Web123 SEO Tips For Improving Site Performance-10-20-2011

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Transcript of Web123 SEO Tips For Improving Site Performance-10-20-2011

5 SEO Tips for Improving Your Site Performance Strategies for staying one step ahead of the rest

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Details at end of webinar.

Housekeeping Items



What‟s at Stake Search engine use is growing rapidly

Currently, there are more

than 3 billion

searches/day on Google

Courtesy: SEOmoz



Source : Jupiter Research, 2010

If you are not on the 1st page, you are invisible to most searchers

Search Engine User Behavior



Developed by Avinash Kaushik, this process helps to identify the “critical few” metrics for your business and take action on them.

The Web Metrics Lifecycle



Analyze Action

Improve or Eliminate

Source: “Web Analytics 2.0,” Avinash Kaushik



Nov „09–Feb „10 Nov „10-Feb „11 Difference

Pages/Visit 4.9 4.5 -0.4

Bounce Rate 48.2% 47.0% -1.2%

Avg Time on Site 5:49 5:23 -0:26

Compared to a year ago, websites have seen reduced pages per visit, average time on site, as well as bounce rate.

Web Metrics Overview



1 Traffic Sources Overview of different sources that send traffic to your site

2 Bounce Rate A critical measure of webpage’s relevance to a visitor

3 Time Spent on Website Metric used to assess visitor engagement and site usage

4 Conversion Rate Helps to measure outcomes, i.e. did visitor perform our intended action?

5 Tracking Results and Measuring ROI 360 tracking from keyword search to closed deal

Webinar Agenda: Metrics We‟ll Cover



1 Traffic Sources Overview of different sources that send traffic to your site

2 Bounce Rate A critical measure of webpage’s relevance to a visitor

3 Time Spent on Website Metric used to assess visitor engagement and site usage

4 Conversion Rate Helps to measure outcomes, i.e. did visitor perform our intended action?

5 Tracking Results and Measuring ROI 360 tracking from keyword search to closed deal

Webinar Agenda: Metrics We‟ll Cover



Overview of the different kinds of sources that send traffic to your site

Metric Defined: Traffic Sources



The better you understand where your traffic comes from, you can gain insight into what kind of people are coming and why

Why This Metric Matters: Traffic Sources



% Visits from

Sources Nov „09–Feb „10 Nov „10-Feb „11 Difference

Direct 36.5% 36.8% +0.3%

Referral 21.0% 19.4% -1.6%

Search Engines 27.0% 28.0% +1.0%

Other 15.5% 15.8% +0.3%

Direct traffic continues to lead the way at nearly 37% of overall traffic. Search engine traffic grew the most during same period YOY.

Google Benchmark Results: Traffic Sources



Investigate Google Insights to compare long-term trends: www.google.com/insights/search

Recommendation #1: Improving “Traffic Sources”



Select a mix of both “head match” and “long tail” keywords

Recommendation #1: Improving “Traffic Sources”



1 Traffic Sources Overview of different sources that send traffic to your site

2 Bounce Rate A critical measure of webpage’s relevance to a visitor

3 Time Spent on Website Metric used to assess visitor engagement and site usage

4 Conversion Rate Helps to measure outcomes, i.e. did visitor perform our intended action?

5 Tracking Results and Measuring ROI 360 tracking from keyword search to closed deal

Webinar Agenda: Metrics We‟ll Cover



The percentage of single-page visits, i.e. visits in which the person left your site from the entrance page

Metric Defined: Bounce Rate



Bounce Rate is an important measure of relevance

Why This Metric Matters: Bounce Rate

Bounce Rate is a great metric because…

It is hard to misunderstand

It is actionable, especially for identifying low-

hanging fruit

It measures customer behavior



Average bounce hovers around 50%, i.e. half of visitors arrive on your website and leave with visiting any other pages

Google Benchmark Results: Bounce Rate



Develop a mapping document that targets 3-5 keywords per page

Recommendation #2: Improving “Bounce Rate”



