What are some plant types

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Transcript of What are some plant types

What are some plant



To divide into groups things that are alike.

Trees and grassesBuckeye tree

- Broad leaves, fanlike leaves.- Green in spring, change color and fall during the fall.- Trees like buckeye are called deciduous trees.

Pine tree

- Narrow, needlelike leaves.- Green all year- Trees with needles are called evergreens.

Palm tree

- Fond, Look like many leaves joined together.

Turf Bamboo


Plant structure





Plants can be classified according to their:

STEMS(Some plants have)

Soft stems Woody stems- Green and flexible (bend without breaking)

- Covered in bark and will not bend easily.

- Covered with thin skin. - Can be very thick.

- Do not grow very tall. - Can grow very tall.

- Leaves and flowers grow out of soft stems.

- Have scars where twigs and fruits have fallen off.

Ex. Lilly, tulips, daisies and dandelions. Ex. Rhododendron, trees and rose bush.

Soft stemsWoody stems

Soft stem examples

Lilly Tulip Daisies

Woody stem examples

Rose bushRhododendron Trees

Plants can be classified according to:

Growth of branches

Branches growing from a straight trunk

Large branches growing from

main trunk

Branches growing out of

each otherEx. Pine tree Ex. Oak Tree Ex. Barberry

Plants can be classified as:

Vascular plants

Non-Vascular plants

Roots: takes water and nutrients

from the soil.

Leaves: takes

sunlight, air, water and nutrients

and makes the plants

food (photosynthesi


Stem: takes water and nutrients from the roots and sends it to the leaves.


Vascular plants(Have tubes)


Non- Vascular plants

(without vessels)

Non vascular plants grow close to the ground to absorb water

When non-vascular plants are dry they look like:

Dry sponge

Non-vascular plants are absorb water like:
