & 7.22 says that our body and our breath (our spirit) becomes a

    living soul. Just like a car with many parts, our bodies cannot survive without a soul.

    At death the body returns to dust (Genesis 3:19), the spirit (which is just breath, not a

    ghostly entity) returns to God (Ecclesiastes 12:7) and then already mentioned is that the

    soul ceases to exist.

    This is again shown in the actions of the Resurrection. According to 1 Thessalonians

    4:13-18, those who are asleep (this will be discussed in a moment) will be awoken by the

    trumpet call of God. Many have concluded that this blown trumpet of Christ, is a symbol of


  • 8/3/2019 What Happens After We Die?


    Jesus blowing the breath (the spirit) back into the dead bodies of His saints. When this

    occurs, we become living souls again, this time for all eternity, never to die again.

    What happens in between? Again, the BIble is very clear on this subject, that when we die,

    we sleep. Over sixty times Bible writers, both OT and NT, compare death to sleep. In fact,

    so did Jesus. Read the story in John 11 where Jesus talks about how Lazarus is dead. Hementions Lazarus as "sleeping". Also notice in Pauls writing in 1 Thessalonians 4 and 1

    Corinthians 15:6,50. These are but a few of the many many references to death being

    "sleep". We don't know what is happening around us, but life still continues. At the

    Second Coming we will be awoken from our sleep and be raised forevermore.

    After we die (or go to sleep) and before the Second Coming, theres going to a waiting

    period. I used to think the term Hades meant Hell, but it doesnt. It literally is a waiting

    room for the dead, until the world ends and Final Judgement comes. Take a look at the


    So, the Bible saysnothing about reincarnation, or being reborn into another form or

    being, it saysnothing about us being annihilated at the end of our lives and becoming

    nothing, and it saysnothing about becoming a ghost of some sort.

    So if we believe the Bible to be true, then that leaves us with only one option: Jesus.

    Id never even thought about this idea before.

    Say theres a brand new theme park built here in Lewisburg and you want to go. You

    havent been yet, but you start asking you friends about it. They start telling you all thisstuff about it and you start asking questions. They say they dont know. You ask why, and

    they say they havent been either. Youve been taking advice from a bunch of morons who

    havent even experienced it for themselves.

    I heard it was cool. I saw videos on the internet.

    Think about that: how are we supposed to trust a bunch of people who have never

    experienced death and lived to tell about it to tell us about what happens after we die?

    Theres only one man whos ever done this, theres only one man whos came back fromdeath and lived to tell us about it, and thats Jesus. People saw him die, and people saw

    him alive after that. From the end of the Gospels to the beginning of Acts was about 40

    days. In that time, Jesus appeared to 120 people, or perhaps many more (Acts 1.15).

    Who are you going to trust? Someone whos experienced it, or someone who making stuff

    up? Someone whos been there, or someone who hasnt?


  • 8/3/2019 What Happens After We Die?


    Jesus Christ is the only person who has conquered death, and believing in Him is the only

    way we will conquer death. (John 11.25-26)

    Were all going to die. Our bodies will give out, our organs will become non-functional, and

    we will die a physical death. But that death isnt the end for us, whether were a Christian

    or not. We will go to the waiting room. Well wait on Jesus Second Coming. And whenthat happens, we will be judged by God and sent to the appropriate place.

    Let me emphasize that: you are either going to Heaven or Hell. Theres no in-between.

    Are you ready for death? Youcanbe.