Welcome to 7th Grade! - Edl...Welcome to 7th Grade! Dear Parents, I am really looking forward to...

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Welcome to 7th Grade!

Dear Parents, I am really looking forward to building a successful school year together. In 7th grade, your child will be offered a challenging curriculum, new learning experiences, and a variety of interactive activities. Below, I included what the year will look like at a glance! Language Arts: In 7th grade, students will be exposed to a variety of writing genres. It is important to remember that writing is a process and is a skill that grows over time and with lots of practice (which means we will do lots of writing! J) My philosophy is that writing exists in all professions and is a necessary skill for success! I’m looking forward to brainstorming, planning, editing, and organizing with your child! Writing Expectations at a Glance:

• Narrative writing: developing and organizing a personal experience using descriptive language

• Expository Writing: explaining and informing • Character Analysis: analyzing with textual evidence • Answer Key Method: answering an open response essay

Literature: Students will read, analyze and comprehend various pieces of literature. Through our analysis, students will identify how an author develops and contrasts points of view of different characters or narrators in a text, identify important themes, and cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text Reading Expectations at a Glance:

• A Christmas Carol • Walk Two Moons • The Outsiders • Short Stories

Spelling and Vocabulary: Vocabulary will be supported through our curriculum. Students will determine and clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words or phrases, demonstrate an understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. In addition to the vocabulary studied in context, Spelling and Vocabulary, Houghton Mifflin will be used as a reference.

Welcome to 7th Grade

Ms. Alagna jalagna@stbrendansf.com

7th Grade Overview St. Brendan Parish School

• Life-Long Christians • Informed Decision Makers • Global Citizens • Highly Effective Communicators • Twenty-First Century Learners

Tips for Success in 7th Grade

• Attend class daily • Be a team player • Make mistakes and learn from them • Remember, writing is a process! It requires lots of editing and revising! • When faced with a challenge, never give up! Always begin again ☺ • Keep your class notes up to date and use as a resource to help with homework and

studying • Check grades on FastDirect to monitor your learning (once every 1-2 weeks) • Ask lots of questions!

Course Description: The course is a continuation of elementary language arts with a transition into the formal study of literature. Students are introduced to a variety of literary genres and terms as well as grammar and writing skills that are rooted in the literature and align with the English Language Frameworks. Students work first in perfecting the paragraph then in creating the multi-paragraph essay. Students are prepared for writing and organizing long compositions, open responses, as well as analyzing and comprehending various reading selections. Novels include Walk Two Moons, The Outsiders, Seedfolks and a selection of short stories. In addition, students have the opportunity to develop research, speaking, listening, and critical thinking skills essential to all subject areas. Assessments are based on class participation, individual and group work, projects, writing assignments, tests, and quizzes. Website Information http://www.stbrendansf.com/ " Curriculum " Teachers’ Home Page " Ms. Alagna My teacher page includes daily homework, various PDFs, and announcements. Homework will be posted online by 5pm daily for all 7th grade classes. In the event that I am not able to post homework due to unforeseen circumstances, students are still responsible for the work assigned. They are ultimately responsible for being aware of all assignments and deadlines.

Grading Policy: Each student will be graded on his or her demonstrated classroom performance based on formative and summative assessments.

Homework: Homework must be neat and completed at the beginning of the class for which it was assigned. Writing the proper heading, highlighting, or stapling the assignment must all be complete prior to class. Any work received after it is collected will be considered late. Absences: If a student is absent, they must make arrangements with the teacher to receive make-up work or set up a time to complete missed work before or after school. It is his/her responsibility to inquire about missed class work and homework assignments. Absent work must be completed within a timely manner. Students can access the St. Brendan School Website to find homework and assignment dates. Texts: Students will be using the following text:

• My Perspectives: English Language Arts ________________________________________________________________________ Communication: Communication between school and home is the key to success. Pleaser feel free to contact me through email with any questions or concerns: jalagna@stbrendansf.com

Formative Assessments include, but are not limited to, homework, classwork, notes, activities, and check-ins. These assessments account for 30% of a student’s grade. Summative assessments include, but are not limited to, tests, projects, presentations, writing assignments. These assessments account for 70% of a student’s grade.

7th Grade Religion Overview

Ms. Jaclyn Alagna jalagna@stbrendansf.com Textbook Sadlier: We Believe: We Are God’s People


• To understand Jesus Christ through the four gospels.

• To analyze the New Testament as it is read.

• To study the lives of saints and how their lives demonstrate their faith.

• To explore other living world faiths to stimulate an interest in the meaning and value of faith and how it affects people’s lives.

• To examine changing roles, explain the sense of self-identity, and deepen

awareness of the needs and rights of others in society. Grading Policy: Each student will be graded on his or her demonstrated classroom performance based on formative and summative assessments.