1 Traffic Sources Overview of different sources that send traffic to your site

2 Bounce Rate A critical measure of webpage’s relevance to a visitor

3 Time Spent on Website Metric used to assess visitor engagement and site usage

4 Conversion Rate Helps to measure outcomes, i.e. did visitor perform our intended action?

5 Tracking Results and Measuring ROI 360 tracking from keyword search to closed deal

Webinar Agenda: Metrics We‟ll Cover



Represents how long people stayed on your site

Metric Defined: Average Time on Site

Cumulative Time Spent on

Website by All Visitors

Total Number of Visitors

Average Time

on Site



Average Time on Site is an important measure of engagement

Why This Metric Matters: Average Time on Site

Time on Site is a great metric because…

It speaks to the stickiness of your content

It measures customer behavior

It is easy to understand



Average time on site dropped to 5:23 in the 2010-2011 sample period – a drop of 26 seconds from prior period

Google Benchmark Results: Average Time on Site



Recommendation #3: Improving “Avg Time on Site”

Consider your site’s thematic structure

• Thematically Group Pages

Around Keywords

• Link Pages Within The Same

Groups To Further Strengthen

Theme of Website

• Take advantage of

breadcrumb and footer link

navigational elements




Other Relevant Internal Pages

Mobile SMB Enterprise



1 Traffic Sources Overview of different sources that send traffic to your site

2 Bounce Rate A critical measure of webpage’s relevance to a visitor

3 Time Spent on Website Metric used to assess visitor engagement and site usage

4 Conversion Rate Helps to measure outcomes, i.e. did visitor perform our intended action?

5 Tracking Results and Measuring ROI 360 tracking from keyword search to closed deal

Webinar Agenda: Metrics We‟ll Cover



One of digital marketer’s favorite metrics for measuring outcomes

Metric Defined: Conversion Rate

Ask Yourself: How many visitors completed your intended action?

Outcomes (leads, sales,

form fill outs, etc.)

Total Number of Visits





Conversion Rate helps us prove the value of our digital marketing investment

Why This Metric Matters: Conversion Rate

Conversion Rate is a great metric because…

Compared to most online metrics, it is one of the

closest to actual business outcomes

It can be optimized for and improved!

It measures if our visitors are performing our

intended actions on the website



Conversion rates vary by country, with the US conversion rate being approximately 1%

Google Benchmark Results: Conversion Rate



Implement goal tracking and study your analytics

Recommendation #4: Improving “Conversion Rate”

Set up Goals

• Define conversions for your business goals

• Set your goal values

• Analyze which keywords are leading to more

conversions and work to strengthen them in your

links and content

• Consider removing poor-performing keywords from

your campaign

• Observe where visitors abandon the goal path and

analyze the data to determine why



1 Traffic Sources Overview of different sources that send traffic to your site

2 Bounce Rate A critical measure of webpage’s relevance to a visitor

3 Time Spent on Website Metric used to assess visitor engagement and site usage

4 Conversion Rate Helps to measure outcomes, i.e. did visitor perform our intended action?

5 Tracking Results and Measuring ROI 360 tracking from keyword search to closed deal

Webinar Agenda: Metrics We‟ll Cover



5 Search Marketing and the Complex Sale

Source: http://hbr.org/2010/12/branding-in-the-digital-age/sb1

Then: The Funnel Metaphor



5 Search Marketing and the Complex Sale Now: The Customer Decision Journey

Source: http://hbr.org/2010/12/branding-in-the-digital-age/sb1



5 “Typical” Visitor Path Does Not Exist! Prospects arrive through a variety of digital channels: SEO, paid ads,

remarketing, display, referral, social, and more.



Online attribution management tools can close the loop from first touch to closed deal

Allows for 360 tracking from initial keyword search to closed opportunity by uncovering

data from Analytics and CRM into unified view.

5 How to Measure ROI



5 Why Digital Marketers Need This Full Funnel Digital Visibility

- Most marketers would

attribute sales to last

touch, i.e. “closers”

- Reality is that there are several

touch points before the “closer”

that influenced the purchase


- Marketing currently gets no

credit for these!



• SEO is Constantly Evolving: Take advantage of tools and resources

(many of them free!) to stay up to date on latest search marketing trends.

• Know Your Goals: Regardless of tactics utilized, don’t lose site of

overall strategy and expected outcomes.

• Prove the ROI: Continue to demonstrate the ROI of digital marketing by

measuring outcomes and reallocating budget to highest performing


Key Takeaways

Thank You!



Contact Us about Qualifying for a Complimentary Analysis

-Competitive Report: find out where you rank against your top

competitors and what tactics they’re employing

-Opportunity Analysis: learn how to improve your Digital Marketing

Strategy and see how much opportunity is available for your company

-ROI Tracking: detailing the keywords and sources that visitors are using

to discover your website and if those visitors are converting into leads and


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