Week 10 lecture insights

Post on 31-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Week 10 lecture insights


Stuff we’ll cover this week...

What is an insight?!?!

Eureka moments and Einsichts

Why planners need insights – David Ogilvy

Why creatives need insights – Bill Bernbach

Why you need to do research and gain insights

Where to look for insights

Where insights come from – lots of Cs

Where insights come from – Classical Planning

Where insights come from – Radical Planning



DOWN SIGHTS: Hartley’s

A standard insight checklist

How insights fit together

Creating the right conditions for insights

Insight versus Interesting

Information into Insights – Order your thoughts

Information into Insights - PETER

Information into Insights - PETER

Information into Insights - PETER

Consumer Insight Golden Rules

Beware simple demographics – they tell you nothing

The interesting pen portrait

The insightful pen portrait – Get amongst it!

Pen Portrait Template

Day In The Life: Communications Planning Tool

Where quantitative insights have changed the brief

Where qualitative insights have changed the brief

Some reading

What can we learn about people?