Weight loss funnel

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Weight loss funnel


By: Jason Eden


DISCLAIMER: Always consult your physician or doctor before engaging on any new diet. By reading this report you are solely responsible for your own actions. Nobody can be held responsible for the actions you take after reading this report. By reading this disclaimer you acknowledge that this report might contain mistakes and errors that the author cannot be held responsible for. This is not medical or any other form of professional advice. You should always consult your own professional physician before taking any action.

After reading this report be sure to click the ”attention” picture on

the last page. (I have something important to tell you.)

What Does The Weight Loss Industry Not Want You To Know?

• Diet Food Is Not Healthy & They Do Not Work (Did you already know that Aspartame

has been diagnosed to cause symptoms of cancer? There are a number of chemicals that are

used in this diet or “health” food that are actually very toxic to our bodies. If you look at

what ingredients diet food has, you'd be surprised at the amount of different chemicals


within that are very unnatural to our bodies. Nobody knows what will happen to your body

after consuming diet food for a prolonged period)

• Weight Loss Business Is A Repeat Business: If you get thin, they would be out of

business. That's why you hear about more and more unbelievable stuff being put out for you

to buy. Most diets don't work because they are not supposed to work. The diet industry

involves HUGE amounts of money and it doesn't make sense (from a business point of

view) for them to get you thin. It's a license to print money at the expense of your health.

• Eating Different Food In Certain Patterns Can Easily Make You Lose Weight: One of

the most effective ways to lose weight is a method that makes your body's metabolic levels

run high and your body burn fat in a natural way. Any external gimmick is bound to result in

automatic failure (such as pills, potions). Why use gimmicks when the answer can be found

within your own body?

• Working Out Is Not An Effective Way To Burn Fat (A workout has only a 20% effect on

your weight loss journey. If you eat the right way, it's going to have up to an 80% positive

effect on your body weight)

• By Keeping Your Metabolic Activity High You Can Lose Weight Without Any Extra

Diet Food, Weight Loss Pills Or Any Other Gimmicks (that have little or no effect but

empty your hard earned money from your wallet)

Real Reasons Why You Are NOT Losing Weight

− You Believe That “Diet Food” Or “Health Food” Or Other Light Products Make You

Thin: If you find yourself searching for the next great light meal or some diet food when

you are grocery shopping or always asking for a diet coke, then you are facing a problem

that many others are experiencing. You are trying to lose weight with the wrong products.

All gimmicks such as “light food” or “diet food” are not going to get you anywhere besides

spending your hard earned money. These things are only there to get you into a vicious cycle

of gaining weight and even health problems (because these “health foods” tend to have quite

a lot of chemicals in them and some artificial sweeteners have even been reported to be


dangerous to consume(Aspartame to name one) )

− You Are Consuming Too Much High-Carb Food: Trying to eat all kinds of salads in hope

of losing weight does not work. During the day you might eat bread, rice and other high-

carbohydrate meals. It's been researched that carbohydrates trigger the brain to crave even

more of it. This ends up causing a cycle which leads to eating becoming harder to control.

As a result, you might be taking all kinds of snacks during the day. By engaging a high

protein (and low-carb) diet you are not only going to feel hungry less often but it turns your

body into a fat-burning machine (because your body needs a lot of energy to digest that


− You Don't Have a Clear Goal: Weight loss as any other goal you might have should be

clearly stated. “I want to lose XX pounds in XX days”. For more about setting goals, look at

the chapter concerning this matter more closely

− You're Counting Calories And Not Concentrating On Positive Results: This has been

discussed many times over, but if you focus on how many calories you should take and so

on, you are not concentrating on anything else such as the positive results you should have

from your dieting. Your thoughts become negative, leading to negative results. Find out

what type of diet or lifestyles are beneficial to weight loss and follow them. It’s as simple as

that. For the calorie counters: It doesn't matter if you count your calories or not, because

your body will adjust to the diet very quickly. In other words: if you eat less calories, your

body will spend less calories. It's simple and stupid.

