Webinar: Faster Log Indexing with Fusion

Post on 03-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Webinar: Faster Log Indexing with Fusion

GC Tuning

Call for Papers open through May 8 lucenerevolution.org

October 13-16 � Austin, TX

•  Time-based partitioning scheme

•  Transient collections for high-volume indexing

•  Schema design considerations

•  Q&A

Webinar: Fast Log Indexing with Fusion / Solr

Large-scale log analytics •  Index billions of log events per day, near real-time

•  Analyze logs over time: today, recent, past week, past 30 days, …

•  Easy to use dashboards to visualize common

questions and allow for ad hoc analysis •  Ability to scale linearly as business grows …

with sub-linear growth in costs!

•  Easy to setup, easy to manage, easy to use

•  Combines the power of open source Solr, Logstash, Kibana, and more to deliver a feature rich UI for search and data visualization.

•  Gives user the power to perform ad hoc search and analysis on massive amounts of multi-structured and time series data stored in Solr.

•  Users can quickly transform results into sharable visualizations and dashboards.

Lucidworks Fusion Dashboard

Why Fusion / Solr for Log Analytics? •  Speed

•  Proven scalability

•  Community

•  Cost effective

Fusion Collection A collection is a distributed index defined by:

•  configuration stored in ZooKeeper (schema.xml, solrconfig.xml, …)

•  one or more shards: documents are distributed across N partitions of the index

•  document routing strategy: how documents get assigned to shards

•  replication factor: how many copies of each document in the collection

•  replica placement strategy: rack awareness, etc (see SOLR-6620)

Sharding increases parallelism during indexing and query execution Replication enables load-balancing and fault-tolerance


Fusion Log Analytics Dashboard

logs_feb26 (daily collection)

logs_feb25 (daily collection)

logs_feb01 (daily collection)

h00 (shard)

h22 (shard)

h23 (shard)

h00 (shard)

h22 (shard)

h23 (shard)

Add replicas to support higher query volume & fault-tolerance

recent_logs (colllection alias)

Use a collection alias to make multiple collections look like a

single collection; minimize exposure to partitioning strategy in client layer

Every daily collection has 24 shards (h00-h23), each covering 1-hour blocks of log messages

Time-based Data Partitioning Scheme

Time-based Data Partitioning Benefits •  Optimizing read performance for write-once, read-many-times

type data

•  Recent data stays “hot” in Solr memory-based caches and OS cache

•  Queries can be directed to specific partitions based on time range filters Show me errors occurring in my database layer in the past 10 minutes Visualize activity for the past 2 hours …

•  Easy to drop or move older data to more cost-effective hardware

•  Easier to scale-out by adding more nodes, no shard-splitting, rebalancing, or reindexing

But …

Time-based Data Partitioning Limitations •  Indexing into a single hourly shard cannot keep up with write-volume

•  15-20K docs/sec per shard is normal

•  Not unusual to need an avg. of 50K docs/sec with ability to scale to 120K

•  Shard being written to would be a hotspot that would hurt query performance

•  Partitioning details exposed to indexing applications

logs_feb26 (daily collection)

logs_feb25 (daily collection)

logs_feb01 (daily collection)

h00 (shard)

h22 (shard)

h23 (shard)

recent_logs (colllection alias)

Time-based Data Partitioning with Transient Collection

shard4 shard3

shard2 shard1

Latest 1-hour shard gets built from

merging shards at time bucket boundary

logs_feb26_h23 (transient collection)

current_log_writer (colllection alias)

log indexing app (logstash, flume) current_log_writer collection alias

rolls over to a new transient collection every hour; the shards in the transient collection are merged into the 1-hour

shard and added to the daily collection

Transient Collection Highlights •  Hash-based document routing across all shards

•  Scale up the number of shards to meet peak write-volume reqts.