Formative Assessments include, but are not limited to, homework, class work, notes, activities, and check-ins. These assessments account for 30% of a student’s grade.

Summative assessments include, but are not limited to, tests, projects, presentations, writing assignments. These assessments account for 70% of a student’s grade.


7th Grade math

Ms. Kristen Barboza kbarboza@stbrendansf.com

Course Overview This course is an 7th grade Common Core class. The textbook used is Big Ideas Math: A Common Core Curriculum Course 2 Topics Covered Integers Rational Numbers Expressions and Equations Inequalities Ratios and Proportions

Percentages Construction and Scale Drawings Circles Surface Area and Volume Probability and Statistics

Grading Each student will be graded on his or her demonstrated classroom performance based on formative and summative assessments. Formative Assessments include work completed as we are practicing a concept or skill. Mistakes on these assignments should be noted as areas to study and grow. Formative assessments include, but are not limited to, homework, classwork, notes, activities, and quizzes. Formative assessments are worth 20% of a student’s grade. Summative Assessments include work completed after students should have mastered a concept or skill. Summative assessments include, but are not limited to, tests, projects, and presentations. Summative assessments are worth 80% of a student’s grade. Students may have the opportunity to redo or retake summative assessments to show an improved level of understanding. These opportunities will always be subject to teacher discretion. Homework Homework is usually assigned Mondays –Thursdays. Homework must be neat and complete at the beginning of the class for which it was assigned. Writing the proper heading, highlighting or stapling the assignment must all be done prior to the beginning of class. Any work received or completed after it is collected in class will be considered late homework and graded accordingly.

Absences It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they have any missed notes, assignments, and announcements from an absence. Absent homework should be checked off by Ms. Barboza or Ms. Hicban. As stated in the handbook, homework assignments or tests may not be provided in advance to students who will be absent from school due to family vacations or travel.

SCIENCE – Grade 7 Teacher: Mrs. Lynne Dowdy Email: LDowdy@stbrendansf.com

Objectives • To foster independent and critical thinking skills. • To continue to develop science literacy and to develop a working knowledge of science vocabulary

and core ideas, using topics in the field of Life Science. • To increase proficiency in scientific practices such as asking questions, developing and using

models, analyzing and interpreting data, constructing explanations, and designing solutions. • To further develop effective writing and communication skills, for example while reporting on a self- designed investigation for the annual Science Fair.

• To reinforce the idea that science is a process for learning about the world. Class Materials We will use a number of different instructional materials in seventh grade science: Pearson’s Interactive

Science: Life Science, © 2013, and various supplemental materials. The science curriculum is standards-based, not exclusively textbook-driven. Content throughout the year will be based on the Archdiocesan Science Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards.

Science classes will be held Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. On these days, your child is expected

to have their Interactive Science textbook, science notebook, and science folder at school, and in class.


Evaluation Components of the report card grade for science may vary slightly from one trimester to the next, depending on the number of tests and on the science activities performed. In a typical trimester, the grade may be determined as follows:

Homework and Class work (25%) Homework will be assigned after most science classes, and any written work will generally be due at the beginning of the next science class. Occasionally, longer term assignments may be assigned. Any assignments should be completed on time, neatly, using complete sentences, and using blue or black ballpoint ink, unless otherwise specified. If the work requires using loose-leaf paper, the paper should be full-size wide-ruled binder paper. If work is multiple pages, the product should be stapled before class! Also, no spiral notebook pages with torn edges will be accepted!

On FastDirect, each homework assignment is worth 10 pts. If a student is absent, homework must still be submitted, and as long as it is complete, the student will earn full credit. Significant points will be deducted if the homework is submitted late, if it is incomplete when submitted, if it has not been corrected in class, or if it is not submitted at all.

Chapter tests and Major writing assignments (40%) Chapter tests will assess your child's understanding of lesson concepts. The questions will address not only the ability to recall facts but also the ability to analyze, synthesize, and apply the information. In other words, success on the tests will require more than simply memorizing information! Success will require the use of higher order thinking skills, and will require that time be set aside daily for studying, for working through the material, and for “making connections” between ideas. In addition to using chapter tests for evaluating learning, occasionally major projects and writing assignments will be assigned. Some of these assignments may be cross-curricular, in that they are assigned as part of the science program as well as part of the language arts and/or technology programs. Spelling/vocab tests and Quizzes (15%) Spelling/vocabulary tests and occasional quizzes will assess your child’s working knowledge of science vocabulary and their note-taking skills. Notebook (15%) Your child’s science notebook will be used to record everything done in class and occasionally homework answers as well. Periodically during the trimester, the notebook will be collected, perhaps without warning. Points will be deducted if the notebook is not well-organized, if notes or data entries are missing, or if the notebook is submitted late.