3 Effective Methods To Losing Weight 1. “Metabolism Booster” Method This method is about a conservative weight loss method. It's not a rapid way, but it's excellent if you

really want lose weight steadily and for the long term. You can also keep your ideal weight once

you've used some of the quicker methods below. But as we all know that if you want to keep your

weight from fluctuating, then you should be aware that most of the quick diets yo-yo your pounds

back in no-time. To avoid this, you should watch what you eat as well as the quantity.


1. Eat at least 6 or 7 times a day

2. Never eat too much. You should always stop right before you are full

3. Drink lots of water on a daily basis (Remember the 8x8 rule: Eight 8-ounce glasses of water

per day, that is around 1.9 liters)

4. Don't do heavy exercises, but regular walks of at least 30 minutes every day (6x a week)

5. Pure, organic food without any conservative chemicals (Many ready made “TV-dinners”

contains many toxic chemicals)

6. Try eating as much as protein every meal as you can (but still remember rule #2)

7. Avoid carbohydrate products such as spaghetti, rice, potatoes, bread but instead eat fresh


This is not as strict as a low-carb diet, but more of a lifestyle you should be following because high-

carbohydrate meals tend to make people fat. Forget about salad-only meals because it doesn't give

you the protein you need. Turkey, Sea bass and other types of “white” meat are good for this


Always try to replace the high-carb ingredients with vegetables whenever possible.

2. “Kill The Carbs” Method Low-carbohydrate diets have been around for a long time and there is still some controversy about

whether it's safe or not.

Before you start this diet, you must understand that this might be rather taxing on your body so be

sure to consult your physician before undergoing it. People with kidney disorders should not try

this. The same precautions apply to pregnant women as well as people with diabetes.

The basics of a low-carbohydrate diet are about eating protein rich food so that your body doesn't

use carbohydrates as the main source of energy, but rather your own body fat.


There are different phases in this lifestyle (or you can take it as a diet as well):

1. Induction: Your carbohydrate intake must be less than 20 grams for the first 14 days.

Following that, your body will enter a state of ketosis. This means that your body will burn

its own fat because it's accustomed to get that energy from your carbohydrate intake. When

that is not available it will use the body fat to get energy instead. This is an extremely

effective way of burning fat.

2. Then you should be gradually increasing the carbohydrate intake by about 5 grams a day.

You are going to reach a state where the total amount of carbohydrates is around 30-90

grams per day. Once you spot an increase in your body weight, you should go 5 grams back.

What amounts to 5 grams then? A handful of peanuts, one cup of strawberries, etc. Know

your food and be careful about it.

Check your local library for a list of what amount of carbohydrate a particular food has.

You should also get some vitamins because you might initially feel drained as the state of ketosis

prohibits you from eating large amounts of fresh vegetables. Exercising should also be on your

daily menu, but not a hard workout. Instead, walking or some other light activity will be far more

effective for this cause. Once you stop this diet, you should be VERY careful about how much and

what you eat because if you don't watch out, the pounds can come back very quickly.

3. “Shift Those Friggin' Calories” Method Calories shifting is something people have had tremendous success with. It's about giving your

brain the thought that your body has gotten a good healthy sized meal with many calories. The

result of this is that it will start burning more calories than you’ve taken in. However, this is by no

means about counting any calories. And because you are eating in certain patterns, your body does

not get used to any single pattern and adjusts for it by lowering your metabolism. Instead, your

metabolism is kept high at all times, which results in effective fat burning capabilities.

The best part of this diet is that you are eating from all the food fields that your body needs;

vegetables, fruits, meat, etc - so it's very natural and going to get that fat burning at a high rate.

Nevertheless, you need to be strict about the amount you are eating. You should not exceed a certain

amount of a particular food type.


This method also brings about quite some variety and you can even choose from the various food

types once you find something attractive and tasty. Despite that, you need to first have a balanced

diet that your body is accustomed to. Hence, in order for this to work, you should have a normal

diet comprising normal food like a regular breakfast, healthy lunches and a proper dinner. This is

the foundation which works as a springboard for your calories shifting program.

