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Transcript of Welcome to Worship!files.ctctcdn.com/5426e4f9001/ce767651-8d4e-4092-88c8-e... · 2015-08-13 ·...

April 12 & 13, 2014 Sat. - 5 pm

Sun. - 9 am

Welcome to Worship! We welcome you in Christ’s name and thank you for sharing this worship moment with us. May this time of praise both honor God and inspire you.

We invite you to join us following worship for a time of fellowship with coffee & treats in our Fellowship Hall (through the glass doors in the gathering area).

If you are looking for a church home, come and explore all that Calvary has to offer. Please fill out a ‘Communion Participation & Visitor Registration’ card, located in the pew pockets, so that we may get to know you better. You may drop it in the offering basket or hand it to an usher. Then feel free to stop in at our “Welcome Desk” and pick up more information about our many ministries.

If you have any questions, please speak with Pastor Roser or any of our staff or volunteers wearing a grey nametag.

Large print bulletins are available from any usher.

Please silence cell phones during worship.


April 12 & 13, 2014 Palm Sunday LBW: Lutheran Book of Worship (green) RPB: Red Pew Bible WOV: With One Voice (blue) *indicates stand


PREPARATORY PRAYER ‎Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing you have made and forgive the sins of all who are penitent: Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of you, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


The Worship service begins in the narthex (gathering area) on Sunday only. Please follow along in the green folder.

Upon return to the Nave (Worship space)/following the processional hymn(s), the order of service is continued and is projected on the screen:


P: Let us Pray...

C: Almighty and everliving God, in your tender love for the human race you sent your Son our Savior Jesus Christ to take upon himself our nature, and to suffer death upon the cross, giving us the example of his great humility: Mer-cifully grant that we may walk in the way of his suffering, and also share in his resurrection; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

ANTHEM: “Blessed Be Our King” Cherub Choir

OLD TESTAMENT READING: Isaiah 50:4–9 [RPB pg. 1140]

*READING FROM THE GOSPELS: Matthew 21:1-17 [RPB pg. 1531]

*SERMON SONG: [Sat] “How Great Thou Art” LBW #532 [Sun] “How Great Is Our God” (insert)




*SHARING OF OUR LORD’S PEACE: We invite you to share the peace with one another.

Order of Worship


OFFERING The Offering is received as the Lord's table is prepared.

Offertory: “Fairest Lord, Jesus” [Sun] Celebration Ringers








SHARING IN THE LORD’S SUPPER Celebration of Holy Communion: In the Lord's Supper, we truly receive the body and blood of the risen Christ. Baptized Christians who confess this real presence of Christ Jesus in this Holy meal are invited to come forward with us to receive Holy Communion. Those not prepared for communion and persons who have a different understanding of the Lord’s Supper are welcome to come forward for a blessing. Please indicate this to the servers by bringing your service bulletin to the altar rail with you.

When an usher directs you, come to the front using the center aisle

Please kneel at the rail; receive the bread, then the wine.

Grape juice & gluten free wafers are available upon request

Children who do not yet commune receive a blessing

If you are unable to come forward but wish to receive communion, let an usher know and communion will be brought to you

When you are finished, return to the pew by the side aisles

Music During Distribution: “The Old Rugged Cross” [Sun] Alleluia Choir


There is no closing hymn, in observance of the solemnity of Holy Week. Please remain standing, as the ministers and acolytes recess to the rear of the nave.


Worshippers are asked to leave the worship space in silence.




Sunday School/Christian Education

Sunday School for all ages education begins at 10:30 am. This weekend our Sun-day School children will meet in the sanctuary for the Spring Musical practice. No Sunday School next weekend, Easter Sunday. Sunday School will resume on April 27th.

Wednesday Bible Studies

Wednesday Bible study is on a break during Lent and will resume following Easter.

Next Week’s Lessons Old Testament: Isaiah 50:4–9 Gospel: Matthew 21:1-17


Serving in the Military: Samantha Bland (daughter of Kim Nyka); Kyle Pierce (son of Karen & Keith Pierce, serving in the US Army); Ryan Michael (grandson of Don-ald & Fay Heyen); Tasha Olson, serving in the Navy Ceremonial Guard (granddaughter of Wayne & Ardath Olson); all military chaplains.

Serving in the mission field: Our NALC missionaries and missionaries everywhere, who take the Gospel of Christ Jesus to those who are perishing.

For healing: Bea Foster; Ruby Hauch; Ruth Yankus; Mary Moen; Donna Trethew-ey; Diane Schmelzer; Dottie Riemer; Win Reinemann; Lori Smith; Bob Pfeiffer (father of Jan Lukasik); Norman & Ruth Frauenfelder (parents of Norene Giuliani); John Kirch (brother of Laurie Kretschmann); Rebecca (granddaughter of Roberta Stepp); Maureen Schulz (sister-in-law of Sallie Schulz); Kate Amundson (infant daughter of friends of Jim Harrison); Ray (friend of Judy Kestly); Tom Vento (friend of the Anderson family); Leander Honiker (friend of Pat Treutelaar).

Ongoing prayer concerns: Ongoing prayer concerns are listed in the Crossroads. Please refer to the Calvary Crossroads & continue to pray for those in need.

As a general guideline, we place people on the prayer list for 2 weeks but are always will-ing to retain them on the list for as long as necessary. Please let us know if this is the


Missions April Mission of the Month: Compassion International

During the month of April, Calvary’s Mission of the Month contributions support Com-passion and especially their Water of Life Projects.

Use your weekly offering envelopes or a white pew envelope to contribute and note “Mission of the Month” on your check and/or envelope.


