Weight loss tips by a registered dietitian

Post on 16-Feb-2017

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Weight Loss Tips by a Registered Dietitian - Titi Ayanwola

Before making the plunge into marital bliss, many brides are considerably concerned about their appearance leading up to their big day. The typical bride will make sure that she leaves nothing to chance – hair and make up are all very important, as is also the way she looks in her wedding dress.

With varying body goals like weight loss, sculpted arms and a toned physique, this has brought about a lot of trends such as slim tea, fit tea, and ‘magic’ diet pills which are either ineffective or unsafe. This is why I’ve asked Ms. Titi Ayanwola a nutrition expert and Registered Dietitian, also known as ‘The Weight Loss Whisperer’ to give concrete advice on how brides can look their best for their big day in just 3 months or less.

Ms. Ayanwola’s company Plateful of Yum services clients not only in Los Angeles, but across the globe with her effective online nutrition coaching programs.

Here is what she shares:DON’T SKIP MEALS-“Skipping meals is

actually harmful to your body in the long term because you are robbing your body of fuel and essential nutrients It needs in order to function in its best capacity. Most times, clients of mine who skip meals prior to beginning my coaching program actually have the opposite effect of weight gain, and also reduced energy levels. The body compensates for that missed meal by psychologically, pushing you to overeat at your next meal, so that its physiological needs can be satisfied”.

2. EAT NUTRIENT DENSE FOOD “You want to throw out almost

everything in your pantry that comes in a package, except for items like whole grain pasta, quinoa or brown rice. Even granola can be tricky – if you don’t know the basics of reading food labels you might be consuming too much sugar from cereal based products.

Eating nutrient dense food such as fruits and veggies fill you up with fiber, which curbs your appetite. This will also give your body a constant supply of nutrients needed to rev up your metabolism, ward of illness, and improve your mood”.

3. SAVOR YOUR MEAL“Most times I find that people

overeat because they are in a hurry. This lack of mindfulness and awareness to one’s food actually leads to people consuming larger portions than needed. By cutting out distractions at meal times- such as tv, you not only enjoy your food better, but are able to stop eating right before the point of being too stuffed”.

4. GO ON A SUGAR DETOX“If we think about soda, and other

sweetened beverages that most American’s consume, they add little to no nutritional value for the exchange of your money, and your waist line. You want to cut out empty calories from beverages like soda which has no nutritional value. Skip the full fat Starbucks latte for a tall sized cup with almond milk instead. Stick to items such as a chai latte or a vanilla latte-less sugar and calories than their caramel laced counterparts”.

Ms. Ayanwola shared a lot of other helpful tips with me, such as how she gets her clients to lose at least 5 pounds in one week. Mind blowing stuff right there. Now I get why they call her the weight loss whisperer. To learn more about her nutrition coaching programs visit http://platefulofyum.com/