Day 1: High Calories (+400 cal) Day 2: High Calories (+200 cal) Day 3: Low Calories (-500 cal) Day 4: High Calories (+100 cal) Day 5: Low Calories (-400 cal) … And So On (Variation is the key – your metabolism thinks it's going to get a basic amount of energy, but then it gets less – You lose weight) You should not be eating more or less than 4 times a day (every 2,5 – 3 hours).

You must be aware that there are certain food types you should be eating others you should abstain


Get a good book listing calorie values of different food and make a list items that you're about to

eat. Then simply make a 10-day plan shifting calories daily. You should make that list once and then

never look back on your calories. If you think only about how many calories you've eaten, you

become insane just because you have to watch and read everything all the time. Just make a list of

your food and then just follow your plan. Don't over-complicate matters.

Why Going To The Gym Is Only Good For Firming Up Your Body And Not

Effective For Quick Weight Loss

Let’s face the facts: If you really want to lose weight quickly, then going to the gym is not the

answer, because it has been researched that your body does not effectively burn fat from a hard

workout, but instead from what you eat.

Sure, working out is healthy and should be endorsed but it has little to nothing to do with quick

weight loss. WEIGHT LOSS FUNNEL 7 / 23

Instead of killing yourself at gym, what you should do is have a healthy walk for at least 30 minutes

a day. Only 30 minutes daily can (and certainly will) result in better health, increased energy and

more weight loss (when connected with a proper diet).

By having this type of walks daily, you will get into better shape and your weight will definitely go


Quick instructions:

1. Tempo should not be too quick 2. Walking and talking should be possible the same time 3. You should be ready for a quick walk without any preparation and equipment 4. The longer the better, 45 or 60 minutes will not harm you, quite the contrary

Watch Your Winter Weight

Winter is generally known as a time we pack on the pounds. Often we resolve to lose weight, only

to find ourselves heavier by the time spring hits. But with a little effort and planning, you can keep

your figure all the way to spring.

The holidays often come with large meals, tons of sugary treats, and a few extra pounds by the time

the New Year hits. Here are some tips for avoiding overeating holiday goodies.

* Cook holiday food with healthier options like using evaporated milk instead of cream and broth

instead of butter.

* Bring along healthy snacks when you know there will be treats waiting. WEIGHT LOSS FUNNEL 8 / 23

* Eat a snack shortly before large meals. You’ll be less hungry and end up eating less overall.

* Concentrate on maintaining your weight until January, not losing any. This will help keep you

motivated instead of becoming distressed when you fail to lose weight.

* Instead of trying a little bit of everything when you eat meals, just take your favorites. You’ll eat

less and be more satisfied.

Many people attribute winter weight gain solely to all the bad food during the holidays, but there’s

another big cause: lack of exercise. Many people get little or even no exercise through the winter

months, way past the holidays.

Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean you have to stop exercising. There are plenty of indoor

and outdoor activities to participate in. If you’re not good at self-motivation, why not join a gym or

join a mall walking club to help meet new people, socialize, and keep yourself going?

While there are obvious reasons for gaining weight during the winter, there is also one big hidden

reason: depression. Many people suffer seasonal depression during the winter. It not only causes

them to reach for more fattening foods, it also leaves them lethargic and unwilling to get exercise.

This combination can help pack on the pounds, many times furthering the depression.

To keep from getting into this cycle, take steps to keep your mood elevated as you go into winter,

and then keep it up through the season. The biggest cause of seasonal depression is lack of sunlight. WEIGHT LOSS FUNNEL 9 / 23

Be sure to keep your home and office well lit when you’re indoors. If this isn’t enough, take a few

20 minute periods every day to sit in from of a high watt bulb. This will help boost your mood


While bad diet and lack or exercise are often a result of depression, they can also be part of the

cause. If you start feeling depressed, be sure to keep up your healthy habits. They will help boost

your mood and keep you from falling into a bad cycle.

