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Transcript of WERI System - wsscwater.comgisweb.wsscwater.com/weri/Help/Introduction to WERI.pdfIntroduction to...

Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission

Introduction to WSSC’s

WERI System

WSSC June, 2014

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


Introduction to WSSC’s

WERI System

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


Table of Contents

Course Objectives .................................................................... 5

Introduction of WERI ................................................................ 6

Start WERI ........................................................................... 7

Main Screen and Orientation……….…………………………………………………………………………..8

Elements of the main WERI Screen ................................................ 9

WERI Toolbar Buttons and Descriptions ................................................................................ 10

Map Display Area ............................................................................................................................. 11

Zoom Into the Display Area........................................................................................................ 12

Flyout Information ......................................................................................................................... 13

Flyout Information ………………………………………………………………………………………………14 Pan the Map ...................................................................................................................................... 14

Zoom to the Previous View .......................................................................................................... 15

Zoom Out .......................................................................................................................................... 15

Zoom to Coordinates…………………………………………………………………………………………………..15

Zoom to Coordinates………………………………………………………………………………………………….16

Customized WERI Tool Buttons .................................................... 17

Customizer WERI tool Button and Descriptions……………………………………….17 Map Tools ....................................................................................................................................................... 18

Layer List .......................................................................................................................................... 18

Layer List………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….19

Bookmark ........................................................................................................................................... 20

Measure .......................................................................................................................................21 Measure ............................................................................................................................................. 22

Measure .............................................................................................................................................. 23

Measure .......................................................................................................................................24 Search by Asset ID ....................................................................................................................... 25

Search by Asset ID ....................................................................................................................... 26

Search by 200’ Sheet ................................................................................................................... 27

Search by ADC GRID .................................................................................................................... 27

Search by Contract Number.................................................... 27

Search by Pressure Zone ............................................................................................................. 27

Search for Plumbling Cards………………………………………………………………………………………………….28

Address Lookup ............................................................................................................................... 28

Address Lookup ............................................................................................................................... 29

Query Builder .................................................................................................................................. 30

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


Query Builder .................................................................................................................................. 31

Query Builder .................................................................................................................................. 32

Query Builder……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..33

Query Builder……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..34 Feedback…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..34

BaseMap……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….35 MD Aerial…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………36

Aerial with labels ............................................................................................................................ 36

Aerial Public ..................................................................................................................................... 37

Data Content………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...38 WSSC Sewer ................................................................................................................................... 39

Service Alerts ................................................................................................................................. 39

Planned Assets ................................................................................................................................ 40

Merge Map Contents………………………………………………………………………………………………………………40

Merge Map Contents……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..41

Merge Map Contents……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..42

Save Current map Configuration………………………………………………………………………………………..42

Reset Current map Confirguration…………………………………………………………………………………….42

Print current Map………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….43

Print current Map………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….44

WERI Bottom Toolbar Button and Descriptions…………………………………………………..45


Selection by point…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………45

Selection by point………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...46

Attribute Data………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………47

Contract Drawings………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..47

Clear selection………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………48

Selection by Line………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….49

Selection by Retangle…………………………………………………………………………………………………………49

Selection by Polygon……………………………………………………………………………………………………………50

Selection by Circle……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….50

Export Results……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….51

Identify Feature……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………51

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


Course Objectives

By the end of the course, the student will be able to use the WERI

application. The employee will be able to use WERI in his/her daily business

functions. Microsoft Silverlight (downloaded automatically with first use) is

a pre-requisite for this class.

You will be able to do the following:

Get to the WERI Home Page

Explain the layout of the screen components of WERI

Use the Zoom tools and Map tools

List and search the data available

Use the different search functions

View engineering documents

Bookmark references for future access

Utilize the measuring tool

Save Map configuration

Merge Map Content

Print maps

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)



This application provides some of the functions requested by Commission

users during the 200' sheet interviews. Specifically, the four search


200' sheet number

ADC 2007 grid

Street layers

Street address

The application provides the ability to view data across 200' sheet

boundaries. Water and sewer information are in the WERI system.

Available Data

The data used for this application is obtained from several sources within

the Commission:

Maintenance Management Information System (MMIS)

Permits Processing Information System (PPIS)

Customer Services Information System (CSIS)

Assessments Information System (AIS)

Sewer Model

ADC Data

Information on the ADC data is from ADC 2007 Map books purchased

directly from the company.

Water and Sewer Data

Spatial and attribute data are available.

Property Data

The property data about the lot, the block and the address come from


Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


Start WERI

The WERI application is a browser-based application. To access the WERI


1. Click on the link that was provided to you from WSSC.

2. Once the link is open, enter username and password that was

provided by WSSC.

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


This is the Main Screen Location/Orientation key

In the upper left corner of the display map, there is a location/orientation

key. It is a greyed out circle that can be seen on your computer. The key

allows you to move the map north/south/east/west when you select the

arrows as such. You can also zoom in and out with the slider on the left of

the circle. The up arrow that is in between the circle and the slider will

bring you back to the north orientation of the map. If you click on the circle

areas, this will allow you to rotate the the display map according to any

contract drawing orientation.