News & Opportunities Holy Week & Easter

Palm Sunday - 9 am Mandy Thursday - 7 pm (with Drama: The Mother of Judas) Good Friday

10:00 am (Children’s & Family Worship) 12:00 - 12:45 pm (Worship -- Stations of the Cross) 1:00 - 1:45 pm (Worship -- Adoration of the Cross) 2:00 - 2:45 pm (Worship -- Stations of the Cross) 7:00 pm (Tenebrae Service)

Holy Saturday - 5 pm (Easter Worship) Easter Sunday

6:30 am (Sunrise -- Easter Worship) 7:30 - 8:45 am (Easter Breakfast) 9:00 am (Easter Worship)

Church Life Sponsored Mallards Game

Get your tickets now by filling out a ticket request form for the June 15th (Father’s Day) Madison Mallards Baseball Game! Enjoy the day with dad and the entire family! Tickets are $22 each and include all-you-can-eat baseball park food and bus transportation (limited bus capacity but plenty of tickets!). See the posters for more information and visit the Mallards website: mallardsbaseball.com.

What Legacy will you leave?

Join us on May 4 from 2-4 pm for a session presented by the Endowment Com-mittee & guests to discuss how you can leave a legacy gift to the Calvary Luther-an Endowment fund. The Endowment Fund was developed to extend our ministry by supporting special projects not covered by operating budget. It provides lasting resources to the next generation at Calvary.

Interested in supporting Lutheran Colleges & seminaries or assisting students attending those institutions? Want to help local, regional & international projects that mesh with our Calvary mission statement? What about outreach ministries at Calvary like the Mark Schultz concert last December? Come join us to hear how you can be a part of providing for the future at Calvary. Light snacks will be pro-vided.

Questions? Call Ernie Kretschmann at 262-782-4989.

Bakery Pick-Up

If you ordered bakery items from the Youth Bakery Sale, they are ready for pick-up this Sunday, April 13th following worship in the narthex.


Youth & Family Ministry Vacation Bible School 2014 -- Register Now!

Mark your calendars for August 4-8 and plan to join us for our 2014 VBS program Weird‎Animals:‎Where‎Jesus’‎Love‎is‎One-of-a-Kind! Pick up an information & registration brochure in the narthex. Interested in helping out? Let Angie know!

Mark Your Calendars April 27: First Communion May 18: Children’s Musical June 1: Graduation recognition June 15: Madison Mallards Game

Attendance & Offering Attendance at worship last weekend Sat: 50 Sun: 138 Wed: 60 Received in April to date General Offering: $ 8,935.00 Mission of the Month: $ 528.00 Building Fund: $ 205.00

Serving at Worship this Weekend Presiding Minister: Rev. Dennis M. Roser Assisting Minister: [Sun] Larry Bonier Acolytes: Emily & Daniel Berger Altar Guild: Shirley Brodell, Marge Tyne Deacons: [Sat] Lydia Trudell, Ernie Kretschmann; [Sun] Lee Tyne, Grace Gunnlaugsson, Ron Foster, Donna Schroeder (H) Flowers: Given by Tom & Sue Sadowsky Greeters: [Sat] Mark & Lydia Trudell; [Sun] Herb & Judy Grospitz, Ron Foster Guest Organist: Gene Traas Hospitality: Provided by Lori Smith Lector: Kim Starr Mug a Newcomer: Norene Giuliani Musicians: Alleluia Choir, Larry Bonier, Kim Steiner Nursery: Erica Zipp Pianist: Mary Anna Salo PPT: [Sat] Mark Trudell ; [Sun] Elise Baumgartner Ushers: Jon Sayas, Andy Schatz, Mark Nyka, Brad Meyer


Calvary Staff & Contact Information Pastor: Dennis Roser (pastorroser@calvarylc.com); cell 262-893-8312 Dir. of Youth & Family Ministry: Angie Schatz (youthdirector@calvarylc.com) Dir. of Communications: Kim Steiner (kim@calvarylc.com) Accompanist & Choir Director: Mary Anna Salo (music@calvarylc.com) Nursery Coordinator: Erica Zipp Youth Hospitality Coordinator: Anna Baumgartner Office Manager: Holly Novotny (holly@calvarylc.com) Financial Secretary: Kris Molitor (kris@calvarylc.com) Pastors-in-residence: Pastor Jack Trethewey & Pastor Ted Youngquist Congregational Council email: council@calvarylc.com Deacon email: deacons@calvarylc.com





This Week at Calvary

Sunday, April 13, 2014 Palm Sunday; Bakery Pick-up 9:00a Worship 10:30a Musical Rehearsal; Adult Education

Monday, April 14, 2014 Serenity Inn Meal Program 1:00p Women’s Book Group 4:45p Cherub Choir 7:00p Christian Clowns

Tuesday, April 15, 2014 Crossroads Deadline 9:30a Staff Meeting 12:00p Esther Circle 112:30p Women’s Ministry Bible Study 6:30p Celebration Ringers 7:00p Families Anon 7:30p Congregation Council; Non-Smoking AA

Wednesday, April 16, 2014 Council Reports Due 7:00a Men’s Breakfast 7:00p Alleluia Choir

Thursday, April 17, 2014 Maundy Thursday 9:00a Quilters; Ruth Circle 7:00p Maundy Thursday Worship

Friday, April 18, 2014 Good Friday 10:00a Family Good Friday Worship (reception to follow) 12:00p Al Anon 12:00p Stations of the Cross 1:00p Adoration of the Cross 2:00p Stations of the Cross 7:00p Good Friday Tenebrae Worship

Saturday, April 19, 2014 5:00p Easter Worship

Sunday, April 20, 2014 Easter Sunday 6:30a Easter Worship 7:30A Easter Breakfast 9:00a Easter Worship