Understanding Surgical Weight Loss


If you've tried a laundry list of diets and exercise regimens and had no luck losing weight, you

might be interested in finding an easier way to lose weight. Weight loss pills are an option, but for

some, those do not work either. Often, the next thing that comes to mind is surgical weight loss.

Surgical weight loss is not for everyone. It is primarily for those who have attempted to control

weight through more traditional means but failed. Patients must, in most cases, have a body mass

index, or BMI, of 40 or more. Those with a BMI of 35 or higher, however, may be considered if

they have health problems that are exacerbated by being overweight.

There are three common types of weight loss surgery:

* Adjustable gastric band, or Lap Band surgery - Lap Band surgery has become very popular in

recent years. It is minimally invasive and completely reversible. A band is placed around the WEIGHT LOSS FUNNEL 10 / 23

stomach near the top, creating a small section to store food but allowing it to slowly pass into the

larger section. The band can be adjusted to control the amount of food that is allowed to pass

through. This creates a feeling of fullness after the consumption of smaller amounts of food.

* Duodenal switch - This involves the removal of a large portion of the stomach. The lower part of

the small intestine is bypassed, decreasing the absorption of fat, calories and nutrients.

* Gastric bypass - Gastric bypass surgery involves stapling the stomach, creating a smaller pouch

into which food enters and a larger pouch that is blocked off. The small intestine is then rerouted to

the smaller pouch. This technique allows the patient to feel full after eating less food, while

keeping the stomach intact.

After all types of weight loss surgery, it is necessary to follow your doctor's orders carefully. You

will probably have to make major adjustments to your eating habits, and you may need to take

vitamin supplements. These things are crucial in order to reduce the risk of complications.

Risks of Weight Loss Surgery

Any kind of surgery carries risks, and weight loss surgery is no exception. The worst of these risks

are heart attack, blood clots, and leakage at the connection between the stomach and small intestine.

All of these conditions could potentially lead to death.

Other possible complications include infection, hernia, pneumonia, and ulcers. It is also likely that

gallstones will form after surgery, possibly necessitating removal of the gall bladder. Gastric fistula,

a condition in which the parts of the stomach reconnect, can also happen after gastric bypass. WEIGHT LOSS FUNNEL 11 / 23

Losing weight by surgical means is not for the average person. But for those who are obese, it is

sometimes the most effective option. Weight loss surgery should be carefully considered due to the

risks and lifestyle changes necessary, but it can produce astounding results. Your doctor can help

you determine whether weight loss surgery is right for you.

Your Mental Goal Is A Huge Factor (And How Your Attitude Will Affect

Your Results)

You should always set goals when losing weight. If you don't set your goals, then it's very possible

that your whole dieting plan might not go the way you imagine it.

List the following:

1. What is your current situation right now? List all your eating habits, food preferences,

everything that could affect your weight loss. Working out, etc

2. What is the reason you want to lose weight? This could be an upcoming event, summer, or

even for a certain special someone. List the single BIGGEST reason you can think of.

3. What are the benefits you get from your weight loss? List AS MANY as you can. It can

be health, better energy, admired by partner, etc. This should be your main motivator.

4. Your Goal. “I want to lose XX lbs of weight in XX days” - Write this in bold and make it WEIGHT LOSS FUNNEL 12 / 23

really sink in. I would personally say that putting more than 10 lbs per 2 weeks is not

realistic, especially if this is your first attempt at a goal like this. Be realistic. You must write

“I want” not “I wish”

Write everything down and look at that paper every day. Put it into a place where you can see it.

Once you see it every day, you will constantly be reminded of WHY you do this and what the

benefits are.

The 7 Deadliest Weight Loss Mistakes

You Should Avoid At Any Cost!

Mistake #1: You're Eating Diet Food

If you are eating diet food, you should stop immediately. Why? Well, first of all, they

are not going to get you to lose weight (if you want to know why, then read the


Second, you must understand what measures the manufacturer is taking in order to

make that “regular food” into “diet food”. In order to get the right texture and taste

into their product, the manufacturer has to replace ingredients that are not “healthy”

with chemicals to make it appear real. These chemicals are definitely not healthy and

some sweeteners have even been reported to cause cancer (aspartame).