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


Elements of the WERI Screen

Here are some of the major parts of the screen you will need to focus on.

Toolbar for

Map Display

Map Display


Map Tools



Identify Features



Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


WERI Top Toolbar Buttons and Descriptions

These buttons help you navigate to the area of interest or search for


Gives the option to zoom to a specific coordinate

Zooms in by a magnification factor of two on the point that

you click

Slide the map around to display areas that are outside of

the current view

Zooms in to the rectangular area you draw with the mouse

Zooms out by a magnification factor of two from the

rectangular area you draw with the mouse

Returns to the previous zoom magnification and location

Allows you to see an area with a view of the streets

Zoom out by a magnification factor of two on the point that

you click

Displays the entire map in the current window

Shows the different tools that can be used on the map

Gives a dropdown menu of the five Basemaps available



Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


Map Display Area

1. When you want to redisplay the map of the two counties, click on

the Full button

Go farword to the previous zoom magnification and location

Allows you to see the street view of any area

The Map Display area

displays the two counties

and the default layers:


Prince George’s

Water layer

Road Base Map

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


Zoom Into the Display Area

1. Click the Zoom button.

2. Drag a marquee (drag a rectangle) around the area where you

want to zoom into (click and drag using the mouse) or (click and

drag making a box on the laptop mouse area) once you have

selected the area that you need let go.

Marquee the

area you want

to view.

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


Flyout Information

Move the mouse over the feature and the attribute data for the feature will


Pipe: size and contract number

Valve: valve number

Fire hydrant: FH number

Manhole: MH number

Contract number

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


You may have to turn on/off some layers of information on the legend area.

Pan the Map

When you want to display another part of the map, use the Pan Button.

1. Click the Pan button.

2. Move the mouse on the Map Display Area.

Flyout for Water Main:

Pipe Size + Contract #

Flyout for Water Valve:

Valve # + Contract #

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


3. Drag the mouse around to display the area that is outside the

current view.

Zoom to the Previous View

1. Click the Previous button.

2. The Map Display Area will return to the previous zoom

magnification and location.


1. Click the StreetView button.

2. Zoom into an area on the map and then left click to see the street

view of an area ex: valve caps, new pavement area, fh’s, location


Zoom Out

1. Click the Zoom Out button.

2. Click on the Map Display Area.

Zoom to Coordinates

1 Click the Coordinates

2 Enter the X and Y coordinates.

3 Click the Zoom to Coordinates

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


The map display area will zoom to the coordinates

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


Customized EGIS Tool Button and Descriptions

These tools are specific to WERI

Shows the list and legend of the base content and default


Save the current display as a bookmark that can be accessed


Measure linear or area and gives coordinates of features

You can search by Asset ID (Water or Sewer), 200' sheet,

ADC Grid, Contract number, Pressure Zone Number,

property Tax ID or Permit Number

Search an address by Street Name, City and Zip Code

Allows advance search on layers

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


Send Feedback/Suggestions about EGIS to the development


Map Tools

To view the layers and ledgend click the layer List button

Switch tabs to view the layers or legend

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


To add or view bookmarks click the Bookmark button

To add a bookmark, zoom to the area of intrest. Name you bookmark and push Add.

To retrieve your bookmark just open EGIS, go to Map Tools and select the

Bookmark button. Your “saved bookmarks” will show under “Existing

Bookmarks”. Click on your bookmark name and the display will zoom to the

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


area.To remove a bookmark, simply click on the red X to the right of the


To measure a feature click the Measure button

A form opens with the defaults been Linear and the units Feet.

The units can be change from the dropdown menu.

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


To measure a feature, click on the map or feature to create a start point,

then click to add a vertex at bends and double-click to end. The distance will

display on the form.

The distance can be displayed on the map by checking the Show Mesurement

Value on Map.

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


To find the area of a feature click to start, click for each directional change

and double click to end. If the Show measurement Value on Map is checked,

the Area and Perimeter will be displayed on the map. The units can be

changed from the dropdown menu.

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


To find the coordinates of a feature or location, click the Coordinate tab

and then click on the feature you need the coordinates of and the X and Y

will be displayed.

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


To search for location or attribute data for Asset ID, 200’ sheet, ADC Grid,

Contract number, Pressure Zone Number, Property Tax ID and permit

Number click the Search button

The form will open to the default, Asset ID (water)

Use the drop down menu to choose

a. The Asset Type

b. The 200 Ft. Sheet

c. The 3-Digit ID

d. Click the Search button

The map will zoom to the location of the asset and will be highlighted.

The Identify feature form will appear showing the attribute data for the


Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


Click on details to see the Feature Details form.