•  Indexing applications write to an alias, e.g. “current_log_writer”

•  Rollover to a new transient collection every hour

•  Use Solr merge index support to create a single, immutable hourly shard

•  Read alias includes current transient collection (to query very recent data)

•  Achieved >120K docs per second with replication in a cluster with 20 servers

Direct Updates to Leaders

server-side client-side

logs_feb26 (daily collection)

logs_feb25 (daily collection)

h00 (shard)

h22 (shard)

h23 (shard)

recent_logs (colllection alias)

Merge Transient Collection into Daily Collection

current_log_writer (colllection alias)

log indexing app (logstash, flume)

shard4 shard3

shard2 shard1

logs_feb26_h23 (transient collection)

logs_feb27_h00 (transient collection)

h23 (shard)

2015-02-27 00:00:00

Solr merge

Nuts and Bolts •  Most features are provided out-of-the-box with Fusion

- Connectors - Banana Dashboard - SolrCloud & Solr Scale Toolkit - Collection Management - Monitoring, security, etc …

•  Transient collection rollover - Custom Solr UpdateRequestProcessor - Creates new transient collection when needed - Updates collection aliases (reads and writes) - Tricky in a distributed cluster, uses ZooKeeper to coordinate

•  Merge transient shards into single hourly shard - Custom Python script - Pulls shards from transient collection to a single host (throttled) - Runs Solr merge to create 1 index from many shards - Activates new hourly shard & removes old transient - Adds replicas for new hourly shard

Moving older data to less expensive storage •  SSD preferred for recent data, older data can be on “spinning rust” •  Move older data off SSD to slower disks

- ADDREPLICA API to add new replica on another host - Solr 5+ supports throttling replication transfer speed

- or, simply scp –l 500 … (-l for limit copy at 0.5 Mbit/s)

Schema Design •  At large scale, disk (SSD) and memory are still expensive!

•  Balance flexibility with performance and efficiency (disk usage)

•  Fast unique IDs Use UUID v1 if possible: http://johannburkard.de/software/uuid/ http://blog.mikemccandless.com/2014/05/choosing-fast-unique-identifier-uuid.html

•  DocValues for fields that you facet and sort on frequently

•  Trie-based date for range queries

•  Catch all text field for improved recall

DocValues •  Faster sorting and faceting, both of which are used extensively in log analytics

•  Column-oriented view of a field in a Solr index (uninverted)

•  Disk & OS cache vs. Java Heap “… we tuned everything about the default codec to keep all the data structures on disk but still be fast.” Robert Muir, Lucene/Solr Committer, LUCENE-5761

•  Helps reduce pressure on Java GC

GC Tuning

•  Dashboards put a lot of pressure on the Java GC

•  Stop-the-world GC pauses can lead to ZooKeeper session expiration (which is always bad)

•  Good success with 32gb max heap (-Xmx32g) but have to tune it …

•  MMapDirectory relies on sufficient memory available to the OS cache (off-heap)

•  Enable verbose GC logging (even in prod) so you can troubleshoot issues:

-­‐verbose:gc  –Xloggc:gc.log  -­‐XX:+PrintHeapAtGC  -­‐XX:+PrintGCDetails  \  -­‐XX:+PrintGCDateStamps  -­‐XX:+PrintGCCause  \  -­‐XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution  -­‐XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime  

GC Tuning -­‐XX:CMSTriggerPermRatio=80  

-­‐XX:CMSFullGCsBeforeCompaction=1  -­‐XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled  -­‐XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled  

-­‐XX:CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanTime=6000  -­‐XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=50  -­‐XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly  -­‐XX:PretenureSizeThreshold=128m  -­‐XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark  

-­‐XX:ParallelGCThreads=9  -­‐XX:ConcGCThreads=9  -­‐XX:+UseParNewGC  

-­‐XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC  -­‐XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=12  -­‐XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90  

-­‐XX:SurvivorRatio=6  -­‐XX:NewRatio=5  

-­‐Xmx32g  -­‐Xms16g  -­‐Xss256k  

Thank you.

Download Fusion: http://lucidworks.com/fusion/ Webinar recording will be available soon.