Diet food is often more expensive than regular food. A common misconception is that


this price premium is due to the fact that diet food is actually healthier. In reality

though, diet food is often mixed with chemicals to replace more natural ingredients

that are in fact cheaper for the manufacturer.

Don't be fooled by the diet industry about “Diet Food” because they are actually

going to make you gain more weight instead.

Mistake #2: Small Portions And Less Calories Intake

If you think that eating small portions will allow you to slim down, then you are

dreadfully wrong.

Body is very adaptable and it will adjust to your diet. If your intake is normally 2000

calories per day and you decide to reduce that amount to 1500, your body will

quickly adjust to that and burn only that amount of calories.

This essentially means that if you decide to eat less in hope that you're going to lose

weight, you are dead wrong.


Mistake #3: You Skip Breakfast

Skipping breakfast is a major mistake because this is literally the most important

meal in your day. After the night, your body starts suffering from a lack of food

intake and your metabolism is low. The best way to fix this is to eat a healthy (big)

breakfast, causing your metabolism to go back up.

When your metabolism is active, it will help burn energy and fats.

In short, you should never skip breakfast.

Mistake #4: Water Consumption Is Too Low

60%-70% of your body is made up of water. This is why you need to have a healthy

intake of water every day. If you are on a diet, you should keep an extra eye on the

amount because if you don't drink enough water, your body will start storing water

because it thinks that it's not going to get enough. This results in water retention


which is detrimental to your overall weight loss plans.

As an essential guide to not only lose weight but stay healthy, drink lots of water.

Mistake #5: Salad As Main Meal

Sure, salad has a smaller amount of calories. However, after you've eaten a salad

you're pretty hungry again quite soon. Hence, if you eat only a salad as your main

meal on a daily basis, you're probably lying to yourself that you don't feel hungry

during the day.

After all, a light meal does not make your metabolism burn energy as if you've eaten

a good steak! A balanced meal is in fact far more beneficial and will also help you

keep away from those snacks!

Mistake #6: You Workout Hard In Order To Lose Weight

If you believe that the harder the workout, the more weight you lose, you’re probably WEIGHT LOSS FUNNEL 16 / 23

going to end up being disappointed. Perhaps if your workout is burning 5000 calories,

then maybe it will work. But why workout so hard for minimal to zero results?

A workout is good for your overall health and it'll firm up your muscles. Nonetheless,

it doesn't get your weight down effectively enough. If you're going to the gym only to

lose weight, you should instead consider something like a good healthy walk 30

minutes per day in order to lose weight through some physical activity.

Mistake #7: You're Not Setting Any Goals

If you don't set any specific goal such as 7 pounds in two months, then you're not

going to lose weight. The truth is that setting goals is a very important part in your

weight loss journey. It's all about setting realistic goals. If you set a goal of 30 pounds

in 30 days, then it's not going to work and you'll be disappointed afterwards. Worse

still, this small failure might lead to your giving up on weight loss completely.

If you set up realistic goals that you can achieve, then it's more likely going to

happen. Once it happens, you will gain a positive experience and can set another goal

that is going to get you even closer to your ideal body weight.


7 Diet Secrets of the Stars

Celebrities always look fabulous. Whether appearing in television or films or strutting

down the red carpet during movie premiers and awards, they never cease to fascinate

us with their larger than life presence. The truth is, it takes a lot of effort to look the

way they do, and being the public figures that they are, they cannot afford to slack off

when it comes to taking care of their physical appearances. Their livelihood largely

depends on how they look. Aside from the clothes, the hair and the makeup,

celebrities have to take good care of their bodies.

So it is no surprise that these stars have their own secrets when it comes to staying fit

and gorgeous. Their health agenda can range from extreme workouts to well-planned

meals. Who doesn't want to know their secrets in staying absolutely sexy? Here are

some of the diet secrets of seven women celebrities.

