Week 12 - Public Policy

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Presented by Joshua, Jeffrey

Transcript of Week 12 - Public Policy


Public PolicyJeffrey LauLi Chun Hei Joshua (52224761)(52224054)

LIN Pui Yuen Date of Presentation: 15-Nov-2010Community College of City UniversityDivision of Social StudiesAssociate Degree of Social Science in Public Administration and Management DSS 10004 Introduction to Social & Public AdminsitrationContentIntroduction of Public Policy

The Science of Muddling Through

The Seven Deadly Sins of Policy AnalystsPublic Policy Definition

Course of action by officials

Regulatory measures, laws, funding priorities

Not only to the end, decision-making and analysis as well

Includes constitutions, legislative acts, and judicial decisionsThe Science of Muddling ThroughCharles E. Lindblom2 ways to formulate policyRational-Comprehensive (Root) ()Successive Limited Comparison (Branch) ()Root vs. BranchIllustrate with examples Formulate policy with respect to inflation ()Discussion of the best method (Decision making)

Rational-Comprehensive (Root)ProcessList all related values (e.g. full employment)

Rate all possible outcomes

Require a huge inquiry and calculations into values ()

Calculate all benefits, costs, efficiency

Outline all possible policy alternatives

Undertake systematic comparison of alternatives

Rational-Comprehensive (Root)Rational-Comprehensive (Root)Consider any theory available

InflationTheory of pricesConsideration is comprehensive Strict central control () or free market ()Depends on which method fits the situation the best

Make the choice

Successive Limited Comparison (Branch)ProcessBase on HistoryContinue with PreviousSuccessive Limited Comparison (Branch)Set simple objectives without conscious thought()E.g. Maintain price level

Maybe affected by other goalsE.g. Full employment

Ignore due to not in consideration

Not even related possible values or outcomes

Successive Limited Comparison (Branch)Outline and compare a few related policy alternatives

Combine policies with objectives or valuesE.g. Higher price stability and higher risk of unemployment orLess price stability and lower risk of unemployment

No theory is applied

Depends on the record of past experience

Small policy step by step ()Successive Limited Comparison (Branch)Root vs. BranchRoot vs. BranchRoot

More mechanical process

Choose means () that best satisfied goals

All means and Values are clarified and rankedRoot vs. BranchBranch

Partially achieve their goals

Repeat the sequence endlessly

Improve accuracy of prediction

Root vs. branchRational Comprehensive (Root)Successive Limited Comparison (Branch)All values or objectives are classifiedValues and objectives are selectedBy means-end analysis, policy is formulatedLimited means-end analysis as means and ends are not distinctGood policy depends on whether it can be proved as the most appropriate means to accomplish desire endsEven different analysis is made, evidences always agree with the policy. But it does not agree that the means is appropriate to complete an agreed objectiveRoot vs BranchRational Comprehensive (Root)Successive Limited Comparison (Branch)Analysis is comprehensive(), considering every important related factorsAnalysis is limitedPossible outcomes are ignoredPotential alternative policies are neglectedImportant effected values are neglectedTheory is often heavily relied uponSuccession of comparisons are reduced and does not rely on theoryWhen problem exists, the planning has to start again form the beginningLittle changes to improve the policy, repeat step by stepReal CaseDecision-MakingComplex problems

First method is not possible

No intellectual capacities () &sources of information

Time and money are limited

Only introduce in literatures ()

Focus on research, theory, analysis

Can only be applied on simple problems

Few variables & values ()

Decision-MakingSecond method preferredMay have disadvantagesNot long-rangeMake changes only when problem happenedIgnore some other excellent policiesAdministrators become lazy or less discovery of a new method

Decision-MakingWildly used Superior to decision-makingVery familiar to the methodMore skillsBe aware of the time to extend or restrict

Decision-MakingThe Seven Deadly Sins of Policy AnalystsImprove the policy advance

A start for studying what is good adviceChanneledDistantLateSuperficialTopicalCapriciousApolitical1ChanneledGet into a rut ()

Change of circumstances

Because of bureaucratic routine

Police Force Ordinance - SECT 63Penalty on person assaulting, etc. police officer in execution of duty, or misleading officer by false informationAny person who assaults or resists any police officer acting in the execution of his duty, or aids or incites any person so to assault or resists, or refuses to assist any such officer in the execution of his duty when called upon to do so, or who, by the giving of false information with intent to defeat or delay the ends of justice, willfully misleads or attempts to mislead any such officer, shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of $5000 and to imprisonment for 6 months.(Amended 42 of 1977 s. 16) - SECT 63$50006(19774216)Offences Against The Person Ordinance - SECT 36Assault with intent to commit offence, or on police officer, etc. Any person who- (a) assaults any person with intent to commit an arrestable offence; or (b) assaults, resists, or willfully obstructs any police officer in the due execution of his duty or any person acting in aid of such officer; or (c) assaults any person with intent to resist or prevent the lawful apprehension or detainer of himself or of any other person for any offence, shall be guilty of an offence triable either summarily or upon indictment, and shall be liable to imprisonment for 2 years. (Amended 30 of 1911 ss. 2 & 5; 51 of 1911 s. 2; 22 of 1950 s. 3; 50 of 1991 s. 4) [cf. 1861 c.100 s.38 U.K.] (a)(b)(c)219113025 1911512 1950223 1991504[ 1861 c. 100 s. 38 U.K.] - SECT 362DistantBased on ignorance

Foreign policy may have different background

May not be applicable in different places

Use general solutions for specific conditions

3LateThe policy will be Wasted

Late because of data collection

Balance between accuracy and on time

4SuperficialToo quick

Do not have enough preparation

Not understand the problem deeply

5TopicalCrisis may affect our Routine

Ignore less visible issues

Not assumed crisis proportions


6CapriciousRefuse to change

Things are gel ()


ApoliticalNo political considerations

Did not take care of public demands...

R.I.P. ..Question & Answer Section Are there any other method to formulate a policy? (other than root and branch)

Do you have any example of good advice?ReferenceHong Kong Ordinances. (2010). HKLII. Retrieved November 12, 2010, from http://www.hklii.hk/hk/legis/en/ord/index.shtml.. (2008). Ming Pao. Retrieved November 12, 2010, from http://life.mingpao.com/cfm/dailynews3b.cfm?File=20081128/nalta/tak2.txt.Shafritz, Jay M., Albert C. Hyde (ed.) (1992) Classics of Public Administration, 3rd ed., Pacific Grove, California : Brooks/Cole Publishing58The EndMMX