Welcome to Year 2 powerpoint 20-21[8195] [Read-Only]...Title Microsoft PowerPoint - Welcome to Year...

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Transcript of Welcome to Year 2 powerpoint 20-21[8195] [Read-Only]...Title Microsoft PowerPoint - Welcome to Year...

Welcome to Year 22020 - 21

Class teachers: Miss Stoddart and Mrs JamoduTeaching assistants: Mrs Letven and Mrs Porteous

Year 2 curriculum

• The structure of the day is similar to Year 1 – the children are in flexible groups for literacy and maths and they will have time in the learning areas each day.

• We have introduced a new independent activity for the children to complete each day – this is to instil more independence in the children. The children have responded really well to this so far!

• Each day is varied. We teach a broad and balanced curriculum with regular history, geography, music, ICT, RE, art, PE and PSHE lessons.

• By the end of the year we are hoping for every child to be writing consistently in joined handwriting.

Year 2 curriculum

• The next slide shows the curriculum overview for the year. It contains the topics, experiences and key texts we will be using so that you can support your child’s learning at home.

• Each half term we will add a half termly grid to the website so that you can see the topics we are learning about and some of the objectives we are working towards.

Behaviour and expectations

Our positive expectations are based around the school smiler system and the golden rules:Speak politely to everyone.Move sensibly and quietly around the school.Instructions should be carried out first time.Look after other people’s property carefully.Everybody should be treated with care and kindness.Remember to be in the right place at the right time with the rightequipment.

Behaviour and expectations

5 Golden Rules: Be kind and gentle Listen carefully Look after our things Always do your best. Follow instructions first time

Classes also agree their own rules and expectations as part of PSHE based on these principles and our school ethos.

Behaviour Systems

School SmilersChildren doing a kind deed receive a SMILER ticket to go into the box.A SMILER of the week is drawn each week and receives house points for their house

Gold AwardEach week a child from each class is awarded a Gold Award for academic achievement. They are presented with a certificate by Mrs Large and their name goes into the GOLDEN BOOK.

We have adopted a positive approach to behaviour management where children are praised for the good choices they make. We have a set of ‘Golden Rules’ which are displayed in the classroom and referred to regularly. Where a child’s behaviour is not appropriate, children are provided with two choices about how they move forward with their behaviour. Children are encouraged to make the right choices and learn from their mistakes.


• Please make sure that children have a full PE kit in school at all times as sometimes the timetable may change.

• Hair must be tied up for PE and children may not wear jewellery.• PE kits will be sent home each half term to be washed. Please return

them promptly.• The day each class has PE will be confirmed in September.


• The test with be administered to all Year 2 pupils nationally in May.• We will have the entire month of May to administer the tests and the

timing is at our discretion.• The children will sit 2 maths papers (arithmetic and reasoning) and 2

reading papers• There is also an optional SPaG test (spelling, punctuation and

grammar) which involves a 20 question test and a spelling test of 20 words. We will not know the words on the test but they will link to spelling rules we teach through the year.


• The SATs are nothing to worry about! • We do not tell the children they are sitting tests (we refer to them as

booklets) as they don’t need to be under any pressure at this age• At the end of the year we will give every child a level in reading,

writing, maths and science and this is determined by teacher judgement – the SATs help inform this decision but do not determine it.

• We will hold a SATs meeting for parents and carers nearer the time to provide you with more information.


• Weekly spellings will be sent home each Friday (beginning this week) and will be tested the following week.

• Weekly homework will be sent home with these spellings. This will be maths focussed. Please return homework the following Wednesday.

• Each week your child will choose new reading books. • If you would like further work for your children to do at home, you

can support us by working on the objectives shown the half termly overview with your child.


• Reading books will be changed weekly. • Please encourage them to read for a few minutes each night and

listen to them read at least once a week.• Your child will receive a reading record. Please record a brief

comment in here each week.• We will also visit the library in school once a week (where possible)• The day both classes visit the library will be confirmed in September.

Timetable (subject to change)

Clothing and equipment

• Please send your child to school with a named water bottle. These will be sent home each week for cleaning.

• Please make sure all clothing is named! • Please send your child in with a coat or waterproof every day. We do

play out in the rain!• Polite reminder- toys or collector cards (e.g. football cards/ Pokémon)

are not allowed in school.

Any further questions

• You are welcome to come us to discuss any concerns about your child, but please make an appointment first.

• If you need to contact us you can do so via the school office or via email. If you have an urgent message please phone the school office.