West Midlands GLOSA - Polis Network€¦ · West Midlands GLOSA Polis Conference 2017. Overview...

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Transcript of West Midlands GLOSA - Polis Network€¦ · West Midlands GLOSA Polis Conference 2017. Overview...

West Midlands GLOSA

Polis Conference 2017

OverviewGLOSA project is funded by UK Department for Transport (DfT)

Greenwave project is funded by Innovate UK

Both projects are Freight based that explore:

• How we influence the use of the urban road network by freight

• How we generate baseline data to enable GLOSA applications

• The commercial benefits i.e. fuel saving, driver behaviour and cost savings

• How this research can help freight users

Both projects are related to existing C-ITS projects in the West Midlands:

• UK CITE: UK Connected Intelligent Transport Environment

• Creating advanced environment for testing connected and autonomous vehicles in Coventry

• iVMS: intelligent Variable Message Systems

• Mobile phone App for commuters using major corridors into Coventry

Birmingham Trials

GLOSA• 12 month R&D project led by Birmingham City Council

• Applicable to Key Route Network (KRN)

• Exploring the boundaries of what can be achieved in a existing adaptive control environment

• Delivery of real time information to HGV drivers to avoid unnecessary stops

• Explores the opportunities and benefits of GLOSA use

Greenwave• 12 month Innovate UK R&D project led by Idox (Cloud Amber)

• Applicable to fleet vehicles operating within the city boundaries that is focused on commercial benefits:

• Fuel saving

• Driver behaviour (gamification)

• Cost savings

Key Research QuestionsTo what extent can GLOSA operate effectively in an adaptive

control environment?

Can we implement GLOSA using enhancements to existing systems by trialling two systems- by using 3/4G comms / web service

- by upgrading existing WiFi routers to operate using WiFicommunications as a low cost alternative to DSRC

Can simple changes be made to that environment to improve GLOSA accuracy

Can we demonstrate interoperability between C-ITS systems (i.e. from Birmingham to Coventry)

Can we demonstrate signal priority requests

Signal information fromOn street cabinets sent toTraffic control centre eitherVia direct link to controller or SCOOT messages



Signal Requests

Project Data Flows

Prediction provide via4G or using existingon-street wifiAntennas’


GLOSAAim is to utilise CROCS: Controller to RSU Open C-ITS Schema:

• An open standard to link a traffic signal controller to an ITS-G5 roadside unit

• Based on XML

• Supports the transmission of SPaT/MAP data

CROCS was funded through a DfT Transport Technology Research and Innovation Grant (T-TRIG) and focused on two of the principal C-

ITS message types: SPaT and MAP.•SPaT – Signal Phase and Timing standard C-ITS message that will inform drivers about the current status and a prediction of the future stage timings of the traffic signal ahead

•MAP – is a description of the physical geometry of one or more intersections that can be transmitted to a vehicle

•CAM – Cooperative Awareness Message (ITS G5)

•DENM – Decentralised Environmental Notification Message

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Required Information

What Colour is the Light?Where is

the vehicle?

How is the road


Standards – CEN/TC 278• SPAT – Signal Phase and Timing• MAP – Geographic Data• CAM – Co-operative Awareness Message

Potential Benefits





Road Wear


Smoother journeys and journey times



A first stepTowards CAV?

Spin off benefit - Data

• Real Time and Historic

– Floating Vehicle Data

– Transport Modelling

– Traffic Flow Insights


• Adaptive Control Environment



• Utilising Existing Infrastructure

– UTC Centre

– Mobile Phones / 4G

– Existing Wifi network ‘beacons’

= Cheap, Deliverable and Scalable


Birmingham Solihull Coventry



MOVABus Priority




Coventry Road – A45


• Pollution, noise, CO2, resilience, evaluation

• Source: calculations + evaluation survey

• Journey Times and Speeds

• Driver compliance, fuel usage

• Source: app, driver survey, in-vehicle systems

• Accuracy, latency, predication, activations

• Source: system databases

• Traffic Speed / Volumes / HGV%, Road Safety

• Source: existing traffic loops and tube counters, STATS19

Baseline Indicators

System Indicators

Outcome Indicators

Output Indicators

Current Progress

• Live Test Site


– Operational and largely predictable


– Integration challenging but ongoing

• In Car App

– Planned for December

– 4G based on live site

– Beacons Challenging

Thank You

For Further Information Please Contact:

Andrew RadfordBirmingham City Councilandrew.radford@birmingham.gov.uk

Steve Georgesteve.george@sgti.co.uk

Greenwave Project Press Release available at:
