Week 11 multi strands

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Week 11 multi strands

In Their Shoes

8P24Week 11

Professional Learning Conversations

• Visual Resources• Infographic Learning Object • https://www.thinglink.com/scene/844420896


Marcel the Shell With Shoes On


Sharing your Point of View Stories

• At your table share the draft of the story/cartoon/puppet show etc. that you created in the last class

• As a group, record the various points of view or perspectives provided by your table members

• Consider sharing your piece with the whole class

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skinand walk around in it.”

Atticus Finch, To Kill a Mockingbird

All About Shoes

• http://www.allaboutshoes.ca/en/

Truth & Reconciliation

What is the meaning of ab- ?

aboriginal abscond abnormal abet absentabominableabscessabhorrentabandon

word-forming element meaning "away, from, from off, down;" from Latin ab-, ab "off, away from," from PIE root *apo- (see apo-).

Ab- | Define Ab- at Dictionary.comwww.dictionary.com/browse/ab-

Meaning of prefix ab-


• Indigenous | Define Indigenous at Dictionary.com

• www.dictionary.com/browse/indigenous• 1640s, from Late Latin indigenus "born in a

country, native," from Latin indigena "sprung from the land," as a noun, "a native," literally "in-born," or "born in (a place)," from Old Latin indu "in, within" (earlier endo) + *gene-, root of gignere (perf. genui) "beget," from PIE *gen- "produce" (see genus).

Truth and Reconciliation

• Shannon’s Dream

• https://www.nfb.ca/film/sisters_brothers/

• https://fncaringsociety.com/shannens-dream

For Next Week

• No postings to Sakai• Select a poem to share with others:– A favourite poem of yoursOr- A poem that would be suitable to share with a JI


- Be prepared to explain why you chose this poem