What causes Tooth Sensitivity After Filling

Post on 07-May-2015

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Tooth sensitivity аftеr a filling session iѕ nоt ԛuitе unnatural – ѕо уоu nееd nоt panic yet! In fact, a bit оf sensitivity iѕ ԛuitе natural – аftеr all, if уоur teeth didn’t feel a thing аftеr a session аt thе dentist’s (even thоugh thе dentist hаѕ bееn аt it) – thеn it wоuld bе unnatural!

Transcript of What causes Tooth Sensitivity After Filling

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity After Filling ?

Immediately after the effect of the anesthetic is over, the tooth might feel sensitive. One of the reasons for this sensitivity could be that the filling is too high. Then you would have to let the dentist know who would then reduce the height of the filling and even it out. And this pain usually lets itself known when you chew your food.

You can also suffer a sharp shock in your teeth when they touch. This happens because the metals in the newly filled tooth and in the tooth that it is touching produce an electric current in your mouth – this is called galvanic shock. This typically happens if you use a new amalgam filling in the bottom tooth and get the upper tooth fitted with a gold crown.

You could face sensitivity in your tooth in case the decay was too deep and the filling was not the appropriate treatment. Instead, a root canal would be ideal to get rid of the decay permanently.

You might even experience what is medically called – referred pain. In this case, the tooth worked on is not painful; rather the tooth next to it emits the discomfort. This is because the pain signal from the tooth worked on is passed on to the nerve centers on the next tooth. However, this pain usually goes away after a while.