Participation (5%) Each week your child will earn 10 participation points. Reasons to have points deducted for the week include: not actively participating in class, being off-task, talking to neighbors during class discussion, being disrespectful to fellow classmates, or any other behavior that disrupts the learning environment.

Art Classes Grades 5-8

Goals: Through guided observation of works of art, students will strengthen their visual interpretation and comprehension of various periods of art. Objectives: ~ Find literal and symbolic meaning in a painting/sculpture/drawing ~ Review historical and social events and their effects on art ~ Identify connections between culture differences and artistic styles

Students will be exposed to and learn about great works of art and the artists who produced them. They will have the opportunity to create their own works of art using the elements and techniques of the artists they study. The classes will include the use of clay, watercolor, tempera, and acrylic paints, as well as, oil pastels, colored pencils, and crayons. In addition, some projects will include computer graphics.

Mrs. Mahgie Murphy mmurphy@stbrendansf.com


!1) Art!classes!revolve!around!the!student!making!an!object.!!The!object!is!the!product!


2) !One!moment,!the!student!manipulates!the!material!to!bring!forth!an!image.!!Another!moment,!the!material!is!engaged!and!enjoyed!in!itself.!There!is!a!constant!play!between!the!different!elements!of!the!object.!Art!making,!even!for!the!youngest!of!kids,!is!complex.!!!

3) !Imagination!is!in!play,!as!well!as!discovery.!!So!is!reflection!and!the!attempt!to!bring!ones!vision!into!being.!It!is!not!a!linear!or!stepGbyGstep!process!(though!it!can!involve!steps)!but!a!multifaceted!one!that!can!double!back!on!itself.!!

4) Technical!skills!are!learned.!So!is!how!to!better!see!and!critically!engage!ones!work.!Knowledge!doesn’t!only!come!from!without,!but!from!within!in!the!course!of!engaging!the!different!components!in!practice.!

!5) !It!is!not!only!knowledge!that!is!gained,!but!experience,!empowerment,!and!the!!


6) The!ability!to!both!appreciate!and!critically!assess!the!work!of!other!kids’!art!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!is!spontaneous!and!is!encouraged.!It!isn’t!only!their!own!creations!that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!excites!them!but!!sharing!and!enjoying!others!including!in!their!difference.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7)!!!As!for!the!object!at!the!end!of!the!process,!it!stands!on!its!own.!It!is!a!!!!!!


WEEKLY PLANNING - MUSIC CURRICULUM 2019-2020 GRADE 7 Throughout the year, curriculum will include the following:


First Trimester – Introduction to Opera August 28 Intro. Opera (What is it?) W. Mozart’s “The Magic Flute” September 4 Mozart’s “Magic Flute” 11 Mozart’s “Magic Flute” 18 TEST Intro. Verdi 25 Verdi’s “La Traviata” October 2 Verdi’s “La Traviata” 9 Verdi’s “La Traviata” 16 TEST – No Class – Parent/Teacher Conferences 23 Intro. Puccini’s “Madame Butterfly” 30 Puccini’s “Madame Butterfly” November 6 Puccini’s “Madame Butterfly” 13 TEST on Puccini’s Madame Butterfly – Intro. Debussy

Second Trimester – Orchestral Composers, and Origins of Musical Theater 20 Debussy – Claire de Lune, La Mer & Afternoon of the Faun 27 (Thanksgiving holiday) December 4 Ravel - Bolero & Intro. Mahler 11 Mahler - symphonies (#2 Resurrection, #8 Veni Creator) 18 Review Debussy, Ravel, & Mahler & Christmas songs January 8 TEST on Debussy, Ravel, & Mahler 15 Intro. Operetta 22 Gilbert and Sullivan – also The Mikado 29 Kurt Weill “Three Penny” & J. Kern “Show Boat” February 5 TEST on G & S, Weill, early Jazz, and Kern 12 Porgy & Bess (Opera or Musical ?) 19 Porgy and Bess RESEARCH PAPER DUE for Time-Line 26 Porgy and Bess finish and review Third Trimester – Musical Theater (continued) March 4 TEST on Porgy & Bess 11 Introduce Rodgers/Hammerstein – OK, Carousel, King and I 18 Rodgers/Hammerstein: Sound of Music 25 Intro. Andrew Lloyd Webber - Jesus Christ Superstar & Joseph April 1 Webber, other musicals 8 Webber - Requiem and Phantom 22 finish Webber & Review R & H 29 TEST on Rodgers & Hammerstein, Webber May 6 Time-line Presentations 13 Time-line Presentations 20 Time-line Presentations 27 Time-line Presentations