Welcome to the Success University Our intention is to prepare you for success in your business...

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Transcript of Welcome to the Success University Our intention is to prepare you for success in your business...

Welcome to the Success University

Our intention is to prepare you for success in your business through training on our products, on developing a consumer base with great results, on building your distribution network and on establishing your business skills and disciplines.

The training course consists of weekly three hour workshops, over four weeks after which you Graduate!

Our training is interactive and embraces group support, and requires action and activity between workshops.

Our training is authentic and presents the reality of the price and the promise of the business.

We will commit to your success and expect you to commit not only to your own success but also that of your group.

Over the course of the four weeks we will work broadly on the following topics:-

Week 1 – The company, the products and you.

Week 2 – Sharing the products, building a consumer base with great results, earning profits.

Week 3 – Developing your skills, building your network, businesslike approach and establishing goals.

Week 4 – Creating your plan of action, discipline and consistency, royalty income, moving up the marketing plan.

Graduation – Celebrating your progress and your new possibilities in business with group members, family and friends, receiving recognition.

The Four Week Journey

Your Commitment to Yourself You are at the beginning of a new business and have the possibility of creating a life changing income together with experiences and personal development on a huge scale determined by you.

What we require of you is that you make the commitment to yourself to:-

•Attend every training session.

•Take part in the interactive discussions.

•Carry out the homework and assignments between sessions.

•Work with your mentors in the Wellness Centre/Office as much as possible

•Accept the inconvenience that arises through the course.

•Provide the support and encouragement to others members of the group to help them stay on track.

•Complete the course in four weeks or as quickly as possible

The Herbalife Story

Founded in 1980 by Mark Hughes following personal tragedy.

Established in Los Angeles, turnover in the first year $2million.

Opened for business in the United Kingdom in 1984.

After 31 years in business, currently distributing in 78

countries with a retail turnover of $4billion+ .

2.3million distributors worldwide.

Our CEO today is Michael O Johnson.

Previously 17 years with the Disney Corporation, joined us in 2003. An expert in Branding and an avid Triathlete.

The Herbalife Story

The Herbalife Vision and Mission

To change people’s lives by providing the best business opportunity in direct selling and the best nutrition and weight-management products in the world

Our Vision and Mission

To change local people’s lives through widespread use of Herbalife products and financial self control for all through training and mentoring to enable business success to any level chosen by the individual.

The Opportunity Today!

Worldwide concern about weight management and obesity, diabetes and general wellness.

Baby Boomers driving a huge market for anti-aging products.

More participation in sport and fitness than ever before.

The Opportunity Today!

The world is in a period of economic recession and uncertainty. There is no such thing as job security anymore .

Most families have suffered a reduction in income due to job losses, pay cuts, shorter hours etc.

People are looking for different ways to earn money – part time or full time.

Direct Selling

Why is Herbalife not sold in shops?

Herbalife emphasises direct distribution and personal support. As Wellness Coaches we support customers to ensure great results.

Herbalife product results drive sales by creating re-orders, upgraded orders and referral customers.

Commitment to Science

Herbalife helped establish the Mark Hughes Cellular and Molecular Nutrition Laboratory at the Centre for Human Nutrition at UCLA as part of its mission to advance nutritional science through the most progressive research and development technologies available.

The Herbalife Nutrition Advisory Board support the research to ensure Herbalife are at the forefront of producing the best nutrition and weight-management products in the world.

Business Outlook

Herbalife offers

Scientifically backed nutritional products

Unparalleled International BusinessOpportunity

Most lucrative compensation plan in the industry

31 years of success ongoing

Global brand

Leader in the direct selling industry

Support every step of the way

Training all the way to the top

The Herbalife Brand

Cellular Nutrition

The fundamental cause of obesity and being overweight is an energy imbalance between calories consumed on one hand, and calories expended on the other hand.*

What causes imbalance? • Lack of time / willingness to prepare a balanced meal • Inactivity at home / work • Larger food portions • Lack of knowledge about good nutrition • Greater availability of food and snacks • Promotional pressure to consume more

* World Health Organization •www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs311/en/ (accessed 24 Feb 2009)

Cellular Nutrition

What is Balanced Nutrition?

