Welcome Conroe High School -9 th Grade Campus Reading Applications / Study Skills Creative Writing...

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Transcript of Welcome Conroe High School -9 th Grade Campus Reading Applications / Study Skills Creative Writing...

WelcomeConroe High School -9th

Grade CampusReading Applications /

Study SkillsCreative Writing


Conroe High School Mission Statement:

“Conroe High School is a safe

environment that promotes challenging programs with rigorous expectations and a supportive atmosphere that allows for individual differences while preparing students to become life-long learners and responsible citizens.”

Mission Statement

Philosophy / Mission Statement Cont’d

• Our mission this year is two-fold: 1. Instill Reading / Writing skills that will prepare students to be successful in ALL classes and standardized tests such as STAAR, PSAT, etc. but 2. *Create life-long readers!

• Accountability and self-discipline are the expectations of upperclassmen. Will we instill these skills in our underclassmen so they just don’t just grow older; they grow UP.

• ATTENDANCE is PARAMOUNT. You must realize your status as a full-time student whereas all other endeavors (jobs and extra-curriculars’ and such) should be considered part-time and prioritized as such.

• Self Efficacy is the belief one is capable of performing in a certain manner to obtain certain goals…whereas Self-Esteem is a feeling of excessive pride in yourself. Which do you think will take you farther in life?

• Hard work = Success. You don't get something for nothing and you will get out of it exactly what you invest into it. -This usually holds true whatever "it" may be.


• Complacency and lowering of standards is a recipe for certain failure.

• That which does not kill you will only make you stronger; Where there is a will, there is a way.

• Helping students learn for themselves is very different than enabling students (doing for them) ; The former empowers students: the latter ensures failure.

• What separates humans from other members of the animal kingdom is the ability to learn from our previous mistakes.

• When you have a true desire to succeed, the road one must endure on their journey towards success is no longer considered work.

Philosophy (Cont’d)

Ignorance Is defined as lack of knowledge, information or training due

to not being exposed to such information. NOT necessarily negative; not “in the know.”

StupidityInability to understand or profit from experience.“In the know,” but you choose otherwise.

So please: choose NOT to be stupid.


Reading Recovery: Highlights of Course Expectations

ALL CISD Student Handbook and CHS Student Handbook Addendum rules apply as well as the specific policies and procedures listed in the PINK “Course Expectations” hand-out signed by students and parents in the first week of school.

Class rules are brief: Be Prompt.

Be Prepared.

Be Polite.

• Cell phones, electronics: Power OFF, put them out of sight during instructional time.

• YOU ARE HERE TO WORK. If you are not prepared, willing or interested in working… then please, STAY HOME.

• There is NO SLEEPING IN CLASS …EVER. * If you are feeling ill, let me know and I will gladly write you a pass to the clinic.

• If you are present, the expectation is that you give 100% every day.

• Your ACTIONS will always speak louder than your WORDS. Act accordingly.

Course Expectations –Cont’d.

ALL means ALL…

ALL still means ALL


• Class will most always begin with a daily journal or warm-up. Journal folders are to be kept in provided folder and do NOT leave the room. This folder will be collected each 9 weeks and will constitute a MAJOR grade. This should account for at least one ‘automatic’ “A” each 9 weeks.

• Homework will be limited as I understand you will have homework in most other classes; therefore, “Homework” is given sparingly and usually there is plenty of class time to begin the assignment before it is due. This way, students can ask questions about assignments and also complete most (if not ALL) of work before they leave the classroom if they work diligently. If you do have homework, it is most likely because you did not complete your class work. YOU MUST DO ALL WORK TO PASS.

Course Expectations –Cont’d.


LATE WORK: Defined as work not handed in on


DAILY grades can be turned in prior to marking period end for a maximum grade of 50.

MAJOR grades have a 24 hour grace period. They may be turned in 1 day late for a grade maximum grade between 50%-70% based on student effort and teacher discretion.* See me if you have an extenuating circumstance.

Course Expectations –Cont’d.

MAKE UP WORK: Defined as work not turned in due to excused absence. Student will have equivalent time to complete work (ex. 3 days abs. = work due 3 days upon return. 1 wk = 1 extra week, etc.) Students will not be penalized provided they turn in work within prescribed time frame. However, it is understood that it is the student’s responsibility to turn in ALL work. Just be sure to turn in ALL work, PERIOD.

Course Expectations –Cont’d.


Daily Grades = 30% of cycle grade. (homework, class work, quizzes, etc.)

Major Grades = 70% of cycle grade. (tests, papers, projects, etc.)

Mid-term / Final Exam = 15% of semester average.

• You need to have something to write WITH and write ON every day. This is YOUR responsibility.

• Have some type of notebook or folder (3-ring binder, spiral, pocketed, etc.) to store your English ‘stuff.’ As far as your own personal notes…knock yourself out. I don’t do “notebook checks,” however, those that take accurate notes will be ‘rewarded’ on test /quiz days.

• I will provide you a journal folder for storing your JOURNALS ONLY and it is NOT to leave the classroom.

Required Materials: Keep it Simple

Check grades on “Parent Access” link on CISD web site and compare with assignment list on teacher web-site. You can set PAC to email notifications and updates of student grades.

Talk with your student about post-graduation plans early and often; while nothing is ‘etched in stone,’ it’s never too early to discuss their future.

Monitor your social network sites. (Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, etc.) Be

aware that what is posted or published is there for the whole world to see. Is what they’re posting the type of information or images that will help or hurt them in the job market?

Feel free to contact me with any questions. E-mail is best; I can usually

get back with you the same day. Most phone calls will be returned within

24 hours.

Parent Expectations:

Parental Awareness: Ways to Track Your Student’s Grades

Parental Awareness: Ways to Track Your Student’s Grades

Teacher Web Site

Teacher Web Site

Teacher Web Site

Remind 101

• Text the following message: @nuncia to the following #: 469-804-7899 and you will be added to the mailing list.

• This is READ ONLY information; replies are NOT forwarded

Contact Information

Mr. Nunciato Conroe High School 9th Grade Campus Conference Period: 1st period (7:16—8:11) phone: 936-709-4000 e-mail: dnunciato@conroeisd.net * web page: http://chs9.conroeisd.net/Teachers/dnunciato/

* I can NOT over-emphasize the importance of utilizing the teacher web site to stay current with classwork; again, it is updated almost daily.