
Post on 19-Nov-2015

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Transcript of Weber,R1

Dr. Ahmed[Date]Page 2Drew WeberDr. Ahmed[Title]Dear Dr. Ahmed:The purpose of this report is to explore the problems that occurs in graduates of college and university after they complete their degree, in this case in computing sciences. When students graduate they often find themselves lost with no clue what to do. This report will provide information on what happens after graduation and ideas to improve graduates experiences.After graduationLike many students I often find myself wondering what I will do once I graduate. This resulted in me researching what happens to other graduates and the results are quite surprising. After spending large sums of money as well as time graduate students often first try to find themselves a job, only to be told that they first need more work experience in their field of study. This leads them into having to work low paying less desirable jobs to help further there experience in the industry. Well trying to pay off their loans that they used to pay for their education and paying for living expenses, graduates often take many years to pay back there debt. After several years some will find themselves a modestly paying job and start paying off their debt, well others spend years getting close to minimum wedge. Well completing a post education degree makes you look more distinguished, it often puts you behind. Well graduates are spending time getting work experience and attempting to pay off their student debt, others that did not choose to further their education already have the work experience and decently paying jobs. This leads graduates often years and thousands behind.

ProposalEmployers are often looking for experience over education, as learning extends beyond the classroom. Recently cooperative programs have seen great popularity as they provide work experience as well as decently paying work well still going to work. Unfortunately many areas of study do not have these opportunities. With field trips to various areas, students will be able to gain relationships and insights into jobs in their fields. Many businesses are interested in finding Field trips

ConclusionWe request that you replace this check with a cash or money order payment immediately.Unless we receive good funds for said amount within [number] days, we will begin appropriate legal action.Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.Sincerely,Drew Weber[Title]Certified mail, return receipt requested