Cellular Nutrition

Healthy, active lifestyle... Water Balanced diet Exercise Rest and relaxation

Herbalife Core Nutrition Personalise your programme...

Weight Management Targeted Nutrition Sports, Energy and Fitness Outer Nutrition

•Control your weight

•Improve your nutrition levels •Support your digestive health •Boost your immune system

Cellular Nutrition

Herbalife Core Nutrition

Balanced Nutrition – Every Day!

Formula 1 Healthy meal for weight control or healthy nutrition

Formula 2 Essential vitamins and minerals

Fibre and Herb Helps optimise your digestive health

Herbalife Core Nutrition

Herbalife Formula 1

A nutritionally balanced, easy to prepare and a versatile

meal in a glass…

6 flavours

Herbalife Core Nutrition

Herbalife Formula 1

Can help you reach your 25g of recommended soy protein intake

per day, to help you maintain cholesterol levels as part of a diet

low in saturated fat.

Herbalife Core Nutrition

Herbalife Core Nutrition

Herbalife Core Nutrition

Herbalife Core Nutrition

A nutritionally balanced and tasty meal; provides the essential nutrients needed for a complete healthy meal.

High in fibre and soy protein for sustained energy levels and to help keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Calorie control: only 207 calories per bar.

Suitable for vegetarians.

Low glycemic index (GI). Portable, convenient, now in two flavours!

Herbalife Core Nutrition

•High in over 22 vitamins and minerals essential for balanced nutrition and good health

•Achieve 100% of your daily vitamin and mineral requirements when used with Formula 1

High in soluble fibre, which helps maintain bowel regularity and normal colonic function

Helps to speed up the passage of food and the elimination of toxins from the body

Herbalife Core Nutrition

Weight Management



•Healthy Snacks •Enhancers

Weight Management

•A tasty drink to help refresh and give a feeling of wellbeing

Weight Management

All weight control claims refer to the Herbalife Weight Management Programme which includes, amongst other things, a balanced diet, regular exercise, an adequate daily fluid intake and appropriate rest.

Weight Control is achieved with a calorie-controlled eating plan. Only Formula 1 can be used as a meal replacement for weight control, all other products are food supplements and supporting products.

Results are not typical and individual results will vary.

Targeted Nutrition

•Heart health

•Digestive health •Healthy ageing •Healthy men

•Healthy women •Immune health

Outer Nutrition

Assignments – Before Next Week....

1.Weigh and measure, develop consistency in your own product use

2.Write a list of 10 people you know who would be interested to hear about our products

3.Invite 3 people to a product presentation in the Wellness Centre working with your sponsor/upline

4.Identify a date for your business launch and draft a list of invitations

Week 1 Success University

The training on the first week was focused on the following topics.

•The Background and current situation of Herbalife

•The market situation in terms of wellness, weight issues and obesity, nutrition provision and general eating habits in the modern lifestyle

•The concept of cellular nutrition providing effective nutrition to the whole body

•The Herbalife core products, Formula 1 healthy meal combined with Formula 2 Multivitamin and Fibre and Herb

•The wider range of inner nutrition products to provide specific wellness benefits, energy products and sports products.

•The outer nutrition range providing nutrients to the skin and anti-ageing.

The closure of Week 1 was the introduction of Assignments to be addressed before this week, the purpose of this being the strengthening of knowledge through experience and the instigation of personal action.

Assignments – Before This Week....

1.Weigh and measure, develop consistency in your own product use

2.Write a list of 10 people you know who would be interested to hear about our products

3.Invite 3 people to a product presentation in the Wellness Centre working with your sponsor/upline

4.Identify a date for your business launch and draft a list of invitations