WELCOME. Introducing Md.Abdus Salam M.A in English, M. Ed English Teacher Master Trainer (SESDP)...

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Transcript of WELCOME. Introducing Md.Abdus Salam M.A in English, M. Ed English Teacher Master Trainer (SESDP)...


IntroducingMd.Abdus SalamM.A in English, M. Ed

English TeacherMaster Trainer (SESDP)Head Examiner (Dhaka Board)Ramdia B.M.B.C High SchoolBaliakandi, Rajbari.Mob: 01716755149



Do you know her?

Mother Teresa

Let’s see some more live pictures of Mother Teresa……



Taking information from the distressed people Collecting orphan children from footpath

Today we will discuss


Mother TeresaUnit-07 Lesson-06

Objectives:By the end of the lesson the

Students will be able to develop their

speaking skill by telling something about the Pictures.

Improve their writing skill by practicing some texts.


Divine, missionary, destitute,Dying,humanity,commitment


Grammar / Structure

Passive form

Pre- reading questions

• Who is Mother Teresa?• How old is she?• What was her hobby ?• What is she wearing?• Do you want to be a pioneer as Mother

Teresa ? • Is she alive?

It was Autumn. August 26, 1910. A little girl Was born to an Albannian builder,rich Catholic merchants’s family in a small town called Skopje, Macedonia.She was the youngest of the three siblings and was named Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu.Who had known that this tiny, little girl would one day become the servant of humanity-love and serve the poorest of the and become the mother of humanity. Yes, we are talking about none other than Mother Teresa.


At the age 12, she heard a voice from with her thatUrged her to spread the love of Christ. She decidedThat she would be a missionary. At the age of 18 sheLeft her parental home. She then joined an Irish communityOf nuns called the Sisters of Loreto, which had missions in India.

Mother Teresa’s work has been recognised throughout the world and she has received a number of awards. These include the Pope John XXIII Peace Prize(1971),The Nehru Prize(1972),The Balzan Prize(1978),The Nobel Peace Prize(1979)and The Bharat Ratna(1980).

Mother Teresa is taking the Prestige credit The Nobel Peace Prize.

Mother Teresa with smiling face.

Mother Teresa died at the age of 87,on5 September1997.The world salutes her for her Love and compassion for humanity.She has taught us how to extend our hand towardsThose who need our love and support irrespectiveOf creed, caste and religion.Drapped in a white andBlue-bordered sari, wrinkled face, ever soft eyes and A saintly smile, is the picture of Mother Teresa in our mind.

Mother Teresa is no more in the world

Regarding commitment to family,Mother Teresa said,’’Maybe in our Own family, we have somebody,Who is feeling lonely, who is feelingSick,who is feeling worried. Are we There? Are we willing to give until it hurts in orderTo be with our families, or do we put our interestFirst? We must remember that love begins atHome and we must also remember that future of Humanity passes through the family.

Mother Teresa is requesting to the humanity

Make 5 sentences about

Mother Teresa’s activities. (Individual work)


Look at the Pictures. What do you see? Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following the questions.

Pair Work

1997She took her initial vows as a nun.


Mother Teresa was born.

Date Events

Read the text A again and complete the chart given below

Mother Teresa

1997 Mother died.

1928 She took her initial vows as a nun.

1979 She won the noble peace prize.

1910 Mother Teresa was born.

Date Events

Mother TeresaCheck your answer

Voice change:

Active: The sick people shocked Mother Teresa.

Passive: Mother Teresa was shocked by the sick people.

Structure Passive:

Subject + Auxiliary + Past participle of the main verb + by(preposition)+ object.

We wish Mother Teresa will alive in our hearts forever.


Thanks to all ofMy DearestB