1. Jennifer Aniston

The star of the phenomenal television show Friends not only mesmerized audiences

with her adorable comic sense and her famous hairstyle, she was also known for

having one of the sexiest bodies in Hollywood, as she appeared in countless

magazine covers. To stay trim, Jennifer follows the 40:30:30 diet method. The diet

consists of:


40% Low glycemic carbohydrates

-Foods such as beans, fruits and vegetables, legumes

30% lean proteins

-Tofu, fish, chicken, turkey, beef and low fat dairy products

30% essential fats

-nuts and seeds, fish and olive oils

It is essential that every meal should contain macronutrients to attain the balance of

hormones and maximum weight loss.

2. Kate Hudson

The gorgeous daughter of actress Goldie Hawn gained 60 pounds during her

pregnancy, which she needed to shed quickly before commencing on her next film.

From her previous eating plan, she switched to a higher protein diet. She consumed

high protein meals in smaller portions, and she combined this diet with an exercise

program that includes weight training and cardiovascular workouts. After getting a lot

of flak because of her post-pregnancy figure, Kate removed all that baby weight in


only four months and has gained abdominal muscles that gained the envy of many in


3. Oprah Winfrey

As one of the most successful talk-show hosts in the world, there is no question that

Oprah needs to maintain her physical appearance for her millions of audiences.

Known as one of those celebrities who are constantly battling weight gain, she has

recently toned up her figure and has never looked figure in age 50 by combining a

regular exercise regime and diet plan. Oprah works out five days a week, spending 30

minutes on the threadmill and doing free weights. Her eating plan consists of

legumes, fish, nuts, fruits and vegetables, chicken and dairy products that are lowfat.

She limits her consumption of white sugar and flour. Oprah also credits her trim

figure to her habit of not eating anything after seven in the evening.

4. Gwyneth Paltrow

A lot of people may find it hard to believe that the perpetually slim Academy award-

winning actress actually needs to diet. Gwyneth actually follows a healthy eating plan

that resembles Oprah's, avoiding sugar and white flour. She usually follows a

macrobiotic diet, eating foods like vegetables, brown rice, and lean meat. She also

eliminated dairy from her diet, and does yoga everyday.

5. Madonna

The pop star known as the Material Girl has always flaunted a body that is to die for,


and has become a true fitness paragon over the years. She keeps herself in tip-top

shape by having Ashtanga Yoga, and follows a strict diet that mostly shuns junk

foods. She adopted a macrobiotic eating plan that includes organic foods rich in lean


6. Claudia Schiffer

The bodacious German supermodel eats salad and steamed vegetables for dinner and

eats only fruits before the afternoon. While on locations, she prefers to eat black

grapes and drinks tomato juice and herbal tea.

7. Christie Brinkley

Long-time supermodel maintains her all-American good looks by being a vegetarian.

She does not keep junk foods of any kind inside her home to make sure that she does

not eat them when cravings occur. She snacks on sweet potatoes in place of candy

bars, and she adopts a liquid juice diet when she needs to slim down fast.

Celebrities are just like ordinary people. They need to maintain their figures just like

anyone else, and there is more pressure on their part since they are constantly in the

public eye. Ordinary folks can have celebrity-like bodies, too, and by following these

diet and fitness plans, they can also look like red-carpet worthy.


STEPPING OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. You must definitely want to lose weight.

If you see yourself making excuses rather than STARTING a diet that is effective, you should think

about why you don't really want to lose weight. You must be able to step out of your comfort zone



Attention Maybe you have read this report carefully, but you don’t know where

to start… You should read my second report:

Way to Lose Weight Quickly and Easily in Just

Three Weeks – Even if You Hate Exercising!

Click below to download


Final Words

I wish you good luck in your weight loss journey and I hope that this report has

cleared many unanswered questions for you!

I wish you all the best.

Jason Eden

If you have any questions please contact me at: iamjasoneden@gmail.com