Website presentation

Post on 10-May-2015

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Transcript of Website presentation

My Review on Three Websites

A blog which developed into a community with a forum, which now sells car parts online.

- Neutral colours, except for highlighted areas in their signature orange colour.

- I liked the clear, simple information like the phone number and email.

The layout of the individual products that they list is good as it is clear and simple, something

which I find lots of online shops fail at.

On the blog section of Driftworks you can see a table layout being used to display different videos you can watch, under the three different

categories. This helps people view the kind of video they would prefer.

Overall I think the Driftworks website does its job well, the main page is maybe a little too cluttered but it shows the information it needs to simply.

The blog area is neatly arranged as is the forum.



Tumblr is a blogging website which lets its users post text, images, links and video on their own blog. One of the main design features of Tumblr is its simple looks.

It has a neutral colour scheme, just using different variations of blue and greys, and they have kept the look clean and uncluttered which makes it easier to use.

One thing I don’t like about the design of Tumblr is that its unorganized. I would like the option of re-ordering my posts or grouping posts together in categories.

The post editor itself is useful, things like text size

and colour would be better if they were easier to edit, but it

can be customised in the HTML editing bit.

Overall Tumblr keeps it simple, and is much better for it. It always looks fresh. At the top, center of the page the 7 icons display the different types

of media you can post, which is a nice touch.

Steampowered or simply “Steam” is a provider of digitally distributed games,

developed by Valve Corporation.

One of its best features is rich colour, often using high resolution pictures to

advertise deals or new releases.

It also is relatively free of much text, just using short titles to keep it simple.

The website emphasises deals that they have on, often offering huge discounts, they use

colour to make these deals stand out.

The colours of the layout itself is quite bland and grey, but I think this is intentionally done

to draw attention to the key information.

Another thing this website does it generate suggestions for games, based on games you play already. This is a good selling technique

as they can target to your exact tastes.

Overall I think Steam does need a refresh with its appearance, the grey is quite dreary and some of the website is cluttered or hard to read.

Google, as you know, is a huge corporation, known best for its search engine.

One of the best things about Google is the simplicity, which has been kept ever since it was first released. You can see below that if anything, its become simpler.



They have added more features to the search engine, as can be seen to the left.

Things like Google+ integration have been subtly added, in the form of a small black bar along the top of the page, clearly

designed to cause minimal change to the simple look.

Overall Googles appearance has been kept minimal, and is all the best for it, probably a main reason why they are so huge today.