You can access the linked documents for the feature (eg. Engineering

Drawings or Valve Card). To clear selection click the clear selection botton

Clear selection Details

To do a search for other feature, select the various taps.

Identify Features

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


200’ sheet search ADC Grid search

Contract number search Pressure zone search

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


Search for plumbing cards

Once you click the search button for the 200’ sheet. In the

drop down list, click on details. Once here you will be able to search for the

plumbing cards.

Click Plumbling Cards


To lookup an Address click the Address Lookup Button

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


1. Enter the street name and city in the address text box

2. Click Go

The Address Results window will show all the possible addresses.

From the list, select the address you want to lookup. The map will zoom to

than address.

14501 Sweitzer Lane, Laurel

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


To perform advance queries, click the Query Builder button

1. Select the layer you which to query. Once the layer is selected, the

upper right window will be populated with the fields you can query on.

Water pipes Query fields

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


2. Click on a field to query on and you will notice that the upper left

window is populated with the options for the selected field.

3. We will now query to find all pipes with diameter greater that 36”

a. Select diameter and pust the Add to Query button

b. Click the greater than symbol to add it to the querry.

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


c. From the window with the pipe sizes highlight 36” and click the Add

to Query button. The from should look like the one below.

d. Select the Validate button to see if your query is valid. If

validation is good select the Go button to run the query

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


The map will now display all the water pipes which are greater that 36”. The

Identify Features will also show the details of all the selected pipes.

Below is the result of a query on water pipes having a diameter of 36” and

materal is Ductile Iron.

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


To give feedback to the Developers click the Feedback button

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


Through feedback, you can make a general feedback about the application,

feedback about a bug you discover while using the application or feedback

about any enhancement you would like to see in the application. Push submit

once you have completed your feedback.

BaseMap BaseMap

Road base map

To change the bacemap go to the main toolbar, from the Basemap dropdown

lists select the basemap you want as your background display.

The default basemap is the Road Base Map.

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


MD Aerial (2011)

Aerial with Labels

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


Aerial (Public)

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


Data Content

The default Data Content for EGIS is WSSC Water. At full view, you will

see the pressure zones boundaries, Water Treatment Plants, Water Pumping

Stations, Standpipe and Tanks. As you zoom into the map the water pipes

and there features will start showing up along with the properties

The other available Data Contents are:

1. WSSC Sewer

2. Service Alerts

3. Planned Assets

Other data content will be added as we finalize requirements.

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


WSSC Sewer

Service Alerts

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


Planned Assets

Data contents can me merged by clicking on the Merge map contents button

found in the upper right corner of the browser.

Merge map contents

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


On the Merge Content form check the content you want to merge and click


The water and sewer contents will merge

and show on the map. An application message will inform you that merge

content have been created.

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


After merging the view, the Data

Content dropdown menu will display a new data content called “My Content”

which is the newly merged water and sewer content.

The Save Current Map Configuration button is used to save the

configuration of the map at the current scale and Data Content.

The next time you open EGIS, the map will zoom to the area with the data

content you have saved. This will happen each time you open EGIS.

To get back to the default Map Configuration click on the Reset Current

Map Configuration button

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


To make a print of the current map click on the Print Current Map button

The print form will open:

1. Choose the size and layout.

2. Create a title

3. Push Open to view the layout. The print button will become active.

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


4. Push the Print button to save the layout as a pdf document.

5. Navigate to the location where you saved the document and send to

the printer.

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


WERI Bottom Toolbar Buttons and Descriptions

These buttons are all assocated with the selections, clearing, exporting and

identification of features.

Selection of features using a


Selection of features by drawing

a line across the features

Selection of features by drawing

a rectangle around the features

Selection of features by drawing

a Polygon around the features

Selection of features by drawing

a Circle around the features

Clear Selected features

Export the attribute result of

selected features

Display attribute data of

selected features


To select a feature or muntiply features by point select the Point button

1. Move the mouse to the feature you want to select and click once.

2. The top layer along with any active layer will be selected.

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


3. The selected features will be highlighted and the identify feature

window will show the feature or features that were selected.

4. Click on a feature to view the attribute data.

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


5. To view the complete details of a feature, click details. Scroll up or

down to view the attributes.

From the Feature Details form, the historic document can be accessed.

Click on the Engineering Drawing(s) to get to the documents.

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


Contract 51353 drawing.

To clear selected features click the Clear Selection button

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


Selection by Line Selection line

Selection by Rectangle, Polygon and Circle are created by clicking in an area

and drag and unclick to view all of the components within the area.

Selection by Retangle

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


Selection by Polygon

Selection by Circle

Introduction to WSSC WERI System (WERI)


Export Results

Once you have the selected the area with the information that you need, you can

then click export results and save them where you want them. It will then create

an excel spreadsheet with the selected information in the location of your choice.

Export Results

Identify Feature

You use the identify feature to select anything on the map area, valves, fire

hydrants, water lines etc. This option allows you to select an single item with

attributed information.

Identify Feature