Weighted Wings

Post on 15-May-2017

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Transcript of Weighted Wings


" " <-- Dialogue

( ) <-- Inner Monologue

* * <-- Scripted Imagination Actions/Scenery/Characteristics

Taura: *Taura descends from flight, trailing Butterfly to a lush, beautiful hillside that bears a single, blooming, blood-red cherry tree. A variety of colorful flower beds, that are seemingly placed at random throughout the valley, gave a strange aura to the venue. The shin-high grass was not green, either, but lavender in pigmentation*

"We're far enough from bystanders at this point. Hurry up, and choose a locale before you lose the privilege of having that option. (If this dick pulls any quick shots, I'm going dirty. No windows of hesitation for the insane ones, sadly. Like Blank said, 'survival first, sis.')"

Iron Butterfly: *raises his arms in a welcoming manner, his progressively arching back turned toward Taura. Thick, divided blossoms and pedals glide throughout the fields as the taller, unkempt grass tilts in the fleeting breeze beneath their feet*

"Here! In these fields. (My fields...)"

Taura: "Here...? Why here? This is a place of tranquility..." *cocks her head around to observe the area, noticing no form of physical life other than she and her opponent*

Iron Butterfly: *softly speaking* "Admittedly, you've done well up until this point. I indeed observed your battle with Dice, our head-level executioner. And, from what I saw, I was impressed-- even now.

However, your narrow path has come to an end, Taura. You will die in grace,

and your burial will be of pristine beauty. A masterpiece, even!" *his voice melding from calm to unstable as he slowly turns toward Taura*

Taura: "Speak for yourself! I have shit to do. I can't stick around for too long this time, unfortunately."

Iron Butterfly: "You can always run from fate, but... -(...yours is sealed, you hard-headed wretch!)"

Taura: "But...? (I can't escape it, right?)" *one eye widens a little, the other tightly wincing. a trademark glare of Taura's*

Iron Butterfly: *sighs through his nose* "...It'll always catch up with you, in the end. It is quite the cliche, I'm afraid." *a sketchy, brooding grin clouds his face*

Taura: "(I called it! I always do!) I'm done with you and your pretentious crap! Where's my baby brother?!" *her face cringes in frustration, the clenching of her fists emitting 'grip'-like sounds of friction as they curl tighter*

Iron Butterfly: "So, that's your motive, I see... A sibling." *his eyes rest heavy with ease and confidence now*

Taura: *Taura's voice grows deeper in octave as she opens and reshapes her fists, the knuckles and joints in her fingers crackling*

"You wouldn't happen to know of him, would you...? Last chance on the asking part..."

Iron Butterfly: "If you would, kindly, allow me a moment of recollection?" *condescending tone*

Taura: "A moment's passed, shit eater. I don't have time to play your stalling game any longer! I'll get my answer one way or another. I'll see to that!"

Iron Butterfly: *he cacks out a small chuckle before speaking*

"After this is all said and done, I'll be sure to have a high caliber monument built in your honor, Taura. Planted firmly at the dead-center of these benign grounds, if you wish. It'll be erected in 'loving memory' of the prestigous, arrogant human woman who tried running side-by-side with a GOD!" *he spews his words with a bold voice of arrogance and affirmation*

Taura: "You bleed and hurt as we do. You fear as we do, I'm sure. Are those not qualities of mortality? Even gods fall. (Anything with blood and a heart can die, right? E-Even the supernatural...?)"

*Her eyes narrow down in thought*

Iron Butterfly: "Never by your hands. You'd be hard pressed to get even a single drop of my blood on any of your tasteless fabrics."

Taura: "Tasteless? I look fantastic, thanks. And after this, you won't have the vision to judge aesthetics, anyway. (Under my skin, the shivers run so damn cold! I m-might die here, and then Blank will die, and-...)"

Iron Butterfly: *interrupting Taura's thought-process* "Oo-ho! Threatening--- threatening, indeed..."

Taura: "(I'm panicking! My time is running short and I have to make a decision!) Your time has long departed, Iron Butterfly. Now you play my game! If you're as good as they say, then FIND ME!"

*Taura 'ghosts', completely cloaking herself from any form of general vision, and becoming a transparent phantom who harnesses the ability to phase through solid objects*

Iron Butterfly: "Kkgh!" *Butterfly is surprised at Taura's disappearance*

*Butterfly breaks into a cold sweat* "Heh. I know you're nearby. You couldn't have moved too far. You're a slow girl... I'd imagine the heavyset ones can't move all too fast..." *a sheepish, crooked grin landed across his face. his sharp-

edged, shark-like teeth beginning to bare*

Taura: *Her voice doubles and echoes in a bold, celestial delivery as she speaks in the voided area surrounding Butterfly* "It's not surprising to hear that from such a low-life. I learned about predictable, ego-bloated shits like you a long time ago."

Iron Butterfly: "Did you? Who or what would've given you such insight...?" *grinding teeth again as he speaks, his nerves beginning to rack*

Taura: "Comic books. Duh?" *her snarky, nonchalant voice now comes from behind his head, a burden on Butterfly's conscience*

Iron Butterfly: "Nngh!" *he grunts, swinging wildly with a backfist in the direction of her voice, connecting with nothing* "Show yourself! That's if you have any honor or courage as a combatant!"

Taura: "I've forgotten more about honor and courage than you could ever know."

Iron Butterfly: "Is that so...? (This has to be a simplistic trick. I'm positive of it!)" *Butterfly grinds his teeth to a bleeding point, attempting to swallow his discomfort*

Taura: "I'd imagine that sucks for you. You had all of that trash talk right in the bag, Butterfly."

Iron Butterfly: *listens hard, peaking around frantically* "You won't escape. Know that, Taura. Your fate was sealed long before this moment."

Taura: "I am fate."

Iron Butterfly: "Your arrogance knows no bounds. YOU CANNOT CONTROL THIS FLOW OF EVENTS! You are destined to spend your eternity here!" *Butterfly sprouts his energy wings, squatting into a combat position*

Taura: "Eternity is far too long of a stretch for what I need to get done."

Iron Butterfly: "Before I strip you finely, have you any last words to recite?"

Taura: "I may have a few words, actually, if you don't mind."

Iron Butterfly: "I'm listen-" *his sentence is halted by a thick, bloody gurgle in his throat*


Taura: *Taura's entire right forearm has excavated a clean hole through Butterfly's lower torso via 'de-ghosting'* "Now you see me..."

Iron Butterfly: "Y-...Y-.."

Taura: "Yes? Having trouble reciting those 'last words', Fly?"

Iron Butterfly: *he shakily tilts his head down. his eyes are restless as they react to the surreal occurence, leaving him speechless*


Taura: *Taura yanks her arm swiftly from Butterfly's torso, leaving a mortally wounding hole. she whips her hand dramatically, Butterfly's cyan-blue hue blood slinging from her fingers* "If you can still hear me, I'd suggest listening.

Now, despite the fact that you're still standing, I assume you will lose your core senses one-by-one before your heart gives out. If you miraculously manage a bullet-biting survival before then, your senses will still be forever gone. I've permanently damaged the nerves that send the signals relevant to said senses. The grave may not be mine, but it is indeed beautiful..."
